A Word Of Warning

Filed in National by on September 15, 2010

Delaware Liberal is about to get deluged. A Christine O’Donnell win means her crazed supporters are feeling powerful and now that Chris Coons is the one standing in the way of her annointment their eyes will turn to us. I don’t know how much you followed what happened on the Delaware Tomorrow blog but they practically had to shut down for a while because of harassment of O’Donnell supporters and one blogger was even driven off of the blog.

If you’re posting here under your name, I strongly suggest you use a pseudonym. Of course, this decision is up to you. Also, we will lower any tolerance for “outing” behavior. No more “you sound like X” or “I know where you live” type of statements. People need to come here to discuss things without worrying that political feuds are going to spill over into real life. Just be careful about revealing information about posters who you may know.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (24)

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  1. Aoine says:

    and remember – she has at least one convicted criminal in her campaign – very close to her

    take that advice and take it seriously….

  2. pandora says:

    Wise words, UI. What these thugs did to Delaware Tomorrow was vile. Use a pseudonym.

  3. anon says:

    Just be careful about revealing information about posters who you may know.

    But we can still reveal when we spot a Mike Protack sock puppet, right?

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    And I will lower my tolerance for any kind of violent threats. To zero. Online and off line. We know that Christine O’Donnell’s campaign team is made up entirely of nothing to lose thugs. We have seen the video.

  5. anonone says:

    I know! Let’s have a burn a Tea Bag day!

  6. Jason330 says:

    That’s a good policy for the duration DD. These Republicans are fanatics who have no sense of decency and are not bound by any rules or traditions of civil discourse. The hate and fanatiscm has plenty of venues, this need not be one of them.

  7. Jason330 says:

    A1. They are Republicans. I think we should stop giving them shelter under the term Tbaggers.

  8. anonone says:

    Jason wrote “are not bound by any rules or traditions of civil discourse”

    LOL Next you’ll be writing that they’re not bound by the rules of spelling. 🙂

  9. Brooke says:

    That’s pretty scary, UI. 🙁

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    Yeh, really scary–me, use a pseudonym?

  11. Aoine says:

    But can I still have fun with my off-color stuff – I mean O’Donnell have given me sooo much good material…..

    like the new slogan – “Don’t vote for the whack Job!”

    and other things I have planned……

  12. pandora says:

    Use a pseudonym, Joanne. These guys are scary nuts.

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    Thanks Pandora–under consideration and counsel right now:) !

  14. MJ says:

    Also, any, and I mean any, threats anyone receives, especially via email, should be turned over to the Police. If they use email, it’s a Federal crime.

  15. anon says:

    The harassment you guys are in for is nothing compared to the barrage of lies and threats on their way to Chris Coons.

    Not only did O’Donnell and her thugs lie about Castle’s personal life and his voting record, they riled up their crazies to the point where Tom Ross had to send his family out of state.

    And think about this: O’Donnell lied in a radio interview with Dan Gaffney, and her supporters turned around and blamed GAFFNEY. She didn’t lie, he was on the take. She didn’t have bad finances, Ginger Gibson slandered her.

    This is crazy world, there is no rational thought, there are no boundaries and her supporters have publicly stated that if they have to lie to take out the competition, it’s just fine, because anyone against O’Donnell is a threat to our nation’s sovereignty.

    Good luck.

  16. Venus says:

    Kinda makes me grateful for the 2nd amendment after all.

  17. Auntie Dem says:

    Batten down the hatches. I don’t want any of my friends to receive threats.

  18. heragain says:

    Why, Venus, are you planning to join a well-regulated militia?

  19. Allen Pryce says:

    I am not scared of these people. when you act scared of the terrorists, the terrorists win. I will not sacrifice my freedom of opinion because a gang of J.V klansmen want to fight for the honor of their born-again virgin.
    as far as quickly deleting the crap they will post, I disagree. Shine a light on them. If I didn’t think it would gin up a bunch of idiots who want to get noticed, i would say don’t delete the sure-to-come violent comments, but compile them. re post them. Make sure anyone can see into the minds of these people.
    If we change our behaivor for them, we have lost.
    This insurgency is in its last throes. The beast is dying and thrashing about and making a lot of noise as it draws its final breaths. It will get a few good hits in with what energy is left. As with all animals it is most dangerous when it is wounded. stay strong my brothers and sisters.

  20. Aoine says:

    and remember – as far as they are concerned a “bullet to the brain” is what the GOP and its supporters and officials deserve – what then do we deserve??

    thanks God for big mean dogs!!

  21. Poster formerly known as Brian Shields says:

    Fuck the pseudonym. If they believe in the Constitution as much as they say they do they can suck on the First Amendment and kiss my ass.

  22. Jason330 says:

    Allen, very noble. Just remember that unlike O’Doneell, liberal bloggers have jobs and families that love them.

  23. Aoine says:

    Poster dear….. did you get my tweet re your rock??? liked the tweet this AM – cute

    plz call that number

    However…..they believe in the Constitution – but only as they interpert it and how it ONLY applies to THEM…

    for example: they can burn Qur’ans but you cannot burn the flag

    they bypass the 1st tho a lot – and go right to the 2nd
    and that is what makes them scary…..

  24. A. Price says:

    this is all kind of silly right now.
    While Allen makes a very good, and probably very handsome point in what i can only assume is a sexy voice, (pause for laughter) We are putting the cart before the right wing bat-shit crazy horse.

    yes, we know the Teabags history or threatening violence, yes we know their history of having the first amendment only apply to them. Yes we know they have now decided O’Dumbass is the next Queen of the senate.
    But let’s not gin up any fake fear of these silly mongels. We should make sure all the fear for them is all on them.