Delaware Liberal

America’s Dumbest Columnist Writes America’s Dumbest Column

Who is America’s dumbest columnist? While there is a lot of competition, I contend that former Reagan official Jeffrey Lord from the American Spectator is America’s dumbest columnist. When we last saw him, he was arguing that Shirley Sherrod was lying about her uncle’s lynching because even though he was beaten to death by white law enforcement officers, he wasn’t actually hanged so it didn’t count. Well he’s back, weighing in on the Delaware Senate race.

Chris Coons, the freshly minted Democrat selected as Tea Party favorite and Republican nominee Christine O’Donnell’s opponent in the Delaware U.S. Senate race traveled to Africa in the 1980s — emerging as a committed leftist after volunteering for an organization supporting Black Liberation Theology.

The controversial religious philosophy espoused by radical left-wing activist James Cone and President Obama’s one-time spiritual mentor the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Black Liberation Theology is an off-shoot of liberation theology, a Marxist-driven interpretation of Christianity.

I’m surprised that Lord didn’t accuse Coons of being a “Kenyan anti-colonialist.” Yes, the most important part of Chris Coons’s bio is that he spent a semester abroad in Africa. But it’s being covered up, according to Jeffrey Lord (even though Coons mentions it often in appearances).

The Washington Post curiously says of Coons in their Coons profile only that he “spent time in South Africa and Kenya doing relief work.” The New York Times never mentions Coons’ work in Africa, choosing instead to describe him as an attorney and mentioning only his work with the homeless, the Investor Responsibility Center, and the “I Have a Dream” Foundation. Plus his educational background, a B.A. from Amherst, a law degree from Yale and a Master’s in Ethics from Yale Divinity School.

So, despite the fact that it was mentioned in media coverage, it’s being covered up. Plus, all that other stuff he’s done doesn’t count. However, we shouldn’t talk about what Christine O’Donnell said 10 years ago because it’s personal. This nonsense column goes on for 4 pages, arguing some kind of geographical convergence with some guy Jeffrey Lord doesn’t like.

You have to admire the rightwing sometimes. They’re allowed to take whatever fevered imaginings they have, turn it into a column and get paid by some prestigious magazine.

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