Delaware Liberal

Ron Williams Is Concerned

Ron Williams continues his tradition of being at least one week behind Delaware Liberal with his latest column on the Senate race.

I don’t know how much longer these Christine O’Donnell background revelations will go on, but if they ever stop and she gets on the daily stump, she’ll make a formidable opponent for Chris Coons. She and Coons have already scheduled a couple of radio debates and TV is sure to come, at least in the downstate market from the Salisbury stations.

She might as well forget trying to shed the “dabbling in witchcraft” thing, just as Coons will continue to have to carry the “bearded Marxist” branding, no matter how much of an inside college joke it was. He did write it in a paper, and it ain’t going away.

Coons should seriously consider resigning as New Castle County executive so he can put all his daily efforts into this campaign. Polls have him some 15 points ahead of O’Donnell, but she also has a top-notch Virginia public relations agency, Shirley & Banister, and they are sure to start to hammer at the fact that Coons is not running the county while he’s campaigning (some, of course, will say he hasn’t been running the county for months).

First, what evidence does Williams have that Chris Coons does not take this race seriously? I swear I can’t attend an event these days without running into him. I’m just wondering what the evidence is that Christine O’Donnell is taking the race seriously? We’ve been hearing for three weeks that she’s about to unleash the barrage any day now. Holing up in your bunker and only talking to people who agree with you does not smell like a recipe for electoral success. At some point if she wants to win she’s got to flip voters from Coons to herself.

Secondly, Ron Williams admits that he’s going to push a fake scandal.

Coons will continue to have to carry the “bearded Marxist” branding, no matter how much of an inside college joke it was.

Ummm, seriously? It was written, with words and all. Therefore, it is very important. I think the witchcraft thing is pretty silly myself but it’s not like it’s an isolated incident of O’Donnell saying dumb things on camera. That’s her career.

Lastly, Williams suggests that Chris Coons resign as county executive. Why? It’s Ron Williams’s sign of “seriousness.” Coons is running against a woman without a job so maybe he has a point. If we can get O’Donnell out of her bunker, that is.

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