Senate Debate Live Now **Updated**

Filed in National by on October 19, 2010

WDEL is livestreaming the U.S. Senate debate between Chris Coons and Christine O’Donnell right now.

You can watch here: WDEL

Use this as a thread to discuss the debate.


I just wanted to get in some quick thoughts before I have to rush back to work (I had a doctor’s appointment).

O’Donnell was very rude and the moderator did not have good control of the debate until Chad Livengood actually asked if they could cut off the candidates. It seemed to go better after that.

I thought Chris Coons was better than in the CNN debate. He had a tough line to walk, to try to not get impatient and sound condescending with O’Donnell’s lies and misrepresentations.

In my opinion, this was O’Donnell’s worst debate yet. I think some commentators will think she did a good job because she was able to talk more. She certainly got her talking points in, for sure and much of her lying had to go unchallenged.

The commenters that had the idea about a Chris Coons fact-check page are onto something. I can’t believe his campaign didn’t think of it first. It’s too late to help this debate, but it’s still a great idea. I hope he puts a page up.

However, she had several unforced errors that I’d like to point out. In the 1st amendment question, she said “You’re telling me that’s in the First Amendment?” as a question. Online & on the radio you heard laughter. According to someone at the debate, it was actually O’Donnell’s group laughing, thinking she got in some kind of zinger. It didn’t come across that way to everyone else. It sounded like she didn’t know what was in the 1st amendment and everyone was laughing at her. Big, big mistake.

Second, she had another unforced error by not knowing the 14th & the 16th amendment. I can’t believe she didn’t study up on this – did she not know this could come up? She had obviously studied a few Supreme Court cases since the last debate.

She also gave a very odd answer about what the government can do to create jobs. She said she didn’t support sudsidies to corporations. OK, that sounds good but what does that mean? Would she cut off aid to farmers? Oil company subsidies? She also talked down to the audience about how innovation works. She’s definitely wrong that great ideas get funded. Does she not know how much innovation came out of government-funded research like NASA or grants to universities? Long-term, fundamental study is generally not funded by the private sector because it takes to long and has much less certainty to not pan out. But when fundamental research succeeds you have huge innovation.

Since I was listening on the radio I can’t see what the candidates are responding to. She was laughing during some of Coons’s answers, which was pretty rude. She needs to learn to control herself better. I couldn’t hear him doing these things.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (120)

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  1. Coons mentions he disagrees with Ledbetter vs. Goodyear & Bush vs. Gore.

    Coons is schooling COD on Griswold vs. Connecticut. He says you can’t support Griswold and oppose Roe.

  2. jason330 says:

    I hope Coons drops the hammer once and for all.

  3. COD doesn’t know 14th & 16th amendment. Opposes repeal of 17th (direct election of Senators). Coons want to uphold all amendments.
    Coons is schooling COD on the Constitution.

  4. O’Donnell tries to dodge question on what experience she has. She finally answers that she won the primary and has grassroots support.

  5. Joe Cass says:

    COD studied the constitution.Not.

  6. OOh, good Q by Loudell. How does your gender discrimination lawsuit fit with Scalia’s remarks that the 14th amendment doesn’t cover? She says she disagrees but needs to read remarks. COD doesn’t seem to know much about SCOTUS for someone who claims to be a Constitutional conservative.

  7. anonone says:

    Coons is doing a remarkable job of walking the line between pointing out that she is a moron and treating her with respect.

  8. June says:


  9. AQC says:


  10. To Get My Vote says:

    She is so disrepectful! How about you let him answer the question before you interupr lady??

  11. Moderators are useless. Letting COD go on & on.

  12. a. mouse says:

    i say good for her for getting up this early. I heard she has wild blood-orgies until 4am every night.

  13. Joe Cass says:

    She meant family member prayed that granda dies before Estate tax restarts.

  14. a. price says:

    what a classless bitch

  15. Joe Cass says:

    at least she doesn’t interrupt. ugh

  16. anon says:

    She is getting crazier by the day! She is coming off as completely unhinged!

  17. Geezer says:

    I know several high school students with a better understanding of virtually all these issues than she has.

  18. warren says:

    loudell is doing a terrible job moderating and controlling the debate and cod. why is he continuing to let her speak over coons while coons has the floor? cod is disrespectful, snarky and rude. she thinks hasn’t interrupted coons? that’s all she’s been doing!

  19. Geezer says:

    “Moderators are useless. Letting COD go on & on.”

    It only hurts her. The audience is completely turned off, as was obvious at the applause when Coons asked her to move the discussion forward.

