Christine O’Donnell’s grassroots supporters in her own words

Filed in National by on October 2, 2010

O’Donnell: We have letters that I’d love to share with you, from people saying, you know, “A couple of years ago I could have afforded to give $10,000, but I can only give %5,000 and I’m embarrassed by that.” These letters, I carry around with me to remind me of who is funding our operation.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. John Dickinson says:

    This is exactly why I am praying for Christine’s election! We need a principled person like her in Washington to lead the charge to take back this country from the maniacal Democrats who have so damaged our economy. I am ashamed to live in a country where a Christine O’Donnell supporter has to be embarrassed because they are only able to give $5000 to their favorite political cause.

  2. jpconnorjr says:

    I am embarressed and appalled that you invoke the name of a signer of the Declaration of Independence from Delaware. You do this in support of that whacky daughter of Bozo, Jersey girl who was one meatball away from being a Hare Krishna! The one the only Crazy Chrissie!!!!!

  3. PatW says:

    Interesting since the limit is $2400.

  4. Another Mike says:

    History lesson for John Dickinson:

    President of the United States, 2001-09: George W. Bush, Republican

    U.S. Senate, 2001-03: 50 R, 50 D, tiebreaker is VP Cheney, Republican
    2003-05: 51 R, 48 D, 1 I
    2005-07: 55 R, 44 D, 1 I

    U.S. House, 2001-2003: 221 R, 212 D, 2 I
    2003-05: 229 R, 205 D, 1 I
    2005-07: 232 R, 202 D, 1 I

    Nice try, though.

  5. Lee Brill says:

    Another history lesson:
    John Dickinson did not represent Delaware in the Congress, but Pennsylvania, and he did not sign the Declaration of Independence.

  6. Aoine says:

    Another History lesson:

    Dickenson signed the Constitution but not the Declaration of Independance
    however – He was appointed to represent Delaware at the Annapolis Convention, where he served as its President. In 1787, Delaware sent him as one of its delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787,

    and:a Continental Congressman from Pennsylvania and Delaware, a delegate to the U.S. Constitutional Convention of 1787, President of Delaware and President of Pennsylvania

    so yes – he did represent Delaware in Congress – they had several back in those days….

  7. Aoine says:

    However back on topic – so christine O;Donnell does NOT represent the Delaware voters – or the intrests of the Delaware voter

    she WILL represent the intrests of the 85% of the out of state special interests that HAVE sent her money…

    That is the basline fact here.

    Wake up Delaware!! your candidate has been bought and paid for – and cares nothing for our state – she has never served here, never contributed here – hell – she hardle paid taxes here

    we should not send this clown to DC to represent us!!

  8. Blue Coq says:

    Did she pay taxes here?

  9. Brian Shields says:

    Blue Coq: How can she pay taxes when she hasn’t made a living in Delaware? Certainly isn’t paying income taxes.

  10. Blue Coq says:

    Would she have to file a Delaware tax return, if she lived here in Delaware? Without a tax return, are you a resident?

    Is there a tax definition of “pro bono” work? Do pro bono services have to be provided by a regulated professional (such as an attorney or physician)? If not, do the services rendered become taxable to the recipient?

  11. anon says:

    “A couple of years ago I could have afforded to give $10,000, but I can only give %5,000 “

    How could someone so stupid have so much money?

    Also known as the “Urquhart Paradox.”

  12. anon2 says:

    1) I bet Christine O’Donnell doesn’t even know who John Dickinson is
    2) It’s illegal to donate $10,000 to a Senate campaign
    3) It’s illegal to donate $5,000 to a Senate campaign
    4) I demand the FEC and the FEDs investigate her and her campaign immediately for fraud.
    5) This is just more proof O’Donnell is a liar and belongs in jail, not the US Senate.

  13. jason330 says:

    Yes. She was clearly lying when she said, ” We have letters that I’d love to share with you,” and when she said that the letters were from people saying, “you know, ‘A couple of years ago I could have afforded to give $10,000, but I can only give %5,000 and I’m embarrassed by that.'” And no doubt she was lying when she said, “These letters, I carry around with me to remind me of who is funding our operation.”

    Basically, when ever she talks, she is lying.

  14. jpconnorjr says:

    I stand corrected on John Dickenson. Late night brain fart. Trivia question, where is the Dickenson mansion?

  15. skippertee says:

    Just south of Dover AFB.

  16. “Candidate’s religious awakening credited to meatballs”
    From yesterday’s L.A. Times
    As distracting as the Bill Maher stuff is, that’s pretty funny.,0,4006203.story

  17. Anon this time says:

    Fact: Christine O’Donnell doesn’t want to be elected. It would destroy her plan to convert her 2.7 million into a fund from which she can collect a huge salary for several years to come.

    Fact: Christine O’Donnell is the type of person who makes people skeptical about politicians. She is as corrupt as they come and takes advantage of those poor fools who live and breathe for the Constitution’s literal interpretation when they probably can’t even read and have never seen a copy of the Constitution.

    She won the wingnuttery contest in September which entitles her to the fool’s gold being thrown at her by her cult members. Only in America are we willing to take the Sarah Palin’s of the world and turn them into overnight millionaires. Who will be next? Anybody know?