OMG – O’Donnell Is Moronic

Filed in Delaware by on September 21, 2010

MJ caught this on Countdown first. Keith Olbermann had a clip from last night’s First State Patriots candidate forum. Christine O’Donnell was asked what role “czars” should have in running the government. She answered “none” but had a clarification:

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O’Donnell: Article 1, Section 9 says no title of nobility should granted by the United States, there you go. I would say to President Obama that czar is a title of nobility and therefore unconstitutional. (UI transcript, errors mine)

Does O’Donnell not understand that there is not actually people called “czars” and they are not appointed special powers. Czar is a shorthand term in Washington for a special advisor to the president. They are nothing new or unusual but if you only watch Fox News, you probably don’t understand that.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (55)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    The first time that I recall a “czar” in the US government was when Bill Bennett was appointed as Drug Czar under George H. W. Bush. I don’t remember a single bit of controversy over that title.

  2. Pretty sure Nixon started the “czars” thing. Or it originated in his era, as the label. Anyway, O’Donnell’s actually not the first personwingnut to make this case.

  3. Dr Crazy says:

    It doesn’t matter whether she is that stupid – the people she is trying to reach are.

  4. anon says:

    “Czar” is a nickname invented by the press, not by the President. The press is free to call them whatever they want. That IS in the Constitution.

  5. Whybother says:

    It really disgusts me how the general attitude of this blog is completely partisan, and you all seem to have no ability to see beyond your petty little rooting interests to the underlying issues.

    Honestly, it’s like listening to a football fan talk about how a team that’s a rival of his hometown team is villainous. You kids need to wake up to the fact that the democrats are merely the fascist “good cops”.

  6. Geezer says:

    “It really disgusts me how the general attitude of this blog is completely partisan, and you all seem to have no ability to see beyond your petty little rooting interests to the underlying issues.”

    Then go start your own blog.

  7. MJ says:

    The first “czar” that I ever remember being appointed was former CO Governor John A. Love (yes, someone else I was friends with) who was appointed by Nixon as the country’s “Energy Czar.”

  8. MJ says:

    Paul Waldman hit it straight on – these teabaggers have “a seventh grade education when it comes to the Constitution.”

  9. Yes, wingnuts have a double standard when it comes to Obama. I remember Karl Rove being called “domestic policy czar.” They didn’t complain about czars under Republicans, debt didn’t matter, teleprompters didn’t matter, vacations didn’t matter…

    They discovered all these things suddenly when Obama became president and suddenly find them some form of tyranny.

  10. jason330 says:

    Poor Mike Castle. He just had his 96th “WTF!?” moment of the month.

  11. anon says:

    She probably thinks Manual Labor is the president of Mexico.

  12. Jason330 says:

    I hope she did not buy that mattress at Mattress King. That would be unconstitutional!

  13. Jason330 says:

    So is Queen Latiffa (sp?) is under house arrest?

  14. dv says:

    it does have a commie/russian sort of ring to it. To be honest, i don’t know why we even use it.

    Just give the duechebag a title and get on with it. Why be called czar is beyond me.

  15. MJ says:

    Anon’s comment is the winner so far, IMO.

  16. Aoine says:

    how did the inmates begin running the asylum??

    Sussex really is nice – with good people – and here comes some nut job – from New Jersey no less, and hooks up with folks from New York and PA and MD who have brought their crazy ideas with them to Delaware.

    Like they are all fond of saying about immigrants -“go back to your own country and fix it – don’t come here

    well – how about – go back to your own states and fix them – we don;t want your brand of crazy spoiling our way of life

    we have our own brand of crazy….

  17. Aoine says:

    anon – good one!!

  18. DV,

    I have no idea why the media started using the word czar. It’s probably easier to say than Policy Advisor.

  19. If I understand O’Donnell’s new media policy correctly, it’s to avoid saying dumb things on camera and speak only through commercials. Now that she’s talking to “local media” is Ginger Gibson back in good graces or does she consider local media just the guys from Delaware Politics?

  20. Here’s O’Donnell’s new excuse:

    “Some people dabble in drugs to rebel. That’s how I rebelled. But you know, who didn’t do some questionable things in high school, and who doesn’t regret the eighties to some extent? And I most certainly regret bringing it up to Bill Maher.”

    From Christine O’Donnell’s appearance tonight on Hannity.

    So, what about the 90s and 00s then? She was saying goofy things in those decades, too. Is everyone else on pins and needles now waiting to find out what the next clip Maher produces will be?

  21. Jason330 says:

    I’m surprised nobody picked up on her, “Bill Maher wanted ratings and I gave him ratings.” explanation. The immediate follow up should have been, “are you saying you lied about the satanic date in order to help Bill Mahers ratings?”

  22. Jason330 says:

    BTW- Breaking: Prince has been taken into custody. I guess this is what it sounds like when doves violate the constitution.

  23. Auntie Dem says:

    1. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

    From the WaPo made-up word contest and h/t to my friend who sent this in today’s email.

  24. dv says:

    It may not be unconstitutional, but I have to agree that it isn’t a term our government should be in the habit of using.

