Why Should Women Support O’Donnell?

Filed in National by on September 16, 2010

It seems to be a matter taken on faith that women support Christine O’Donnell. I’ve heard it said by pundits like Chris Matthews and several posters here. O’Donnell herself says she’s going after the support of “Hillary Democrats” even though O’Donnell opposes almost everything Hillary stands for. Of course the polling data gives a lie to the idea that women support O’Donnell.

O’Donnell Favorability

Men Favorable…33% Unfavorable…49% Not Sure…18%
Women Favorable…24% Unfavorable…52% Not Sure…24%

That makes O’Donnell’s net favorability with men -16 and -28 with women. Hmmm….for some reason women dislike her. Perhaps this kind of talk could be one reason?

O’Donnell, when asked by the moderator whether taxpayer-funded, single-sex military institutions were constitutional, said:

I think they’re definitely constitutional and I think they’re vital to the security of our country and to the defense of our country. By integrating women into particularly military institutes, it cripples the readiness of our defense. Schools like The Citadel train young men to confidently lead other young men into a battlefield where one of them will die. And when you have women in that situation, it creates a whole new set of dynamics which are distracting to training these men to kill or be killed. And these dynamics between men and women are what make the relationship between men and women beautiful. So I don’t think that we should try to desensitize men to the differences.

In response to a critique of sex discrimination by Hannah Olanoff of the National Organization for Women, O’Donnell replied, “It’s an honor to be a lady. That’s a beautiful part of womanhood is to be ladylike.” She insisted that West Point “has had to lower their standards … in order for men and women to compete.” By lowering standards, she added, “we have reduced the effectiveness of our military.”

She continued, “You will cripple the defense of our country if you lower the standards at all.”

O’Donnell further claimed that women have a special role in society, just not in military combat, citing the special role of mothers. “When you remove the role of the mother, the family is left to crumble,” she said, blaming even declining SAT scores on this alleged phenomenon.

According to Christine O’Donnell, women hurt our military and are also making America dumber. This could be the reason that O’Donnell’s net unfavorability with women is twice as high as with men.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (17)

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  1. anon says:

    Good Christ, you people have been unloading on her today. Don’t you want to save some stuff?

  2. delacrat says:

    Christine is opposed to women in military because it “cripple the readiness” to kill brown foreigners, not because women in the military stand a 30% chance of being raped.

  3. V says:

    Obviously you’re wrong UI. Women don’t like Christine for the same reason they don’t like Sarah. They’re jealous of how pretty she is.

    At least that’s the theory I usually hear from conservative men. You know, because women are incapable of serious thought without being interrupted by shiny things. We couldn’t have a factual opinion based on research. Abandon that now, I heard there’s a shoe sale this weekend.

  4. heragain says:

    I don’t know why we continue to give bandwidth to this absurdity. If this was a science blog, would you all be including in every post “Of course, some people still claim the earth is flat.” ?

    No, you wouldn’t. You’d rightly conclude that republishing nonsense only spreads it, and that it isn’t necessary to contest claims that have already been settled with actual numbers.

    Tweety knows nothing about women. You do.

  5. anononthisone says:

    Quoting dumb stuff that she said isn’t claiming the earth is flat – it is calling a duck a duck. She should be held accountable for all of her wack-a-do positions.

  6. ronh says:

    We know why men like her. It’s not that women are jealous…they’re just not duped. Moderate women will support Coons in droves.

  7. heragain says:

    It’s not her position. It’s this ‘women love her” meme. Not true. Next item.

  8. whodunnit says:

    Men like her cuz she claims to be a virgin! Women hate her because she would take women back 100 years.

  9. Yea right says:

    Delacrat.. I think that’s all part of the argument whether stated or unstated.. it creates a new “dynamic” that distracts from their purpose there.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Here I am, live from the JCC

  11. Michelle says:

    I don’t know about any other women or feminists, but I hate her because she used to be a spokeswoman for Ladies Against Women Concerned Women for America. But there are so many other good reasons!

    I had actually never heard the meme before, but thank you for refuting it. I doubt it’ll keep people from repeating the falsehood, but it’s still nice to know.

    Aren’t women more liberal than men in general?

  12. Whybother says:

    I think there’s quite a few liberal members of the armed force that would agree with her opinion that women in the field screw things up. I was talking to a marine that did time in Iraq and Afghanistan and the way he put it was that when you go through training, you get broken down, and people wind up hooking up, which causes all sorts of rivalries. He also said that without question he felt safer going into battle with a man rather than a woman. We’re different, it’s just the way nature is.

  13. a. price says:

    first of all, what makes you think “quite a few liberals” would hold such a sexist position?
    second, i totally agree. we should make a decision for our entire military based on one guy who couldn’t control his boner and was sad because no one would sleep with him. (i dont agree)

  14. orestes says:

    I have talked to many republican women who can’t abide O’Donnell. These are strong independent women who are responsible, pay their own bills, and don’t expect men to bail them out.

    The O’Donnell personal record reminds them of women who expect men to pay their freight whenever certain women fail. Every hair flip and attempt to claim victim status by O’Donnell gets their dander up.

  15. Miscreant says:

    “The O’Donnell personal record reminds them of women who expect men to pay their freight whenever certain women fail.”

    O’Donnell expects men to pay her freight? Should you ever decide to return, have a safe journey on your flight back to reality.

  16. Joe Cass says:

    Dear Lil’ Mis
    Waited for you yesterday.

  17. Whybother says:

    Actually A.price, this guy had a smoking hot blonde on his arm at the time, and he said his view wasn’t that uncommon among other enlisted men. Now of course, he is just one man, I’m not saying the decision should be made based on his opinion. I think it is worth nothing that about 99% of soldiers throughout history have been men, so there may be something in that fact that speaks to the different natures of men and women.

    I don’t appreciate your sarcasm, by the way. I find it rude.