O’Donnell’s Questionable Campaign Spending Is Catching Up To Her

Filed in National by on September 18, 2010

Via CNN:

A watchdog group says it plans to ask authorities in Delaware to investigate Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell’s finances.

At issue are more than $20,000 of spending in 2009 and 2010 that Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington claims was illegal.

“It turns out Miss O’Donnell has treated her campaign funds like they are her very own personal piggy bank. She’s used that money to pay for things like her rent, for gas, meals and even a bowling outing. And that’s just flat-out illegal,” said Melanie Sloan, the group’s executive director.

In an interview on CNN’s “AC360,” Sloan said her organization would be sending letters to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware and the Federal Elections Commission on Monday asking them to investigate.

“For example, in 2009, Miss O’Donnell wasn’t a candidate for anything, yet she had numerous campaign expenses, things like travel and gas, and yet she had no actual campaign,” Sloan said.

O’Donnell’s spokesperson did not respond to requests for comment.

O’Donnell’s spokesperson did not respond to requests for comment. Why, I’m shocked!

And, for those of you dying to paint this as a partisan witch hunt  (witch hunt – get it!) the group calling for the investigation is the same group that called for Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York, to step down after allegations of ethics violations.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Will the Real Jon Moseley Please Stand Up! : Delaware Liberal | September 23, 2010
  1. anon says:

    She’s paying for a townhouse, apartment, all of the utilities for both places and according to her most recent FEC filing-a MATTRESS out of her campaign funds.

    I guess when wackos like O’Donnell grow up they give up the Satanic altar for the Senatorial mattress.

  2. Truth Teller says:

    She now has over a Million can she keep her hands out of this cookie jar??????

  3. No way she is not dipping into those funds, TT.

    I’m afraid that Biden won’t touch it until after the election because “partisan politics!!!!” I think the person that really get some action is Mike Castle. Hopefully his already-filed FEC action can go forward. I don’t know if we’ll see any action until after the election.

  4. Sadly this will not dissuade a single bagger. It will probably create even more support.

  5. heragain says:

    UI, exactly, Beau won’t touch it.

    As a citizen, my protection from these loonies means NOTHING if it gives political opponents a soundbite.

    It’s a sad state of affairs. I’m not blaming Beau for creating it, but someone will have to contest it, somewhere.

  6. June says:

    From the pastor at the Progressive Seekers church I’ve been attending:

    Christine O’Donnell had a clergyperson representing her write to me and probably all DE clergy for whom he could find addresses admonishing us to lead our churches to support O’Donnell. I’m not sure about the legalities of what he did, but in his ignorance he ticked off several key doctrinal beliefs that he said “we all” believe. He was wrong on each count.

  7. That church could lose tax exempt status!

  8. heragain says:

    No, UI. Clergy people have the right to write to anyone they like, on any topic. Clergy have the right to exhort their folks to be involved in the political process, to educate their flock on the positions of the candidates, and to remind them to get out and vote.

    They can’t put money from the plate directly into an individual’s campaign funds. That’s all.

  9. Auntie Dem says:

    That’s a filabuster mattress. Once she’s elected she’ll be storing it in the Senate cloakroom.

  10. pandora says:

    LOL! Auntie Dem is very clever!

  11. pandora says:

    Question: Isn’t investigating this the United States AG’s responsibility, not Biden’s? If so…

  12. anonone says:

    I think so, pandora. I believe that they are Federal Campaign laws. Too bad it has taken Obomba almost 2 years to nominate a U.S. Attorney for Delaware.

  13. June says:

    Can someone confirm that Heragain’s interpretation of the law is accurate, please.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    In my opinion, it is not accurate. Clergy may not exhort their parishioners to vote for specific candidate if they hope to keep their tax exempt status.

  15. My understanding is that churches can advocate for issues but not specific candidates.

  16. plslouise says:

    Its true. Campaign Finance Law prevents candidates from speaking at a church, or collecting campaign donations from a church. Pat Robertson was caught doing it and was fined over $800,000. Heragin is wrong. She could not go into a church and get donations. Its the separation of church and state, and she can be fined for doing so. Another candidate for Congress who was a minister was speaking from the pulpit to his parishoners and was warned by IRS it was against campaign law.

