Meet the Candidates Tonight at the PDD

Filed in National by on October 6, 2010

The Progressive Democrats of Delaware are holding their monthly meeting tonight at the Democratic Party headquarters, located at 19 E Commons Blvd in New Castle. However, tonight’s meeting is going to be a little different. Normally we meet at 7 pm. But tonight, we will be meeting at 6 pm to phone bank for endorsed candidate Chris Coons, who is up against the infamous witch-hobbit-pathological-liar Christine O’Donnell.

Simply put, Christine O’Whackjob cannot be allowed to win. She will destroy this country, and take every single bit of our freedoms away, all in the name of her radical religious right ideology. Imagine the Soup Nazi character on Seinfeld screaming “No Soup for You!!!,” but if Christine gets to DC, it will be “No Sex for You!!!” And if you are homosexual, watch out. She thinks you just have an identify disorder, and all you need is a little re-education.

But I digress… (my hatred of her opinions is vehement, as you can see). Bring your (charged) cell phone and everything else will be provided.

Then at 7pm, we have invited all of the 2010 PDD endorsed candidates to join us for a reception. We would love for you to join us. Light refreshments will be provided. Please come and meet some terrific candidates. There are some great candidates this year, and they need your help. Whether you are partially-in or all-in, we need for you to be helping one or more candidates. If you haven’t yet found the best match for your efforts, please join us on Wednesday and meet many great candidates to help you decide. These candidates need your time, efforts, and financial contributions. In order to help PDD be more successful in promoting good legislation and policy, please make a point when you volunteer and donate that you are a PDD member.

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  1. PSB says:

    Note that from 6-7pm at HQ PDD members will be phone banking for multiple Democratic candidates, not just Chris Coons. This is part of the ‘coordinated campaign.’

  2. Prog-Del says:

    There is also a candidates forum down in Sussex at the Millsboro American Legion at 7 pm tonight. Its going to be Sussex County candidates.

    So come on out and show your support for the County Democratic ticket.

  3. Jim Westhoff says:


    I hope you and your members will understand that I must spend that evening appearing at a candidate forum. The forum is hosted by the American Legion. Since I have many veteran issues I want to discuss, I really need to be at the forum.
    I deeply regret not being able to attend since pdd has been one of my biggest supporters.
    You have my word that win or lose in November, I will attend a meeting and thank you all personally.


  4. PSB says:

    there are several PDD-endorsed candidates who are busy campaigning–this is completely understandable. You are doing what we want you to do–the work to get elected on November 2nd.

  5. Joe Cass says:

    I showed to attend the meeting, but I was stuck on the phone actually doing something worthwhile. What a large turnout of less than a dozen you had! Think I’m being an ass about this? How about behind my back, as I’m truly trying to accomplish what I believe is best for Delaware, I hear one of you exclaim”Don’t call me democrat! I’m progressive! I don’t want to be identified with them.” It may not be an exact quote, but its close. So if it wasn’t you,DelDem, it was one of you. If being a democrat is so offensive why hold your meeting at Delaware Democratic Headquarters the first Wednesday of each month? Do it at Kowalko’s house. There was three of us at the table, making calls, and we all heard it. It is delightful to watch the tea partiers divide the republican party. It ain’t so great to see people actively drive a wedge among democrats.

  6. What happened Joe? I’m in West Virginia right now so I couldn’t attend. If I were in Delaware though, I’d probably have gone to the debate.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Joe, I am sorry, but I did not meet you tonight. From 6 pm to 7 pm, I was busy phonebanking along with you, at the other table with Paul, so I did not say that nor did I hear anyone say that. Obviously, you did not attend the later meeting in the conference room at 7 pm where we had about 20 or more progressives.

    Obviously, I am proud to be a Democrat AND a Progressive. I believe Progressives must work within the party to get progressive goals accomplished, rather than excluding themselves from the party. Remember, my handle here is DELAWARE DEM!!!

    Now, there are some Progressives who are very critical of the Democratic Party and who do not consider themselves Democrats. We have some of them in our membership in the Progressive Democrats of Delaware. I want them involved in our organization to further progressive causes rather than excluding them just because they are not Democrats or are critical of the Democratic Party because of some Democrats not living up to their progressive promises.

    So, I am sorry you got upset that someone said that tonight, but wouldn’t you want that person involved in progressive causes anyway, bringing them into the greater liberal/Democratic/progressive fold? I do.

    Thanks for all your hard work tonight.

  8. PSB says:


    I join DD in apologizing for the disruption the conversation caused you during your phonebanking last night. In hindsight I could, and perhaps should, have stopped my phonebanking and taken the conversation outside the main room in which phonebanking was taking place.

    One of the reasons that the Tea Party has made headway this year is that they (the typical Tea Partier) have passion, far more than average moderate Republicans, or even the average moderate Democrats. Yes, there are passionate progressives, and one showed up last night before the 7pm PDD meeting, while you and I were both phone banking for the Delaware Democratic Party.

    It’s a big world, with plenty of work to be done. I would far rather find constructive outlets for passionate progressives, just as there are constructive outlets for moderate Democrats (passionate or otherwise). Let’s work together, using all of our resources.

    Joe, again I apologize for the disruptiveness of the conversation last night.