Delaware Liberal

Urquhart Wants You To Remember…He’s Crazy Too

Christine O’Donnell has been getting a lot of attention for her many years of crazy statements on television. Glen Urquhart doesn’t have a long television archive to study but Glen Urquhart is just as crazy as Christine O’Donnell.

“Do you know where does this phrase ‘separation of church and state’ come from…does anybody know…I told you…actually that exact phrase is not in Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists…he was reassuring them that the federal government wouldn’t trample on their religion…the exact phrase ‘separation of church and state’ came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth…that’s where it comes from…the next time your liberal friends talk about ‘separation of church and state’ ask them why they’re Nazis.” – Congressional Candidate Glen Urquhart, April 2010.

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