  17. anon says:

    It’s the US Attorney for Delaware, not Beau.

    Interesting that the US Attorney for Delaware clerked for Justice Andrew D. Christie of the Delaware Supreme Court…. any relation to the governor of NJ I wonder?

  18. heragain says:

    That isn’t what I said.
    “Clergy people have the right to write to anyone they like, on any topic.” This is not a church activity. This is a first amendment protected right. It’s a personal behavior unrelated to church status.

    “Clergy have the right to exhort their folks to be involved in the political process,” Any question about this?
    “to educate their flock on the positions of the candidates,” including that one candidate opposes choice and gay marriage and one supports stem cell research.. Anyone think that is illegal?

    “and to remind them to get out and vote.” Again, any question?

    “They can’t put money from the plate directly into an individual’s campaign funds. That’s all.”
    There’s been no suggestion she was going into a church. A “clergyperson wrote for her”. There’s nothing there to suggest to me that the campaign even contacted religious leaders directly.

    Now, if you can get me film of someone talking her up from the pulpit, maybe. So far, I doubt the line has been crossed.

    I can add here that the HSLDA, although incorporated as a tax-exempt membership educational organization, and not as a PAC, routinely sends out “messages” urging the membership to call opposing gay rights, etc., without any consequence to their tax standing.

  19. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Simple distinction. If the minister wrote as a ‘private citizen’ okay, but if he used church stationery, that becomes a violation if he promoted a specific party or candidate. The line is narrow, and a lot of miisters cross it, but it’s there.

  20. Brian Shields says:

    I wonder how many campaign promises she broke on that campaign funded mattress.

  21. MJ says:

    plslouise – I believe candidates can speak at churches/synagogues/mosques, but then cannot ask for donations.

  22. Boxwood says:

    O’Donnell also apparently acted as her own campaign treasurer for a while in 2009. Regardless whether the expenditures were valid or not, that is an FEC violation.

  23. MJ says:

    The question is, will O’Whack-a-mole be able to stand up to the scrutiny. My guess is that she cracks.

  24. Dear Boxwood:

    It is NOT illegal to act as one’s own campaign Treasurer. Before I ran Christine O’Donnell’s 2008 primary campaign for US Senate against Joe Biden (the campaign we won!), I sat down with election law powerhouse attorney Cleta Mitchell. I learned what is legal and what is not.

    I was also Christine O’Donnell’s Treasurer for a short time, although we were seeking another Delaware person to do this.

    As a result, I went through all of these issues in detail. Don’t get your hopes up. Christine has followed the law carefully.

  25. anon says:

    If Christine acts as her own treasurer, then she has a fool for a client.

    A real treasurer wouldn’t be buying mattresses and paying house rent.

  26. MJ says:

    Jonathan, obviously you either had an attorney who didn’t know Federal law, or O’Whack-a-mole ignored it. You MUST have a person, not yourself, acting as a treasurer for any Federal campaign. Go read 5 USC 432(a). Better yet, here’s a link – http://www.fec.gov/law/feca/feca.pdf.

    After reading that, please explain to us which part of that doesn’t apply to O’Whack-a-mole.

  27. Anon: Like everything else being falsely claimed, you lie by implication. Christine has pulled off a remarkable success, even though early on she struggled.

    Your comment assumes that one has a choice. The RINO establishment did not want a conservative in the race. You are assuming that Christine had people willing to volunteer as Treasurer and somehow turned themd own and chose purely out of her own desire not to have a Treasurer. Rememember that this was during the dead time of any campaign in 2009, when no one is paying any attention to the campaign.

  28. Dear MJ: Having studied these FEC laws many times before — remember I WAS CHRISITNE’S TREASURER for her 2008 primary campaign — I went through it once again from your link.

    There is nothing in the law that prevents a candidate from being their own Treasurer. Particularly in 2009 when nothing much is happening except working on the paperwork and fund-raising.