  20. Geezer says:

    Loudell is not moderating, he’s one of the questioners. Peter MacArthur is moderating.

  21. Joe Cass says:

    never heard of “epidemic”?

  22. a. price says:

    anon, and her followers will get crazier right along with her.

  23. present says:

    I am here–the crowd is growing surly with her every interuption and attack-I can’t believe she thinks this tactic is winning people over–Chris is doing a helluva job of trying to keep this train on the tracks–this is worse than watching an argument between a parent and a six year-old.

  24. warren says:

    cod says she has “washington experience”…..exactly what kind of “washington experience” does she have? did she drive through washington once?

  25. present says:

    Just heard someone comment that she would be the worse contestant ever on “are you smarter than a 5th grader”

  26. a. price says:

    what is she going to do when she looses?

  27. warren says:

    thank you for the clarification on the moderator.

  28. Joe Cass says:

    a.price, fox news and take her campaign cash to her own non profit

  29. V says:

    haha holy shit.

  30. a. price says:

    she is jaw droppingly crazy

  31. anonone says:

    The moderator is a huge fail here.

  32. V says:

    there are some COD supporters in there, clapping as she screamed about photo ops

    (i’ve never seen a coons military photo op actually)

  33. anon says:

    I have said this before, but never with so much sincerity:

    “AAAHHHHH! The stupid… it BUUURNS!!!”

    Also, moderator fail.

  34. OpenMinded says:

    and she will claim this a “win” because she is getting more words in? This is a debacle. The hair is raising on my neck and I’m getting hot flashes. Not so good for my coworkers.

  35. anonone says:

    She doesn’t realize (does Coons?) that the U.S. was giving weapons to the Taliban to fight the Soviets.

  36. smyrnadudette says:

    What AQC said! When asked repeated about her views on evolution, she said that it is just a theory…..Scientifically speaking….a theory has been supported by documented data over and over and over….. What an idiot…..and she is SO RUDE.

  37. Geezer says:

    Can anyone there tell us if she’s actually stamping her foot during these tantrums?

  38. MJ says:

    She is a complete idiot and it just amazes me that people would actualy vote for her.

  39. Geezer says:

    “She doesn’t realize (does Coons?) that the U.S. was giving weapons to the Taliban to fight the Soviets.”

    According to her thinking, we apparently should have armed the Taliban and, once the Soviets left, immediately attacked the Taliban. Imagine how eager groups would be to ally with us after that.

  40. present says:

    She needs a timeout in the corner–good lord. only her supporters will claim this a win. Everyone else in their right mind are seeing her true colors.

  41. Geezer says:

    Future poll question: What’s the most annoying thing about her — the interruptions? The stupidity? I vote for the snide laugh.

  42. present says:

    Loved his line “What you’re doing is simply yelling empty rhetoric.” And her campaign guy is losing his mind trying to interject she is being treated unfairly!

  43. a. price says:

    i cant find a campaign office to call and yell at

  44. Jason330 says:

    Gah…just heard five minutes.. She just lies and lies. For example, she was at an event wherea majority of the people in attendance wee democrats. Must. Turn. Off. Radio.

  45. anon says:

    She really doesn’t understand the Soviet history with Afghanistan.

    She thought we should have taken over Afghanistan when the Soviets left and installed our own government? Not even Reagan dared to do that (well, Bush Sr. by then). It would have inflamed the Soviet generals and derailed perestroika.

  46. V says:

    kind of frustrating that the entire comments thread next to the debate stream is crazy COD supporters



  47. present says:

    Her comments after the debate will undoubtedly be:

    “the panel, the moderators, and questions were all against me”

    I give Chris kudos. I don’t know how he sits there and attempts to respond to her endless diatribes!

  48. anon says:

    Coons missed an opportunity to put up a fact-check page before the debate to pre-emptively debunk her lies. It’s not like we don’t know what they are by now.

    For example, when she says small business (by which she means S-corps, although she probably couldn’t define one) that earns $250K would have a tax increase “before they feed their families,” (on the gross), Coons could just call out “Lie Number 27” on his fact check list.

  49. anonone says:

    She views these debates as episodes of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”

  50. MJ says:

    COD – My name is Donald Trump, and you’re fired!

  51. smyrnadudette says:

    COD – a waste of human flesh!

  52. anon says:

    I have no quarrel with her flesh.

  53. anon says:

    Only two more weeks-it can’t come soon enough. I will have never been happier to cast my vote!

