Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 7, 2010

Welcome to your Thursday edition of your open thread. I’m still hanging out in West Virginia. While you guys have fun meeting Al Franken, I’ll be here. I’m coming back tonight!

Congratulations Delaware! One of the newest Nobel Prize winners if Professor Richard Heck from the University of Delaware. He won, along with two Japanese scientists for Palladium cross-coupling chemistry. This is really interesting chemistry if you’re an organic chem geek like me, but the short story is that it is a method for direct formation of carbon-carbon bonds.

Press Release
6 October 2010

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2010 to

Richard F. Heck
University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA,

Ei-ichi Negishi
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA


Akira Suzuki
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

“for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis”

Great art in a test tube

Organic chemistry has developed into an art form where scientists produce marvelous chemical creations in their test tubes. Mankind benefits from this in the form of medicines, ever-more precise electronics and advanced technological materials. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010 awards one of the most sophisticated tools available to chemists today.

This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded to Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki for the development of palladium-catalyzed cross coupling. This chemical tool has vastly improved the possibilities for chemists to create sophisticated chemicals, for example carbon-based molecules as complex as those created by nature itself.

Carbon-based (organic) chemistry is the basis of life and is responsible for numerous fascinating natural phenomena: colour in flowers, snake poison and bacteria killing substances such as penicillin. Organic chemistry has allowed man to build on nature’s chemistry; making use of carbon’s ability to provide a stable skeleton for functional molecules. This has given mankind new medicines and revolutionary materials such as plastics.

In order to create these complex chemicals, chemists need to be able to join carbon atoms together. However, carbon is stable and carbon atoms do not easily react with one another. The first methods used by chemists to bind carbon atoms together were therefore based upon various techniques for rendering carbon more reactive. Such methods worked when creating simple molecules, but when synthesizing more complex molecules chemists ended up with too many unwanted by-products in their test tubes.

Palladium-catalyzed cross coupling solved that problem and provided chemists with a more precise and efficient tool to work with. In the Heck reaction, Negishi reaction and Suzuki reaction, carbon atoms meet on a palladium atom, whereupon their proximity to one another kick-starts the chemical reaction.

Palladium-catalyzed cross coupling is used in research worldwide, as well as in the commercial production of for example pharmaceuticals and molecules used in the electronics industry.

Richard F. Heck, American citizen. Born 1931 in Springfield, MA, USA. Ph.D. 1954 from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), CA, USA. Willis F. Harrington Professor Emeritus at University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA.

Ei-ichi Negishi, Japanese citizen. Born 1935 in Changchun, China (former Japan). Ph.D. 1963 from University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Herbert C. Brown Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.

Akira Suzuki, Japanese citizen. Born 1930 in Mukawa, Japan. Ph.D. 1959, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, both at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.

The Heck reaction is a very important chemistry tool. I learned about it in grad school!

Fox News gets their stories from Weekly World News. Are you surprised?

Fox News reported that Los Angeles is going to spend $1 billion on jetpacks that can fly a person up to 63 miles per hour and soar to heights of 8,000 feet.

“We certainly haven’t bought any jetpacks,” police chief Charlie Beck told the LA Times. “We haven’t bought [squad] cars for two years.”

Gawker first noted that it probably came from a story in the Weekly World News. For those who haven’t noticed the publication in supermarket checkout lines, their logo features Bat Boy and they’ve broken such exclusives as “Dick Cheney is a Robot,” “Satan Captured by GIs in Iraq,” and “Hillary Clinton Adopts Alien Baby.”

Fox is not news. Repeat. If you ever are tempted to use Fox as a source, remember “Fox is not news.”


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (16)

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  1. PSB says:

    Al Franken event for Chris Coons today @2pm:

    Wine-tasting fund raiser for Chris Coons today @5-8pm:

    Candidate Forum this Saturday–

  2. delacrat says:

    “… the main benefits of Obamanomics. It’s helped disproportionately fat cats,…

    “…when you strip away the name-calling and class warfare coming from the Obama administration, and when you ignore Wall Street’s gripes about the new financial reform legislation that will put a crimp in some of its profit, these two entities are far more aligned than meets the casual eye. They coexist to help each other — in an unholy alliance against the American taxpayer.”

  3. MJ says:

    Here’s a prime example of “Christian tolerance” –

    While I may find the artwork distasteful (as I did “Piss Christ”), this woman’s actions should not be tolerated. How much you want to be she’s a teabagger?

  4. anon says:

    The loonies are planning a show of support for COD in “protest” of Franken’s visit today. If anyone sees this please take pictures! (or just give’em the finger 🙂 )

  5. dv says:

    You guys/gals haven’t written about this Bi Partisan Bill making it through congress yet? I assume one is coming?

    Isn’t it great that the Democrats, when they want to, can get the Republicans to work with them on things that really matter to our country?

    Like helping the banks!

  6. Delaware Libertarian says:

    Ok, the eagles make the front page when there is a quarterback controversy. Roy Halladay pitches a no hitter…nothing.

    What’s going on? Are there are no baseball fans here. A no-hitter in the playoffs is as rare as a 100 point baskeball from one player or a quarterback throwing for 600 yards in a game.

  7. anonone says:

    @DV: Nobody here has written about the fact that the banks and mortgage companies are stealing people’s homes under the guise of foreclosures while the Obomba Justice Department does nothing.

    Oh, well, the FBI did confiscate John Lennon’s fingerprints from a music memorabilia dealer. So I guess that that is something.

  8. dv says:

    Are you sure A1? i’ve only gone back a few weeks and found nothing. Maybe we should sift through thought out post after thought out post for the better of 2010 to really be fair to these gals.

  9. MJ says:

    Who/what are the Phillies and what is this baseball thing everyone keeps talking about? 😉

  10. V says:

    Libertarian what are you talking about? The Phillies had their own section today in TNJ. I’m pretty sure he was on the front page too. Am I crazy?

    Also, that notary thing is awful. We’ll never get anything done in this country (other than shit like this) until we pass campaign finance reform. Then they’ll have to answer to us again and not the corporations who write their huge checks. ugh.

  11. Aoine says:

    hey – I have a new definition for you all – sadly I cannot take credit for it..

    It’s definition time:

    Character Assassination – When someone quotes a republican accurately.

  12. dv says:

    It makes me happy for sure. I don’t like that the Dems and R’s were able to conspire and pass it with no problem at all, behind the scenes, on the last day before congress adjourned…

    That bother’s me a great deal.

    but yes, I’m happy as hell Obama manned up.

  13. anonone says:

    Even a crumb is better than nothing.

  14. Delaware Libertarian says:

    Hey V,

    By front page, I was referring to this front page of, not TNJ.