    There is absolutley nothing in the link you provided that requires someone to have a Treasurer other than themselves.

    It says that every campaign organization must HAVE a Treasurer. Nowhere does it say it has to be someone different from the candidate.

  29. In the original post, it is FALSELY asserted that Christine was not a candidate in 2009.

    Wrong. Christine sent me an email in late January 2009 that she was running again for US Senate. She was actually angry that I not talk to anyone about her, because she was just on the verge of announcing to a select circle that she woudl be running, and she did not want me to “step on” her announcement, as they say in the public relations world. She did not want any distraction or difference in message.

    I have the emails from her in January 2009 making it clear that she was already a candidate. Frankly, I urged her in response to run for the House seat rather than go up against Castle. She proved me wrong!

  30. MJ says:

    Jonathon – we’re you asleep during law school or did you get your law degree from the same box of Cocoa Puffs that O’Whack-a-mole has for breakfast every day?

    My advice to you is to go and read the law AND regulations. Your protestations here are a FAIL!

  31. anon says:

    I have the emails from her in January 2009 making it clear that she was already a candidate.

    I don’t think that is the way to officially register as a candidate.

  32. anon says:

    MJ and JM are both right.

    You can be your own treasurer. But you cannot go without a treasurer and still accept donations, which is what Christine did. TPM has the timeline.

  33. Mr.Mosely, WTF! COD tells you and the rest of the coven doesn’t do squat for the FEC. A candidate would kind of have to do paperwork, I believe its called filing. They set the state bar very low where you presumably passed it.

  34. CycloneRanger: I don’t understand your rant, so I cannot respond because there does not seem to be a point in there anywhere.

    However, there is absolutely nothing to prevent a candidate — especially during a slow period — from being their own Treasurer.

    Mr. Ranger, the reason you know about who was the Treasurer is because it was filed with the FEC… AND THE FEC ACCEPTED IT. It shows in the FEC records because when Christine filed the change of Treasurer it was A-OKAY with the FEC. They accepted it and filed it.

    Show us where in this law your ASS-umption (you know what happens when you ASSUME? You make an ass out of u and me, but really not so much me).


  35. Furthermore, I hope you all do understand that the most that could happen is that the FEC would impose a fine?

    THe FEC doe snot have authority to decide who is or who is not a candidate.

    The FEC has to do only with reporting requirements.

    So the most that any of your speculation could amount to is a fine.

    And thanks to your attacks on Christine, she has raised $1.8 million in the last 5 days.

  36. anon says:

    Furthermore, I hope you all do understand that the most that could happen is that the FEC would impose a fine?

    That would be an appropriate validation of our concerns, yes.

  37. Alright dickless, let me break it down for you, your words:

    Christine sent me an email in late January 2009 that she was running again for US Senate. She was actually angry that I not talk to anyone about her, because she was just on the verge of announcing to a select circle that she woudl be running, and she did not want me to “step on” her announcement, as they say in the public relations world.”

    So an email to you and a midnight mass with her coven constitutes that she is a candidate. I am not a law talking guy but I assumed (caps are passe) the one would have to file the necessary paperwork that includes the filing fee and the IRS sleeve. Your position is that an email to you and a chalice of blood with her closest spellbinders means that the FEC considers her a candidate.

  38. MJ says:

    What does anyone expect from JM – he’s probably the one who’s been hiding in her bush(es). (Sorry Pandora, I couldn’t resist).

  39. MJ: Why is that all over You Tube is the video taken by the people following Christine around?

    How is it that there is video following Christine around if people weren’t…. ahem… following her around?

    Did the videocameras float around by themselves? Like guns kill people without human involvement? Those You Tube videos just magically appeared?

    Who was it who filmed all those videos following Christine around?

  40. By the way, you don’t seem to know very much about politics.

    You don’t know what happened to Gary Hart when some journalists followed him around — covertly?