  25. anon says:

    I hope she did not buy that mattress at Mattress King. That would be unconstitutional!

    Well, the old one was soaked with the blood of the innocents.

  26. anon says:

    The White House dealt with this czar crap a year ago.

  27. A. Price says:

    speaking of czar….
    Has anyone noticed the ads around wilmington for
    “Conservative Tree Care” and “Progressive Tree Czar”? I had to look at the second one a couple time to make sure i was reading correctly.

  28. dv says:

    A. Price,

    Yes I saw them a year ago on 202 in PA past RT1

  29. Dr. Crazy says:

    “it does have a commie/russian sort of ring to it.”

    That observation always impresses me among the (Mad Hatter’s) Tea Party folks. It’s one thing to say that it’s a silly label, but suggesting that the word “czar” has “Russian Communist” connotations reflects a profound misunderstanding of who was on which side of the communist revolution in Russia.

  30. Marc says:

    And this is the canidate my Republican party selected as nominee. I guess everyone understands why I am voting for Coons at this point.

  31. Jason330 says:

    Anon. 9:36. Lol!

  32. Aoine says:

    DV – what word would you prefer??? GURU??

    for pete’s sake – it a colloquial term – in use for years

    just like “dumbass” – we all know what it means in context

    because unless you are fating your “ass” (anal orifice) usually is “dumb” (in that it does not utter sound)

  33. anonone says:

    Exactly, delacrat, exactly.

  34. Geezer says:

    So let me get this straight — you want to fire up the base by attacking Obama, rather than by showing that yes, we could be doing much worse. Gotcha. Who needs enemies?

  35. I think there’s room to run to the left of Obama on some issues. Chris Coons did it, for example, on TARP, saying he wouldn’t have voted for it because it didn’t have enough accountability. (Yes I know TARP was Bush)

  36. dv says:

    It may be colloquial to you, but it is a title. A title that was/is used to describe nobility in other parts of the world. Why our government uses a term that has a connotation related to monarchies is beyond me.

    Let me be clear though. To me this isn’t about Obama at all. It’s right there in print what and where the term comes from from. I don’t have an answer.

    Guru…ehhhh I don’t think so.

    I’m sure we can come up with something that historically speaking didn’t originate from a Monarchy though.

  37. A. Price says:


  38. Pretty sure that O’Donnell was joking on this one.

  39. Venus says:

    And maybe a new colloquialism will be “pet”. Like a Chris Coons. Or maybe not, and COD will have to bring a carrier.

  40. anonone says:

    Big Cheese?

  41. Nancy, I kept waiting for her to say “…but seriously” but she never did.

  42. I know. Mike Matthews says he knows her fairly well and always had reasonably cogent conversations with her. His assessment of the New Christine is along the lines that she is flying with the tea party rhetoric for support – which goes along with that most people aren’t taking anything she says seriously or that she is saying anything with actual conviction.

  43. dv says:

    How about just “The” heavy on the E

  44. If Christine were president, they would be called necromancers

  45. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    O’Donnell is hijacking a great cause the Tea Party and making a mockery of the good people who want a more responsible government.

  46. Marc says:

    You know the Tea Party is not a cause, it is misdirected energy, and honestly flawed in their implementation. And in Delaware the Tea Party really does not exist.

    O’Donnell is actually a 9/12 Patriot Canidate. Though the Tea Party, I mean the few that actually run the business, were nice enough to fund her.

    The problem is that the Tea Party and all these groups have a very broad statement of belief, and not really issue oriented. The main critera for getting an endorsement is actually showing up and asking for it. And then having the right soundbytes.

    And God forbid you actually have served in public office, it is almost impossible to get them to endorse you. You actually have a position on issues.

    Why doesn’t Uquhart have thier endorsement? Because he didn’t show up.

    That Bill colley moron attacked my service because I actually asked questions that were issue oriented. I am actually a conservative, and they can’t convince me. that is the problem

  47. cookie says:

    Mike Matthews says he knows her fairly well and always had reasonably cogent conversations with her.”

    Then Mike must be a dumbass too. The only thing in that brain are her talking points, and unfortunately she does a decent job of delivering them. She is basically an actress repeating her lines.

  48. Mike Matthews says:


    Let’s just put it like this: In private conversations with her, she’s dropped the talking points and offered intelligent debate. She’s even come down a bit from her harsh opinion of teh gay.

  49. So she’s privately sane and publicly crazy? That doesn’t inspire any confidence.

  50. anon452 says:

    She’s insane and milking the double standard, Coons is the “bearded marxist” while you can’t question her about last months lies.

    She’s a liar. You don’t send a known, unapologetic, still lying liar to the US Senate.

  51. Jason330 says:

    I kinda miss the old days when politicians felt the need to act smart in public and saved the stupid for private.

  52. Which is why I’m not voting for her, UI.

  53. Jason330 says:

    Phew. Then again, it is only politics. They are all the same.

  54. So why don’t you tell us what role czars should play in US politics and government.

    Chuckle, chuckle.

    The fact that you guys are “wrong” on the issues — out of touch with America — makes you the weirdos.