Pete Du Pont Blesses Teabagz Take Over of DE GOP

Filed in Delaware by on September 26, 2010

The News Journal missed the only real piece of news coming out of the recent Brandywine GOP get together. Pete DuPont has formally turned over the DE GOP to the teabaggers.

Celia Cohen caught it though.

Du Pont took care of the rest. “It seems to me like this Tea Party thing that is going on is really helping the Republican Party,” he said.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. peacepansy says:

    That’s just icky! I think they are making lemonade, is all. Very sad and scary.

  2. All together now – “we told you so.” The Delaware GOP now owns O’Donnell’s nutty views. Why do they hate masturbation?

  3. jason330 says:

    The DE GOP now supports the paternal rights of rapists.

  4. Brandywine Pete says:

    Now Now, don’t be so dense. You far left wingers never get it. I was at the event, you wee not and Cohen is a moron.

    Remember back a while. The Delaware riverfront Tea Party was pretty main stream not the usual fire breathing stiff from a far. Copeland Protack were the ring leaders and between the two of them they got former Gov DuPont to speak at the event.

    Despite O’Donnell being the Tea party candidate now, she was nowhere to be found during the planning or the day of the event. Again, Copeland and Protack kept her out and she will be nowhere very soon.

    After O’Donnell gets beat this November she will be the scourge of the GOP and won’t be seen around these parts in any meaningful way. However, the GOP will have a new breath of life. And though you left wingers hate it Copeland and Protack will be the beneficiaries.

    One can be the establishment guy who goes populist (CC) and one will be the guy the GOP failures at HQ have tried to ruin but fell way short (MP). Mr Inside and Mr Outside to the failed one party state (D) of Delaware.

    Man, you guys are slow. Maybe you forgot the reference to Vance Phillips in the News Jounal? Remembe the alliance between Protack and Phillips? Hmmm.

  5. anon says:

    You far left wingers never get it. I was at the event, you wee not and Cohen is a moron.

    Common ground!

    One can be the establishment guy who goes populist (CC)

    The tip-off for this will be when he deletes his teabagging blog.

  6. jason330 says:

    I’m not sure I follow all of that. I do know that the DE GOP now supports the paternal rights of rapists.