    THE FOLLOWING NEVER HAPPENED (if we subscribe to shallow liberal thinking):

    Newspaper Stakeout Infuriates Hart
    Report on Female House Guest Called ‘Character Assassination’
    By James R. Dickenson and Paul Taylor
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Monday, May 4, 1987; Page A01
    The Miami Herald reported yesterday that a news team that staked out Democratic presidential front-runner Gary Hart’s Capitol Hill town house determined that a young woman from Miami spent Friday night and Saturday with him while his wife was in Denver.

    517 6th St. SE — The Gary Hart House
    Rumors of Gary Hart’s philandering ways circulated for months leading up to his presidential candidacy in 1987. He threw down the gauntlet, challenging reporters to follow him around and claiming that there was nothing to see. Much to his chagrin, the Miami Herald took him up on it, sending reporters to stake out his Capitol Hill townhouse. Donna Rice came to visit one fateful Friday night in May and didn’t leave until the following evening. This news story–along with earlier photos of Hart and Rice aggressively pursuing public displays of affection on a friend’s yacht, “Monkey Business”–threw Hart’s campaign into a tailspin. Three weeks into his bid for the presidency as the early front-runner, Hart pulled out of the race]




  41. Joe Cass says:

    “Who was it who filmed all those videos following Christine around?”
    Jon, its no wonder COD failed so miserably under your hand. Each and every statement you post is weaker than the last. You’ve pulled the YouTube card! Nothing says non-qual like a Jon Moseley, and dude I’m gonna plaster you around firms and at colleges.
    “This is what a quick buck gets you.”
    Moseley v. Moseley: Last Comic Standing

  42. pandora says:

    Oh my. I’m actually embarrassed for Mr. Mosely.

  43. Joe Cass says:

    macaca moment. they’re called trackers, non-qual

  44. MJ says:

    Actually, JM, I know Gary and Lee Hart very, very well. I worked on both of his Senate campaigns and his Presidential campaign. I’ve been running political campaigns on and off since 1976. I’ve chaired legislative districts and county parties. I was also neighbors with Tim Wirth, who took over Gary’s seat when he retired.

    At the end of the day, the arguments put forth by the Cocoa Puffs cereal box-top “lawyer” are a huge FAIL.

    Oh, wait, was that an ambulance siren? You better put your shoes on and stop touching yourself – you might have another client.

  45. Joe Cass says:


  46. mongo says:

    Mongo must chime in.
    You do know that trackers are nothing special, right? All of those videos were taken at public events.
    Mongo has noticed that every major candidate has trackers who are supporters of the opposition. Speaking of trackers, Mongo wants to point out that when Christine stood at a podium, in a room with more than 100 of her supporters and made everyone turn around and look at her trackers, she put those trackers at risk. It is decidedly un Mongo-like to put someone at risk simply because they are from the opposing party. One of those trackers was a very small woman who I happen to know is very good person. Not cool. Mongo thinks that Christine owes those two Castle trackers an apology.

  47. Joe Cass says:

    Mongo, you’re not just a pawn in the game of life. It just seems, big fella, that little people try to puff themselves up to be big like Mongo, but they aren’t as half as smart as Mongo or his friends when it comes down to butter on the biscuits. Give me a hug, Mongo.

  48. MONGO CHIMES…. “All of those videos were taken at public events.”

    Where did anyone say they are special? The problem here is the deceitful “SPIN.”

    Did Christine say they were “special” or whatever else you might assume.

    If I use the phrase ASS-UME, I am really not trying to be rude or impolite, but to remind us of the old ditty, that when you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U and ME. (I never quite bought the “U and ME” part. It should be either one or the other. I guess it refers to people trying to work together on a project or in business, and the whole enterprise gets screwed up if someone on the team assumes things.)

    However, the videos I am referring to are * NOT * of Christine standing at the podium. Go on You Tube.

    These are videos — posted by the stalkers — which clearly show the stalkers following her around the parking lot, out to her car, out the hallways very far from the public event.

    Furthermore, some of those stalkers have tried to catch video of Christine in some compromising situation late at night, such as hoping to videotape people coming and going from her condo at odd hours.

    Christine told the truth…. again.

    Time and time again, Christine’s critics look foolish while Christine looks smarter and smarter.

