Ron Williams Is Concerned

Filed in Delaware by on October 4, 2010

Ron Williams continues his tradition of being at least one week behind Delaware Liberal with his latest column on the Senate race.

I don’t know how much longer these Christine O’Donnell background revelations will go on, but if they ever stop and she gets on the daily stump, she’ll make a formidable opponent for Chris Coons. She and Coons have already scheduled a couple of radio debates and TV is sure to come, at least in the downstate market from the Salisbury stations.

She might as well forget trying to shed the “dabbling in witchcraft” thing, just as Coons will continue to have to carry the “bearded Marxist” branding, no matter how much of an inside college joke it was. He did write it in a paper, and it ain’t going away.

Coons should seriously consider resigning as New Castle County executive so he can put all his daily efforts into this campaign. Polls have him some 15 points ahead of O’Donnell, but she also has a top-notch Virginia public relations agency, Shirley & Banister, and they are sure to start to hammer at the fact that Coons is not running the county while he’s campaigning (some, of course, will say he hasn’t been running the county for months).

First, what evidence does Williams have that Chris Coons does not take this race seriously? I swear I can’t attend an event these days without running into him. I’m just wondering what the evidence is that Christine O’Donnell is taking the race seriously? We’ve been hearing for three weeks that she’s about to unleash the barrage any day now. Holing up in your bunker and only talking to people who agree with you does not smell like a recipe for electoral success. At some point if she wants to win she’s got to flip voters from Coons to herself.

Secondly, Ron Williams admits that he’s going to push a fake scandal.

Coons will continue to have to carry the “bearded Marxist” branding, no matter how much of an inside college joke it was.

Ummm, seriously? It was written, with words and all. Therefore, it is very important. I think the witchcraft thing is pretty silly myself but it’s not like it’s an isolated incident of O’Donnell saying dumb things on camera. That’s her career.

Lastly, Williams suggests that Chris Coons resign as county executive. Why? It’s Ron Williams’s sign of “seriousness.” Coons is running against a woman without a job so maybe he has a point. If we can get O’Donnell out of her bunker, that is.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. To get the full contextual picture of Williams’ thoughts on Coons, one would have to dredge up his columns over the past six years. The man hates Coons. Plain and simple. This is just extra anti-Coons fodder for him.

  2. anonone says:

    Usually around election time, much of the TV inventory for commercials has already been reserved. With the hot Senate race in PA, it may be difficult for Xtine to buy time for her TV spots. Hopefully, Coons has his spots lined up.

    “top-notch Virginia public relations agency, Shirley & Banister” = Lipsticked pig

  3. I don’t know how many of you caught where Chris Coons completely fucked up in telling Chad Livengood that Penrose Hollins had forced Greg Pettinaro “up against a deadline” in requesting the federal stimulant bond applicant to submit a “local hiring” agreement.

    Coons’ own COS was present months ago in a Finance Committee meeting where the applicants for these “Recovery Zone” stimulus bonds were told that they’d have to abide by county law and submit a passable “fair hiring plan” that included adequate guarantees for diversity as well as the use of Delaware Companies before they would get approved for bond funding. Yet Coons opens his big trap to the reporter that Hollins was “suddenly blocking” Pettinaro from getting his bonds approved and it was total bullshit. The editorial board jumped all over Hollins – to the extent of basically calling the race card on the meat of the Coons misstatement.

    Meanwhile, it went unnoticed by Coons et al that two other applicants did submit decent hiring plans and got Recovery Zone bond approvals in a timely manner? My impression of the Ron Williams sulk was that Coons’ stupidity and ignorance of what was going on in his own office and council got the WNJ into some unnecessarily embarrassing egg-on-face and decided to blame it on Coons’ being too busy running for the Senate.

    Pen’s letter yesterday pointing all of this out:

  4. anon says:

    Williams is just bitter that Chris is going to win and that his years of negative columns against him have not tarnished him and made him unelectable like his buddy Gordon. The line about “Dems skipping the senate line” is just BS and insight that he won’t vote for either candidate, but any reasonable Dem will vote for Chris to keep COD from winning. Any early line on when COD will declare for the U.S. House in 2012?

  5. Another Mike says:

    “Any early line on when COD will declare for the U.S. House in 2012?”

    Doesn’t the house seem just soooo beneath a woman of her stature? It won’t happen unless the Fox talk show doesn’t pan out and she has some back rent due. If Christine is so concerned about Delawareans, maybe she should run for the state house or senate, or for county council, then set her sights on Washington.

  6. Anon’s right. Williams has carried Gordon’s water, and his partner in uniform-and-handcuffs hijinx, forever now. Any advice that Ron Williams gives Coons is advice that should and will be ignored. Just like his columns usually are.

  7. Another Mike wrote:

    “…maybe she should run for the state house or senate, or for county council, then set her sights on Washington.”

    That would require her to move to Sussex County, and maybe, just maybe to Delaware. She actually MIGHT have a career in Western Sussex. I hear that Sussex Tech is looking for a business outreach person. What, Joe Booth’s already taken that newly-created job? Never mind.

  8. Ugh, I just read the Hockessin Community News’ take on Coons’ response to the council’s 9-3 vote and it is ugly. Coons REALLY should apologize to Penrose. “In Peril” and “Blindsided” are two of the hype words thrown out at primarily at Hollins because of Coons’ lying (misstating) about when Greg Pettinaro was told about the need to submit a hiring plan. That really sucks. The printed word is hard to retract.

    After all, there is this little thing that is going to happen soon should (when) Chris takes the oath for Senate on November 15th….Clark takes his seat as Executive for two years and Penrose takes Clark’s seat as Council President until a special election is held in which Penrose will certainly run. If Coons lets this shit stand (Comm. News says he was “Blindsided” by Penrose on the vote”) then he will have essentially unfairly tainted Penrose Hollins’ reputation in the suburban Hockessin area whose vote he would need to win as President.

    The quote: “Financing for the renovation of Wilmington’s historic courthouse is in peril after New Castle County voted to withhold a $28 million bond authorization to the developer because of concerns about a lack of in-state and minority labor working on the project.
    In a move that blindsided both County Executive Chris Coons and the Pettinaro Company, the council voted 9-3 to not allow Pettinaro access to a Revocery Zone Bond, which would have yielded the company lower interest rates.
    PLUS: “The vote – and specifically Hollins’ change of heart – angered developer Greg Pettinaro, who didn’t even attend the evening meeting because he was told by Hollins the ordinance would go through. He said that there are no rules governing diversity or how much of the workforce had to be hired in the Recovery Zone Bond application process.”

  9. anon says:

    The man hates Coons. Plain and simple.

    A fine endorsement.

  10. Williams must have some severe cognitive dissonance is he hates both Coons and O’Donnell. He can always vote Blue Enigma.

  11. heh, post deleted without comment works as a confirmation for me. Danke.

  12. anon. says:

    Funny how Bonini gets a pass on this. He should resign from the Senate if this is the standard that Coons should live by.