O’Donnell Cancels Appearance on Face the Nation

Filed in National by on September 18, 2010

But she will be on Fox News, obviously taking Sarah Palin’s advice. Like Sarah, Christine cannot answer even the slightest objective question, like what newspapers she reads. I wonder if Christine can see Russia from Delaware.

From Bob Schieffer’s Twitter:

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  1. pandora says:

    It’s her best chance of winning. Hopefully, she won’t get away with it, but that would require a functioning press.

  2. I’m getting seriously mad that the media is giving all this free publicity to Christine O’Donnell. Why did Face the Nation not invite Chris Coons on their show?

  3. anon says:

    Because she’s the flavor of the moment, UI. That’s the way the news media works. Deal with it.

    If Coons wants to get huge publicity, he needs to do something big … like insult Joe to his face, call Obama a Kenyan or start practicing witchcraft.

  4. Hey I’m willing to go on TV and bash O’Donnell. Face the Nation, interested?

  5. pandora says:

    The Tea Party owes everything they are to our lazy media who couldn’t care less about issues or substance. Why discuss the health care bill when it’s so much easier to cover people screaming “death panels.” Why cover the stimulus when you can cover people screaming “socialist!” Why do any investigative work when you can simply go read Sarah Palin’s Facebook page or Twitter.

    The press in this country is the biggest part of the problem.

  6. heragain says:

    This is what we’re up against, folks. Chris won’t win the media war. They’re not on our side and he can’t afford to buy them.

    We’ll win this the hard way, door to door.

  7. anon says:

    Good Christ Almighty.

    She canceled her Fox appearance TO ATTEND the Sussex Republican event.

  8. heragain says:

    Not big enough cameras.

  9. newanon says:

    I am not too familiar with twitter, but would it be possible to reply to Bob Schieffer’s tweet about her cancellation and ask why they didn’t replace her with Coons – this week or next? Or ask when they plan to have him on? I know it is about ratings, but why should she get all the free publicity? Why not bombard twitter with proposals that the Sunday shows choose a handful of key/ interesting races (DE-Sen being one) and invite the candidates from both parties -try to get the media to do its job and highlight that cowards from either party who wont make joint appearances to answer questions on respected programs deserve to be named and shamed. I may be naive (particularly about the Sunday show bookings considering how many times they think we need to hear from John McCain) but it seems to me that enough interest might force them to think about their bookings for the weeks leading to the election. Chris Coons would have nothing to lose from facing her on such a program or showing up if she refused to. My impression is that conservatives use twitter to gin things up all the time – why can’t Democrats do the same?

  10. I’ve already asked him newanon. Just go on Twitter and start your tweet with @bobschieffer You could also send an email to CBS News and perhaps call them too.

  11. MJ says:

    The Sussex Rethuglican picnic doesn’t begin until 2:00 PM, plenty of time to go to DC and do FTN and get back in time for the cross burning.

  12. bubble bubble toil and trouble