**UPDATED With Video**O’Donnell Being Roasted on SNL Right Now

Filed in Delaware by on September 25, 2010

Pretty funny. But would anybody really be surprised to find that Christine ran a dog fighting ring and burned down a rivals house? I wouldn’t.

**UPDATE** Video posted below

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Christine O’Donnell Dog Fighting Ring | Delaware Punchline | September 26, 2010
  1. Another Mike says:

    Pretty funny opening to the new SNL season. Loved the hand gestures when she was spouting the GOP and tea party talking points. The entire show has been pretty enjoyable so far.

  2. jason330 says:

    Who would have thought that Joe Biden could be upstaged as Delaware’s most comical export?

  3. Speaking of O’Donnell and weird gestures – does anyone else think her facial expressions in clips of her debate performances reflect a mixture of boredom and contempt?

  4. jason330 says:

    I didn’t see the clips, but it is a safe bet that she was thinking, “I could be in Sean Hannity’s Green Room right now.”

  5. anon says:

    does anyone else think her facial expressions in clips of her debate performances reflect a mixture of boredom and contempt?

    Yes. One COD moment in particular in the JCC debate was a toxic combination of stupidity and contempt.

    In one of the News Journal clips, COD was attacking the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and speaking in a very condescending way, as if it was something obvious that even the smallest child should know, claiming that “If businesses have more money, they will invest more and create more jobs blah blah blah…”

    Along with the annoying little eye rolls and snorts that signify contempt. If I get a chance I’ll try to isolate this clip.

    Never mind that for ten years, the tax rates that were supposed to create investment and jobs, didn’t. Or that CEOs are already choking on piles of corporate cash.

    Nothing says “I am an idiot” more than condescending to your audience on a point that is flat out wrong.

  6. anon says:

    Republicans are arguing for the Bush tax cuts as if we didn’t have a decade of data on the results.

  7. I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed, anon.

  8. anon says:

    Caveat: If you are already an idiot, instead of contempt you see starbursts instead.

  9. Publius says:

    Surprisingly not very funny, but, for the most part, that’s been the history of SNL for the last 10 years or so–a few extremely fun skits from time to time mired in a sea of so-so at best. A shame, because if done right, it could have been hilarious.

  10. WilmingtonDeDem says:

    This skit wasn’t funny at all, especially when it dabbled into dog fighting and arson and stuff that isn’t true. They should have stuck to the true stuff… which was plenty of material itself. I was really disappointed in it. I was really waiting for something hysterical and they missed the boat.

  11. jason330 says:

    “…when it dabbled into dog fighting and arson and stuff that isn’t true. ” Or at least have not come to light yet.

  12. anonone says:

    It happened when she was dating Michael Vick.

  13. Hobbledehoy says:

    Eh.. they could have done better. There’s some gold in there if they dig more.

  14. anon says:

    It wasn’t funny because it was caricature rather than satire, and not good caricature at that.

  15. xstryker says:

    Voice sounded too mature. COD always sounds like she’s really excited to be leading the prom committee. Also, no mention of the fact that she runs for office solely to pay her bills. And you’d think the college degree would be worth a laugh. The real COD is far more absurd than this parody.

  16. Ripsaw says:

    Doesn’t matter if they raise taxes on rich people or not, you maggots will never see a dime of it.I’ll all be funneled to rich liberals who donate to Obama like with front green energy companies or send it to Africa to wash men’s genitals.The problem isn’t whether taxes are high enough but there’s too many leeches in society with their hands out. Why should someone who puts no effort into life,live the same lifestyle of people who do? If you choose a life of laziness, you should suffer like a dog.

    I’m poor as hell myself but i don’t want the government to rob someone else to make my life better.

  17. Geezer says:

    “I’m poor as hell myself but i don’t want the government to rob someone else to make my life better.”

    It’s not about making your life better. It’s about making everyone’s life better, whether you like it or not.

  18. Conservatives seem perfectly fine with the rich soaking up all the advantages of increased productivity. How come wages haven’t risen for anyone except the very top? A progressive tax structure helps everyone.

  19. anon says:

    How come wages haven’t risen for anyone except the very top? A progressive tax structure helps everyone.

    The very top doesn’t earn wages. A progressive income tax doesn’t touch them, nor does the Social Security tax or the Medicare tax.

  20. That’s right anon, we reward wealth and not work. In fact, inherited wealth has 0% tax right now. And cuts to capital gains taxes mean they pay less tax on their money than we do.