Tuesday’s Asshat of the Day – UPDATED

Filed in National by on September 21, 2010

John McCain. Blanche Lincoln. Susan Collins. Mark Pryor. Mitch McConnell. Hell, the entire Rethuglican Senate Caucus. What do these people all have in common? They all hate our troops! They all voted against the Defense Authorization Bill, thus putting our troops at risk. They voted to support a filibuster against the DAB. They are our Asshats of the Day.

Susan Collins gave an “impassioned” speech about how she supported the repeal of Don’ Ask, Don’t Tell, then promptly went on to the Senate floor with some lame ass excuse about not being able to offer unlimited amendments to the DAB, and thus not only voted to keep DADT in place, but also voted against The DREAM Act.

Do you know what happens when appropriations bills are not passed and signed into law by October 1? Hiring is frozen, supplies cannot be bought, technology improvements cannot be made, because Federal agencies are forced to work on a continuing resolution that only funds them for 30 days at a portion of what they were funded for the previous fiscal year.

These asshats are holding our troops hostage to score some political points with the teabaggers back in their home states. Not only did the turn their backs on the thousands of gay and lesbian troops currently serving our country, but they also closed the door on a pathway to citizenship for the children of undocumented aliens who came here as minors, graduated from high school (usually always thinking that they were citizens) and went on to serve in the military. These folks said “Fuck You!” to thousands of our troops today.

And not to miss out on all of the fun, “Bishop” Harry Jackson of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville MD went as far as saying that repealing DADT would impose “the most radical form of social experiments” on troops. A little history about Jackson. He claimed to be a DC resident and wanted to put the DC Marriage Equality Act to a vote on November’s ballot. He was shot down by both the DC Election Board and the Courts. But Jackson didn’t really live in DC as he claimed. Oh sure, there was an apartment in his name near downtown, but residents and the building manager never saw him once. He is under investigation for voter fraud. See, you cannot register to vote in DC unless you are a DC resident. Jackson lives in a McMansion in PG County, MD.

So, Asshats, answer a question for me –

Which is the gay soldier?

UPDATE: More evidence of McCain being an Asshat:


About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. jason330 says:

    Lincoln is probably gone.

  2. anon says:

    Let’s also give (dis)honorable mention to Obama and Bill Clinton for their support of Blanche Lincoln.

    Clinton and Obama backed the losing Senate candidate long before Sussex Republicans. Way to go guys.

  3. Joe Cass says:

    This website brings out the worst in me. Now I have to quote one of the biggest Asshats in American history:
    “Whether we come from poverty or wealth; whether we are Afro-American or Irish-American; Christian or Jewish, from big cities or small towns, we are all equal in the eyes of God. But as Americans that is not enough we must be equal in the eyes of each other.”
    Yeah, that came from the 40th President. Just think if ole Bonzo had thrown in the “H” word how out and proud republicans would be now. Instead they hide in bathroom stalls and hold sway over interns.
    And why the F did he have to bring the Irish into it? Oh, we’re not prots.

  4. delacrat says:

    ” They all voted against the Defense Authorization Bill, thus putting our troops at risk.”

    no $700 billion for the warfare state. boo f*39!n’ hoo

  5. MJ says:

    Ah, another member of the Chai Tea Party Nation has weighed in. And surprise, surprise, it’s the same old comment that he’s made over 100 times. Failed then, fails now.

  6. Aoine says:

    Yo Joe – as far as the Irish go – yuo – some of us are prots – however – we were smart enough to figure out that after 30 years of terrorism – fighting each other was not the way to success

    capitialism was….. and thus was sprung the Celtic Tiger

  7. delacrat says:

    “Chai Tea Party Nation”

    Whoa, MJ

    If the best you can do is name-call, must you be so lame about it.

    Does it ever occur to you, that the $700 billion would be going to kill people, some of whom are actually LGBT?

  8. Aoine says:

    obviously Delacrat has never worn any uniform with distinction

    much less their skivvies….probably would have a major SKID mark in them and the first whistle of shell fire

    but hey – I thought PATRIOTS!! like delacrat wanted to defend the military….

  9. Aoine says:

    Delacrat – in Afghanistan and Iraq – its not our munitions that are killing the LGBT community

    they do that on the gallows them selves..

    have you scrubbed that stain out of your underwear yet??

  10. delacrat says:

    Delacrat – in Afghanistan and Iraq – its not our munitions that are killing the LGBT community”

    Oh yeah, a predator drone knows and cares whether the “targets” are LGBT or straight.

  11. MJ says:

    Actually, delacrap, it is very catchy and clever. Sorry you can’t see that.

    And, for the, what is this, 1000th time, you try to turn a thread into your “the military-idustrial complex is killing innocent people.” We at war, schmuck. Do I like it, no. But we should have been in Afghanistan from the beginning and should not have invaded Iraq. If we would have concentrated on the Taliban, maybe all of our brave men and women would be home by now. But we didn’t (thanks W) and we’re paying the price.

    So, if you cannot stay on message of this thread, save it for the open thread later this afternoon where you can spout off all of your lefteabagging bullshit.

  12. delacrat says:


    Hate to burst your Hope Bubble, but the military’s DADT upsets most people as much as La Cosa Nostra’s No Irish Need Apply.

  13. MJ says:

    Um, asshat, I mean delacrap, if you couldn’t tell, I was condemning the fact that the repeal of DADT failed. Maybe you couldn’t get that (were the words too big for you?). Maybe this thread was too nuanced for you.

    We get it. You hate the war. But must you hijack EVERY thread you comment on and turn it into a debate on Afghanistan and Iraq? It’s becoming tiresome.

  14. delacrat says:


    i>”Um, asshat, I mean delacrap, if you couldn’t tell, I was condemning the fact that the repeal of DADT failed.”

    The failure of DADT entailed the silver lining of the $700 billion “defense” authorization failure. So be of good cheer.

  15. MJ says:

    Twist and turn. Save it for the Open Thread. So, your only concern was DADT and not the DREAM Act? Bigot.

  16. Ordinary Joe says:

    A better argument is that the unpatriotic, troop-hating asshats are the Democrats who tried to push through unpopular legislation opposed by the majority of Americans by tying it to the defense spending bill and then refused to allow full debate or the opportunity to amend the legislation. If they truly cared about the troops, they would instead have proposed a clean appropriations bill and let their pet legislation stand or fall on its own merits.

    But then again, such honesty would require that you not act like kool-aid drinking apologists for Barack Obama and Harry Reid.

  17. anon says:

    Dems should knock off another $50 billion or so every time Repubs block the bill – “Wanna keep going, guys? Fine.”

  18. Whybother says:

    It’s such a travesty that the gays won’t be able to be openly gay while they kill the brown people. Truly tragic. I love how Lady Gaga comes out in favor of repealing dadt. What a bold and risky move by her to go political on what is largely a trivial wedge issue.

    Delacrat is the only one here making any sense.

  19. Whybother says:

    Btw, what happened to the original thread about Jimmy Carter? Why was that taken down?

  20. anon says:

    It wasn’t taken down – it’s still here.


    Still with MJ’s lie about Carter bringing back the draft, of course.

    Self-hating much?

  21. MJ says:

    How would I be self-hating? As with 99.999999% of your comments, this one doesn’t make any sense.

  22. WilmingtonDeDem says:

    Powerful picture of the flag-draped coffins with a fitting question… We should honor and respect ALL willing to give their life for this country!