Get On The Bus: DL Goes To Washington

Filed in National by on October 5, 2010

Delaware Liberal has secured a bus to go to Washington DC on October 30th to attend the Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert rallies.  Tickets are available here for $35 per person.

We will leave from the Shipyard Shops in Wilmington at 8AM and return at 10PM with a rollicking good time in between.  Seating is limited to 49, so get ’em while they’re hot.

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  1. reis says:

    Will adult refreshments be offered on the bus?

  2. liberalgeek says:

    You are welcome to offer them to me. But be warned, I’ll accept.

  3. jpconnorjr says:

    Will there be AC plug in available?

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Don’t know. I’ll have an inverter, so we can use DC power, if necessary.

  5. jpconnorjr says:

    I shall bring both cords

  6. Jason330 says:

    What a great idea!

  7. liberalgeek says:

    I’m guessing that you’ll be going in a sedan chair… 🙂

  8. I’ve already signed up 2 seats, so there are only 47 available.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, there are only 40 left now.

  10. phil says:

    For perspective, the 9/12 patriots took 10 or 11 buses from Delaware to the Beck Rally.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    For even more perspective, the non-Beck people actually have lives.

  12. Dr. Strangevote says:

    Geek scores a point!

    But you forgot, it’s lives AND jobs!

  13. skippertee says:

    Make it 39.

  14. skippertee says:

    I had to do some stuff in the parking lot at the mall.

  15. skippertee says:

    Does the bus go past the Tidal Basin?

  16. anon says:

    For perspective, the 9/12 patriots took 10 or 11 buses from Delaware to the Beck Rally.

    For more perspective, they had a TV network promoting it for months. Besides we are too busy paying for their government pension and health care.

  17. Tea Party Thanks says:

    The Tea Party thanks you for spending your money and time the weekend before the election going to watch comedians in Washington. We’ll be happily knocking on doors in Delaware and making the case for candidates that oppose you, while you chuckle on the Mall.

    When you lose a House seat by a handful of votes, we will laugh then instead. But, enjoy yourself.

  18. June says:

    We had 5 buses from Delaware that went to the One Nation really on Saturday — not as many as the Glenn Beck group had, though.

  19. OpenMinded says:

    I’m in. And can get some more folks.

  20. Geezer says:

    “We’ll be happily knocking on doors in Delaware and making the case for candidates that oppose you, while you chuckle on the Mall.”

    That will secure Democrats more votes than you can possibly imagine. One look at you self-styled “regular folks” should do the trick for us, but once you talk, the deal will be sealed.

  21. Anon Knows Nothing says:

    The rest of the country will do well as GOP candidates but here in Delaware it will be slim pickings. The ineptness of Rakestraw, Forsten, Fleming , Wimer and others will come home to roost.

    The Tea Party is the only troops on the street so they are valuable. Save some energy to complete the coup of the Delaware GOP right after the election.

  22. TanteF says:

    Nothing for us like minded people in Sussex? If there is a lower slower option could you let me know? Sadly, my broom doesn’t fly.