America’s Dumbest Columnist Writes America’s Dumbest Column

Filed in Delaware by on September 21, 2010

Who is America’s dumbest columnist? While there is a lot of competition, I contend that former Reagan official Jeffrey Lord from the American Spectator is America’s dumbest columnist. When we last saw him, he was arguing that Shirley Sherrod was lying about her uncle’s lynching because even though he was beaten to death by white law enforcement officers, he wasn’t actually hanged so it didn’t count. Well he’s back, weighing in on the Delaware Senate race.

Chris Coons, the freshly minted Democrat selected as Tea Party favorite and Republican nominee Christine O’Donnell’s opponent in the Delaware U.S. Senate race traveled to Africa in the 1980s — emerging as a committed leftist after volunteering for an organization supporting Black Liberation Theology.

The controversial religious philosophy espoused by radical left-wing activist James Cone and President Obama’s one-time spiritual mentor the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Black Liberation Theology is an off-shoot of liberation theology, a Marxist-driven interpretation of Christianity.

I’m surprised that Lord didn’t accuse Coons of being a “Kenyan anti-colonialist.” Yes, the most important part of Chris Coons’s bio is that he spent a semester abroad in Africa. But it’s being covered up, according to Jeffrey Lord (even though Coons mentions it often in appearances).

The Washington Post curiously says of Coons in their Coons profile only that he “spent time in South Africa and Kenya doing relief work.” The New York Times never mentions Coons’ work in Africa, choosing instead to describe him as an attorney and mentioning only his work with the homeless, the Investor Responsibility Center, and the “I Have a Dream” Foundation. Plus his educational background, a B.A. from Amherst, a law degree from Yale and a Master’s in Ethics from Yale Divinity School.

So, despite the fact that it was mentioned in media coverage, it’s being covered up. Plus, all that other stuff he’s done doesn’t count. However, we shouldn’t talk about what Christine O’Donnell said 10 years ago because it’s personal. This nonsense column goes on for 4 pages, arguing some kind of geographical convergence with some guy Jeffrey Lord doesn’t like.

You have to admire the rightwing sometimes. They’re allowed to take whatever fevered imaginings they have, turn it into a column and get paid by some prestigious magazine.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon says:

    Dumb? This is the seed column… in two weeks it will be laundered and run on the CBS Evening News as a he said/she said.

  2. The “bearded Marxist” thing has already been cycled through twice and hasn’t really gotten any traction. I don’t think O’Donnell would touch it because if what he said 25 years ago is important, then what she’s said in the 90s is even more important. Of course, she’s a bit nutty so who knows.

  3. pandora says:

    Oh, I think she’ll use it. She truly believes that a different set of rules apply to her – Remember: only Republicans have youthful indiscretions

    After the FOX poll today I expect her to get really nasty, really fast.

  4. pandora says:

    And, anon is correct. The press desperately wants this to be a horse race. They’ll use it if it feeds their narrative. How else do you explain the press the Tea Party receives. The press made them, and keeps them alive.

  5. anon says:

    I don’t think O’Donnell would touch it

    She doesn’t have to. Corporations can do that for her now.

  6. Jason330 says:

    The observation that this is the seed column is prescient. It will work it’s way up the food chain and the calls for Chris Coon to “come clean” will rise until the dim becomes deafening. By election day many Democrats who don’t pay close attention will be wondering how we picked such a flawed candidate to run in this race.

  7. Jason330 says:

    Odonnell will be on hannity tonight. How much do you want to bet that she says- liberation theology?

  8. anon says:

    He’s been to Africa, he supports Obama, his name is “Coons” … I wish I were joking when I wonder – how many of O’Donnell’s out-of-state donors think she is running against a black man?

  9. V says:

    “The press desperately wants this to be a horse race”

    that’s the only way to explain all the non-DE pundits (including on MSNBC)saying she’s got a real shot (all while not mentioning Chris). When before they got involved anyone in DE could see what a no brainer this is. They want election night to be a nail-biter. And it seems their one night rating’s boost is to play with our future.

  10. heragain says:

    Jason, many Democrats who DO pay close attention already worried about running a “flawed candidate”. The problem is, humans are flawed by design. Mostly, we run volunteers.

    At this point, our job is to get our guy elected.

  11. Jason330 says:

    OD tweeted about liberation theology 20 minutes ago. Rev Wright, Kenya, Social Justice, wealth redistrbution, all the scary shit is being trucked out.

    The next poll will be done after a few weeks of Coons being excoriated for his ” questioning of America based on his experiences in Kenya, and under the influence of Marxist liberation theology.”.

  12. Jason330 says:

    When that next poll comes out it will show a little movement for Odonnell as some Republicans come home to the ticket. That movement will be reported breathlessly as an amazing Odonnell SURGE.

    Sometimes I wish that I could not see the future as clearly as I do.

  13. Venus says:

    How come my youthful indiscretions are consequences, and hers get to be dismissed?

  14. anon says:

    Somebody should ask Christine if she is familiar with the social justice teachings of the US Catholic Church. Click the Social Justice link (it’s not hotlinkable). pretty liberal.

