Question of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on September 24, 2010

Bill Maher sent this tweet yesterday:

So admit it, how many of you are counting the hours until the next Crazy Christine revelation? Chris Coons couldn’t ask for better free advertising.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. A. price says:

    he better have something good.
    I just worry the Bags will be able to spin this into a liberal bully beating up on poor Pure Chrissy. If Bill Maher has something really disturbing or something that proves she is a criminal he ha sa duty as a citizen to bring it to light and not use it to get ratings. that shit is for glen beck…. so Bill what is it? who are you? a responsible american, or a liberal Glenn Beck?

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    I think I’ll wait for the SNL version.

  3. They’re already trying to spin it as bullies picking on Christine because she’s so Christian. Unfortunately for them a majority of people find Christine’s views disturbing.

    The nice thing for Chris Coons is that he can stay above it all and say he wants to talk about issues.

  4. TPM has a story on Christine’s pro-bono work. It was a case of a woman in a persistent vegetative state.

  5. Jason330 says:

    It needs to be closer to the election. She can absorb anything that happens now with her 2million and entire wingnut media establishment.

  6. delacrat says:

    “They’re already trying to spin it as bullies picking on Christine because she’s so Christian. Unfortunately for them a majority of people find Christine’s views disturbing.

    The nice thing for Chris Coons is that he can stay above it all and say he wants to talk about issues.” …..Unstable Isotope

    The nice thing about Coons is that he does not share C’OD’s genitalia related opinions.

    The bad thing about Coons is that he shares her unwavering support for 2 of the world’s worst human right violators, Israel and the US military.

    Coons bads definitely outweigh his goods.

    Unfortunately a majority of people don’t find this disturbing.

  7. V says:

    Bill Maher isn’t going to have anything criminally disturbing. He’s just going to have other hilariously awkward stuff, like the witch business. So if he wants to tease it every week like this, I say keep it coming.

  8. Jason,

    He’s releasing one per week. It keeps her nutiness in the news. I’m sure she’ll continue to absorb it because her followers are untethered from truth & reality. The rest of us will laugh at the crazy person.

  9. Another Mike says:

    I’m waiting anxiously. I’m not sure how much this can help COD if people see Maher as a bully picking on her. Most voters in Delaware already know how they are going to vote. A lot of people here have seen her bring teh crazy before. I like the Maher stuff more because I want to see the national reaction.

  10. A. price says:

    “The bad thing about Coons is that he shares her unwavering support for 2 of the world’s worst human right violators, Israel and the US military. ”

    Really? they are worse than the Congo Rape-gangs? or … all of china? how about pretty much any country ending in Stan? I bet they are worse than Hamas… (of course Hamas is a charity dedicated to peace and education in your eyes.)

    grow up.

  11. A. price says:

    no open thread for this yet, but can you kind folks get a video of Dr Stephen T Colbert’s testimony? i totaly missed it.

  12. Yeah, I’m waiting for it to hit the ‘nets. You can listen live on CSPAN. Here’s the prepared testimony (PDF).

  13. delacrat says:

    A. price,

    Your suggestion that “Congo Rape-gangs” justify the O’Coons’ unwavering support for USraeli atrocities is disturbing.

  14. Ishmael says:

    whackers of the world unite! Chris “Hairy Palms” Coons is on your side!

  15. MJ says:

    So, Christine takes it in the a** and thinks evolution is a myth. This is the gift that keeps on giving.