C’Mon Delaware Episode 21

Filed in National by on October 6, 2010

The bulk of the thing is a discussion of the Eagles/Redskins game. With a large portion of that section taken up with me saying that people who don’t like Vick are probably just using him as a vessel for their racism. Donviti has a fairly good counter argument to that which is the fact that he also hates Ben Rothlisberger, so is he racist against whites too?

Toward the end we talk about Donviti and Delaware Liberal. I try to tell him that his best, most effective criticism of the site would be to put up good writing on his blog. Rather than rant at people that they suck, to fill the void that he feels exists with regard to lack of liberal outrage over civil liberties infringements.

He can’t get that simple idea through his thick dumbass head though and he feel the best criticism is calling people frauds and losers and is they can’t take it then they are thin skinned. I basically try to tell him that people don’ regard that as a valid critique of their work and that he just sounds like an asshole. And he said that he knows he is an asshole and everybody should stop sucking so much.

Donviti, as usual, is a case study in not getting it.

click here to listen

The comments are closed because Donviti’s comments on the blog stuff are so fucking stupid that they make me want to pull my hair out. If you want to talk about the Eagles wait for today’s open thread or something.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.