  49. Joe Class…

    When I ran Christine’s campaign…. we won.

    I ran the primary. Christine won the primary.

  50. jason330 says:

    Mose, She was uncontested in the Republican primary for the 2008 Senate race. Maybe you meant to say that you ran O’D’s highly successful campaign to eradicate masturbation?

  51. MJ. Know all about regulations. Even FEC precedents, policies, bulletins, and opinion letters.

    You still haven’t found any requirement that a candidate cannot be their own Treasurer, especially when nothing much is going on.

    But, hey…. you’re a liberal. What do facts matter?

  52. Jason330…..

    No she was not.

    She won the GOP endorsement in May 2008, and Tim agreed to abide by the vote of the GOP State Convention.

    But it was a very hard fought contest.

  53. By the way, please explain why you think Christine is unacceptable if in your view she was unanimously accepted by the Republican Party as their official nominee for US Senate?

  54. jason330 says:

    Mose, What is it with you guys and the truth?

    “I ran the primary. Christine won the primary.” Tsk tsk.

  55. Joe Cass says:

    Hey dicklick, if you’re going to twist my name into Joe Class, I prefer you go all out to No Class. Now set the chardonnay down and answer the question: When did COD file for the 2010 race? I heard it was April, then May of this year.

  56. liberalgeek says:

    I ran the primary. Christine won the primary.


    Ummm. Can you point to the line on this official primary results page that show that Christine had a primary that she won?

    What do facts matter?


  57. heragain says:

    MJ. We’re going to have to meet-up irl some time. We’ve sat next to each other in meetings, must be.

  58. Joe Cass says:

    Mr.Moseley, when did O’Donnell file (officially) for 2010 and can you give us a brief insight on “Cold Peace”? (“Cold Peace” is a novel Mr.Moseley wrote) Did you write it during the rabid 2008 primary? Where did you find the time? Was it initially titled “Cold Piece”? The intrigue of a law talking guy disarming a god talking gal. Briefs may fall, but to what depths?

  59. liberalgeek says:

    Joe – According to the Delaware Department of Elections, she filed with them on July 9, 2010.


  60. Joe Cass says:

    LG, you are intelligent for an Eagles fan. I looked in all the wrong places. Your fact puts COD in a bad place. Spending campaign money while not officially a candidate is a no-no. Would you agree, Mr.Cold Peace? Best PIECE of advice I can give you, latch back on to Ms. Youthful Indiscretions and your “novel” shoots to the top of the fox bestsellers list.

  61. Brian Shields says:

    Wow.. the “Ass out of U and Me” line. Are we in 8th grade?

    I seem to distinctly remember O’Donnell announcing a 2010 run literally months after she lost her 2008 bid and going “WTF, really?”

    You see, because it is quite unusual to announce 20 months before an election that you’re running. Usually 9 months is the given window. Seems quite indicative of the rumors that she lived off her campaign funds.

    I still hear no explanation for a mattress store expense for a campaign. She sleeping with big donors? Oh, wait, no.. immoral. That’s right, lust outside of marriage is a sin.

  62. liberalgeek says:

    I’m not sure that is true, Joe. You do need a treasurer (which she did not have for a long period of time) but the not-insignificant filing fee is due at the time of filing, so it seems like you would be allowed to raise money before filing.

    There were several campaigns that never made it to the filing phase because the couldn’t raise enough to pay the fee.

  63. Joe Cass says:

    well, Christine O’Donnell’s Treasurer for a short time won’t answer his cell(s). He must be writing the next best seller, “Nearing Wasilla”. It would be a charming tale of constitutional love powered by an idiotic insurgency fueled on pent up lust. Not to be confused with the Overdone Window, another story about insurgency and an unleashing of playboy letters to the editors love.

  64. Joe Cass says:

    Thanks LG, I’m happy to be wrong and corrected rather than wrong and blissfully ignorant (like Eagles fans).

  65. liberalgeek says:

    Hey, how’d the G-Men do tonight?