    • Arms Control
    • Campaign/Human Development
    • Campus Faith In Action Website
    • Catholic Social Ministry Gathering
    • Catholic Social Teaching
    • Debt
    • Death Penalty
    • Domestic Issues
    • Economic Justice
    • Environment
    • Faith-Based Initiative
    • Faithful Citizenship
    • Health
    • Housing
    • Government Liaison
    • Immigration
    • International Issues
    • Iraq
    • Justice, Peace & Human Dev.
    • Labor Issues
    • Middle East
    • Migrants & Refugees
    • Nonviolence
    • Poverty
    • Social Dev. & World Peace
    • Social Security
    • Trafficking
    • Welfare

  15. OD tweeted about liberation theology 20 minutes ago. Rev Wright, Kenya, Social Justice, wealth redistrbution, all the scary shit is being trucked out.

    That’s wingnut dogwhistle stuff. It’ll be incomprehensible to most people.

  16. V says:

    What religion is Christine exactly? I know she’s christian but is she Catholic? Evangelical? what? I would assume since she’s so uber relgious she’s got to go to a church around here right?

  17. Jason330 says:

    What is comprehensible is “I hate taxes.” Which candidate will low information voters go for if this comes down to who will raise tax? O’Donnell or Coons?

  18. BellefonteRoss says:


    As I recall, she’s Catholic. No idea what church she attends though.

  19. anon says:

    That’s wingnut dogwhistle stuff. It’ll be incomprehensible to most people.

    They will have Coons with a bone through his nose by the end of next week.

    It’s always race with these people.

  20. anon says:

    She is uber-Catholic. Which is why if she puts theology on the table, she should be asked about the Church’s social justice teachings.

  21. To Anon,

    In my interview with Christine O’Donnell (before the primary), I DID ask the candidate about the Church’s social teachings, specifically Just War doctrine as related to an attack on Iran.

    (Someone actually picked up that soundbite as a ‘You Tube’ nugget, and the entire interview is still posted under my blog or under podcasts).

    I realized such a round of questioning wouldn’t get the kind of traction as Dan Gaffney’s famous interview.

    Anyway, Ms. O’Donnell didn’t want to address the issue. Just War theology would not figure in her decision-making. I tried to get her to talk about proportionate response, but she wouldn’t go there.

    Furthermore, even the abortion issue stemmed from her Constitutional principles, not necessarily from Catholic teaching.

    Strangely, one might conclude O’Donnell is wrapping herself in secular Constitutional principles to further her political quest, not altogether different as some accuse liberal Catholic politicians of compartmentalizing their positions on abortion.

    Is O’Donnell now compartmentalizing her positions?

    Of course, I must be neutral in this and all political races. I’m just playing devil’s advocate here. Pun intended.

    Allan Loudell
    WDEL Radio

  22. anon says:

    Great work, Allan. Sorry I missed it – I’ll go back and listen.

  23. Alan Loudell making the mediocre look bad and the good look wanting. Its a sad state of affairs he has two nincompoops on either side of his broadcast. Delaware’s best, Noon to One P.M. Monday thru Friday. Best sources and reports.

  24. Belinsky says:

    Chris is ready. He spent junior year in Kenya, came back to give his Amherst classmates a rousing pro-divestment riff from the podium on graduation day. He worked with boardroom types later in the 1980’s in helping effect divestment.

    Remember, this was the era when Majority Leader Bob Dole referred to an anti-apartheid bill as “a feel-good resolution.” If this chippie wants to pick that fight, bring it on.

  25. jason330 says:

    This after noon a google search for “Chris Coons & Liberation Theology” returned 10,000 results. Now it is up to 33,000. Have no doubt that it is on.

    Also – wingnutia has officially dropped the “s” from Coons, so O’Donnell is now running against Chris Coon.

  26. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    Plus his educational background, a B.A. from Amherst, a law degree from Yale and a Master’s in Ethics from Yale Divinity School=nothing in common with me. The guy is an elitist.

    I think O’Donnell is unqualified but keep me off the Coons fan club list.

    A Democrat with some sort of ethics training is ironic because they never practice it. After four decades of the war on poverty not much has changed. It seems the issue is more important than the solution. Nobody stole more from the Social Security Trust fund than Democrats.

  27. MJ says:

    Did anyone catch O’Whack-a-mole’s comment on Keith Olbermann tonight about how the “czars” that the President has appointed are unconstitutional because Article 1 Section 9 prohibits the granting of titles of nobility? I’m not making this up. She said this at a debate and said “czars are a noble title and are unconstitutional.” My guess is that she got this bit of legal advice from Jonathon Moseley, her former campaign manager.

    You can catch a repeat of Olbermann at 10 PM EDT tonight.

  28. Polemical says:

    I would never cast a vote for Coons. However, I would point out that his so-called’ ‘Bearded Marxist’ college piece is nothing but youthful chicanery, tongue-in-cheek satire and much ado about nothing.

    His admition regarding his political awakening (change from R to D) is, indeed, real. The ‘Avowed Marxist’ rhetoric, however, is heretofore utterly proposterous.

    I would also never vote for COD, either. Is there a third candidate running this year?????

  29. Yes, there’s a Libertarian and I think Blue Enigma candidate as well.

    I just find it interesting that the O’Donnell supporters bitch about the national media (not Chris Coons or the Democratic party, BTW) talk about the many kooky statements by O’Donnell from her TV days.

  30. Boxwood says:

    I’m with Belinsky, if O’Donnell wants to emphasize Chris Coons college era efforts to understand and eradicate aparthied, I say let’s have at it.