C’Mon Delaware Episode 19
Click here to listen. The begining is all Eagles talk. I Like Michael Vick and Donviti doesn’t. My reasons for liking him are more substantial than Donviti’s reasons for not liking him. The second part is about Obama and I think we manage to make some pretty good points about the President’s use of “State Secrets” to justify some un-American Executive Branch behavior.
More substantial!?? Yours are based on looking at the guy for a week and not taking into account his history. I can be swayed, like I said in the podcast, I am just not going to be convinced in 2 games is all.
I want to be able to like my players both on and off the field.
you hold Vick to a higher standard than you hold yourself. Why don.t you apply that like-ability standard to your own life?
Jesus H Christ on a krispy creme truck! Let me shock and drown your dog to death, spend barely 2 years in jail for it and then be the starting QB of the DL Football team. you guys need some heart over here anyway