Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 11, 2010

Welcome to the Monday edition of your semi-daily open thread. Today is Columbus Day and Canada celebrates its Thanksgiving. How many of you get the day off today?

SNL did a spoof of Christine O’Donnell’s “I’m You” ad that’s pretty amusing.

Aasif Manvi of The Daily Show did a really funny feature on Delaware called Delaware Divided.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2010 – Divided Delaware
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

Richard Shelby has blocked one of President Obama’s nominees to the Federal Reserve because Shelby questioned Peter Diamond’s qualifications. Today, Peter Diamond was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics.

President Obama sent three qualified nominees to the Senate several months ago to serve on the board of governors of the Federal Reserve. Two were confirmed after significant delays. The third, MIT’s Peter Diamond, was blocked by Senate Republicans.

It appears that the Nobel Prize committee was more impressed with Diamond than the GOP was.

The 2010 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science was awarded on Monday to Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen and Christopher A Pissarides for their work on markets where buyers and sellers have difficulty finding each other, in particular in labor markets.

For decades, the researchers have studied what happens when a market is not made up of identical, cookie-cutter units — as is true with the job market, where all workers have different skills and weakness. In many cases, there are significant search costs to finding the ideal match between a buyer and a seller of a good, like the job to a job-seeker.

So, Richard Shelby will admit he’s wrong and stop blocking Professor Diamond? LOL, I crack myself up there.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (19)

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  1. V says:

    Today is also National Coming Out Day.

    great gay marriage video (salty language/making out)

  2. PSB says:

    News Journal reporter (twitter DESenate2010) just turned away BY UD CAMPUS POLICE from going up to COD at event at UD’s Academy of Lifelong Learning.


    What Constitution does COD stand behind–certainly not the one that stands for a free press.

  3. Geezer says:

    At anonone’s request, here’s a link to Glenn Greenwald’s latest blog entry, documenting the continuity of terrorist policy from the GWBush to Obama administrations. Those who deny this don’t have much wiggle room here, as Greenwald provides his typically detailed examples:

    (Sorry; as an old Geezer, I still don’t know how to embed the link).

  4. Paul, I saw the photo Ginger Gibson took of O’D being protected by UD security. She put it up on twitter. I wasn’t aware of where it was – didn’t figure it was in Wilmington.

  5. delacrat says:

    Women go Gandhi on heavily armed goons in the promised land, get thrown to ground and tear gassed.

  6. anonone says:

    Hey Geezer, good job! Help document the atrocities!

    Wouldn’t it be great if the regular posters here would discuss these types of issues with the same sort of fervor that Ms. O’Donnell is discussed. (Hint, hint)

    if nothing is done, the heavy hand of the police state will only get heavier.

  7. anonone says:

    Warning: it can make you laugh and it can make you cry.

    In light of the recent suicides of gay and lesbian youths, a YouTube channel has been created to send them the message that “it gets better.” The story behind the website is here:

    and the YouTube channel is here:

    Check It out and pass the links on to any youths or parents that you think might need to hear this message. These suicides are so senseless and the culture that has spawned them is so atrocious that we must get the message out so that people can understand that there is hope for the future. We cannot afford to lose anymore talented young men and women to these senseless suicides.

  8. I’m waiting for the anonone blog.

  9. anonone says:

    Why? You don’t have to wait for me to discuss things like this. You are more than capable. I am just trying to stir the pot.

  10. Glenn Greenwald is very capable, why do you need to discuss it here? I have only so much time in the day to do these things and I post what I think is interesting. Frankly, I find the whole civil liberties thing freakin’ depressing.

  11. PSB says:

    UD’s Academy of Lifelong Learning has a Wilmington campus in north Wilmington, at 2700 Pennsylvania Avenue (near Tower Hill) (there are also other locations in Dover and Lewes. It was the Wilmington campus where UD police barred a News Journal reporter from contacting Ms. O’Donnell.

  12. anonone says:

    These things weren’t so “freakin’ depressing” to talk about here when Bush was the president. It is only since Obama became president that discussing such issues (or any sustained criticism of the president) has become virtually nonexistent on this site.

    I’m not saying that what you blog about isn’t interesting; it is. I’m just suggesting that there are other important topics that used to be blogged about quite frequently on this site that have disappeared almost entirely.

  13. delacrat says:


    You’re right. We should only discuss how awful C O’D and the Republicans are. Nothing else matters.

    There’s just not enough bandwidth and time for anything “freakin depressing”.

  14. PSB says:

    Debate Events
    for the 28,500 Newark residents who did not get tickets to see the debate at Mitchell Hall, what can you do?

    Show up at 4pm in front of Mitchell Hall to show your support for Chris. Email if you are able to commit, or if you have questions.

    Join us at Newark’s Timothy’s by 7pm (debate to start at 7:30pm). Come prepared to sign up for what you’ll do in the next 3 weeks to ensure that Chris goes to DC to take the country forward.

    Come thirsty or hungry, and order something from Timothy’s. They have been great in letting us use their 2nd floor for events like this over the past two-plus eyars, and deserve our thanks and support.

  15. MJ says:

    In Sussex, there will be a debate watching party at the combined Democratic Party HQ on Route 1 just north of 5 Points (across the road from St. Jude’s).

  16. MJ says:

    Just got called by UD for their pre-debate poll.

  17. Ishmael says:

    pop quiz:

    who got more draft deferments? Joe Biden or Dick Cheney?