  66. Joe Cass says:

    Poorly! 38-14 my last view, but I’ll tell you what: I trust you with my political news but for sports?Ha! When are you, LiberalGeek, going to get on the Com’On Delaware broadcast? I’m hoping you won’t describe yourself as naked on the bed committing an O’Donnell sin. So both teams are 1 and 1. How was Community Days? (like how I did that, changed the topic like an ass?)But seriously, how was community days? Sad you had to talk to your daughter about witches.

  67. liberalgeek says:

    Ah, twitter is your source… But you have not learned the nuance of twitter yet. I was retweeting Jake Tapper, who had that experience with his daughter.

    My daughter knows that witches are make-believe, unlike CO’D.

  68. heragain says:

    I was talking to my kids today about how O’Donnell supporters can be handling all this stuff. I mean, you drag your kids home from church and the telly is all full of masturbation puns.

    I was embarrassed by the content of Betty White’s SNL, I can’t imagine trying to explain to little’uns how the nice values lady we want in the Senate brought herself to talk about body parts so often.

  69. Joe Cass says:

    Jaysus H! I hear ya Yoda! Best learn I nuance of twitter.
    I’m barely getting by on FB. I had to “like” COD’s page to find out if she made it to Sussex this afternoon. I didn’t find that info there, and I still feel dirty. And that Hunter S Thompson pic is freaking me out! Back in 1998, I thought that these internets would be a boon for democrats, a dumptruck that no conservative would hire. Instead, its sent the D bag express into orbit. I’m still down here clacking keys not knowing if who tweeted or did someone else re flipping tweet. I only tweet nasty sh!t to rick jenson. I swear thats all its good for, that and sarah silverman. with the @ and the # and the crap I read about palin constantly tooting , I swear I’m out this November. When even you liberals turn on us union thugs there is no hope. Can you tweet somebody into submission? Can you ipad their soul to hell for transgressions? Newt wants the congress to ban sharia law. I do too. He wants a biblical law, old testament style. How do you smart phone your ass out of that?
    I love you all here at Delaware Liberal. I don’t know a single one of ya, but you make the most sense and the best arguments. I urge you to gear up. A .25 and a .45, maybe a 9mm for the women and 2 shotguns with varying rounds at the ready. The Aryans were in Bethany,they found fresh meat. You can be liberal and still hold fast the 2nd Amendment. Wow, what a tangent. Fucking Giants.

  70. MJ says:

    Isn’t it a wonder that an ambulance chasing DUI lawyer is all of a sudden an expert on FEC regulations and law? Hmm, again, JM=FAIL, not only for his hyperbole here, but the fact that he practices in Reston, VA. Couldn’t quite make it over the Potomac there little man?

  71. liberalgeek says:

    Joe – for effect, I imagined you saying that whole paragraph without taking a breath. 🙂

  72. Lessing says:

    You people are so transparent. The seriousness of the threat an opposing candidate presents to the Democrat power structure is directly measurable by the number and content of your ridiculous and irrelevant accusations and predictable smear campaigns. Never have there been as many as you’ve already posted against O’Donnell. If she were a Democrat, she’d be your darling like the idiot dirtbag insurance commissioner Stewart and her “consultant” buddies who continue to steal millions from the state because you asshats and her political cronies have always given her the benefit of the doubt and covered up for her. That includes Stewart’s vast illegal campaign contributions and her equally illegal use of much of the money from all three campaigns for personal purposes since she had no other income. If you think your desperate little efforts at discrediting O’Donnell will have any effect whatsoever, you’d better think again. You can kiss all your leftist comrades goodbye on November 2, and none too soon.

  73. Jason330 says:

    Lessing gets a prize. That’s the first time a commenter tried to link ODonnell with a form of the word “serious.”

  74. liberalgeek says:

    If she were a Democrat, she’d be your darling like the idiot dirtbag insurance commissioner Stewart and her “consultant” buddies who continue to steal millions from the state because you asshats and her political cronies have always given her the benefit of the doubt and covered up for her.

    You must be new here.

