Delaware Liberal

I Read Ron Williams So You Don’t Have To

Williams kinda / sorta says Castle’s “career” would be hurt by a write in campaign and must have spent a whole three minutes fleshing out that premise.


… there’s always the possibility of losing again and going out as a two-time loser instead of a gracious one-timer.


Some voters would look at the write-in candidacy as sour grapes and see Castle as egotistical. ….both Coons and O’Donnell would be justified to make it a campaign issue.

Then he also hints at the idea that the write in could throw the race to O’Whackaddodle – but supporting that idea would have taken actual work, so he glances off it like O’Donnell walking past actual facts and waving casually.

There’s something almost weasely about write-in candidates, even legitimate ones.

Finally, he uses some of his “humor”….

.. he’d have to send out his crews to put all those signs back up.

Oh my side….deep breath.

There I just saved you the five minutes it would have taken you to find Williams on the effed up Delawareonline web site and read his jottings.

You’re welcome. I only wish I could intervene earlier and save Williams the three minutes he spent typing his deep thoughts.

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