  75. It’s amusing how reporting what O’Donnell actually says now qualifies as lies and smears.

  76. anon says:

    It’s amusing how reporting what O’Donnell actually says now qualifies as lies and smears.

    I am as opposed to Christine as anybody, but never in a million years would I have thought of accusing her of witchcraft.

  77. MJ says:

    My guess is that either Lessing has just moved to the State or has just crawled out of their cave. In any case, their argument FAILS.

    Nice try Lessing, sorry you didn’t win, but we do have some nice parting gifts for you including a years supply of Rice-a-Roni (you know, the San Francisco treat) and Cocoa Puffs cereal, because we all know that you’re koo-koo for them (and O’Whack-a-mole).

  78. Lessing says:

    What are you, MJ, about 12 years old?

    It might interest you to know that Stewart took out and quickly paid off three mortgages on her house from 2000 to early 2009 even though she was unemployed and had no legitimate income. Explain that one. This public information is on the NCCo Recorder of Deeds’ website. Did you people ever mention it? Not just no but hell no.

  79. pandora says:

    Lessing is obviously very new here. He/she might want to look into DL’s past posts on KWS.

  80. pandora says:

    Beat me to it, LG!

  81. Lessing says:

    Ok, I’ve read the old posts but I’m far from impressed. Just as I said, you always gave Stewart the benefit of the doubt, especially that whack job Nancy Willing who sounds like she’s Stewart’s hired help. You’re not doing the same with O’Donnell. I also noticed while you have an overabundance of insults for O’Donnell, you never called “KWS” any names. She deserved them before the election and proved it after, except things in the IC’s office are far worse now than anyone could have expected in their wildest dreams. Give O’Donnell a chance. After all, a majority of Delawareans voted for her. She beats the hell out of Castle and then some, but then anyone would. He’s a RINO and lies about his political loyalties so he can play both sides of the fence, but I’m sure in your eyes that’s a good thing.

  82. liberalgeek says:

    No, a majority of Delawareans did not vote for Christine O’Donnell. That statement actually makes me think that you ARE O’Donnell. since she has an equivalent level of lying and stupidity.

    I further challenge you to find another blog that has been as consistently critical of KWS, on the left or the right. The closest thing is a bunch of paid right-wing nuts over at CRI that have enough finance mysteries of their own that their motives are suspect, to say the least.

  83. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and I assure you, if Karen Weldin Stewart ever claimed to have dated a witch or had some hangup about people that masturbate, we would have a field day.

    I have been calling KWS a fraud for 2 years now. But if you have any hard evidence of anything, bring it.

    I’ve got hard evidence for COD.

  84. anonone says:

    Well, KWS never made masturbation prevention her sole purpose in life, admitted to dabbling in witchcraft, called being gay an “identity disorder,” or any of the other foolishness that O’Dumbell has espoused. If she had, (1) she would never would have been nominated by Democrats and (2) she would have been relentlessly ridiculed here.

    But with statements from you like “After all, a majority of Delawareans voted for her,” it is pretty clear that your calculator is missing a few buttons.

  85. anon says:

    As much as I hate to defend the Delaware Liberal Establishment, don’t confuse a frequent commenter with the front-pagers here. Nancy Willing is NOT involved with DL. She just hangs out here a lot.

  86. Jason330 says:

    “the DlelawareLiberal Establishment”. Lol!

  87. anon says:

    Hey, y’all are a force. You offer the only semi-intelligent, freewheeling discussion & debate forum on Delaware politics.

    TNJ is awful, DP is just nuts, DT has blocked comments, and beyond that, there’s nada.

  88. Awwwww…I’m feeling all warm & fuzzy now.

  89. Boxwood says:

    Hey Jon Moseley: Kudos for posting here first of all but let’s cut to the chase. Is it your position that O’Donnell has done nothing improper with her 2008 campaign funds?

  90. liberalgeek says:

    I suspect that Mr. Moseley has either moved on to troll some other sites or the nurses realized that he had gotten out again.

  91. I’d love to see Moseley taking on CREW.

  92. Boxwood says:

    Jonathon Moseley vs. David Keegan might be interesting also. ;^)