  54. anon2 says:

    anon is right, Coons needs to put up a fact check page ASAP and address ever single distortion O’Distortion put out there today.

    Don’t let that lying POS get away with anything!

  55. anon says:

    The debate format favored shouting and interruption while handicapping wonky facts.

    Apparently the moderator thought that the way to back up your point was to repeat it again, louder.

  56. anon says:

    I missed the first part of the debate. From the AP article:

    O’Donnell asked where the Constitution calls for the separation of church and state. When Coons responded that the First Amendment bars Congress from making laws respecting the establishment of religion, O’Donnell asked: “You’re telling me that’s in the First Amendment?”

    Well, she only had an 8-day course on the Constitution, and there are ten amendments in the Bill Of Rights, so I guess something had to go.

  57. skippertee says:

    Yo V, I went on there. Tried to counter those in the new “KNOW NOTHING” party.
    Hard to do against such overwhelming numbers.
    ASSES every one.

  58. anonone says:

    O’Donnell asked: “You’re telling me that’s in the First Amendment?”

    I am sure that the Claremont Institute is very proud of their Graduate Fellowship in Constitutional Government graduate’s knowledge of the Constitution.

  59. Jason330 says:

    I love that they note that the crowd gasped. Lol!

  60. anon says:

    I love that they note that the crowd gasped

    She made that statement in an audience of law students and professors. I suppose next she will go to a church and say “Bearing false witness? Is that in the Ten Commandments? “

  61. I forgot to add that COD made another unforced error when she asked Coons to detail how he created jobs while working as legal council at W.L. Gore. It allowed him to talk about his experience doing just that!

    On the 1st amendment question, COD slipped into wingnut-speak which is incomprehensible to most people. It’s an article of faith among wingnuts that the founders didn’t mean for the 1st amendment to mean “separation of church and state” (despite their words to the contrary). That must be what she was trying to do but totally hurt herself.

  62. Jason330 says:

    Christine has made it clear that she learned everything she needs to know about the Constitution from a Norman Rockwell war bonds poster.

  63. Jason330 says:

    “You’re telling me that’s in the book of Book of Exodus?!”

  64. anon2 says:

    “I suppose next she will go to a church and say “Bearing false witness? Is that in the Ten Commandments? “”

    O’Donnell is clearly oblivious to the fact that “bearing false witness” is in the Ten Commandments, or did you miss her entire campaign against Mike Castle and her current campaign against Chris Coons?

  65. anonone says:

    “You’re telling me that’s in campaign financing laws?”

  66. anon says:

    The Claremont Institute says campaign finance laws are unconstitutional.

    Actually, so does the US Supreme Court.


  67. anon says:

    Video of O’Donnell saying You’re telling me that’s in the First Amendment?” had better be Coons’s next TV ad. Maybe paired with “Oh gosh… Can you give me an example?”


    With all their whining about Wolf Blitzer, did the teabagerrz successfully “work the refs” to gain the invisible moderation in today’s debate?

  68. anon says:

    Christine made the moderator disappear.

  69. heragain says:

    I don’t envy Chris. I’m pretty sure I would be handling this with considerably less grace, absent a big predebate sedative. 😉

  70. John says:

    Why would anyone support Chris Coons, a left wing Democrat? Do you not comprehend the problems we have in this country? How is the jobs situation in Delaware? Which candidate will preserve our constution, support free interprise and other freedoms we are losing on a daily basis? Froget the petty stuff and get serious folks, we need to save this country.

  71. MJ says:

    She learned how to laugh from Bill Colley. They sound exactly the same, except Colley’s is in a higher pitch, but only when he’s not wearing his man-pants.

  72. Jason330 says:

    John stop copying my seplling!

  73. anon says:

    John, did you not listen this morning? Did she provide any lucid ideas? She is more worried about attacking Chris than giving voters anything substantive. The fact that she does not understand the constitution is not petty, it is actually a HUGE concern. I am proud to be supporting Chris-he’ll do a great job.

  74. TellTheTruth says:

    Separation of church and state came out of Jim Demints Bible. The republican plan is to shut down the government and impeach Obama!

  75. DownstateD says:

    John – we ARE trying to save it. Save it from religious fanatics who construe the Constitution to take away freedoms, from the possibility of having a Senator who has never had a job and is a pathological liar, from 8 years of disastrous policies, from an out of control expensive health care system, etc. Don’t blame us. (Also, we’re trying to save it from people who can’t even spell “enterprise” correctly.)

  76. heragain says:

    John, since you’re not from around here, let me recap, for you.

    Christine is not a fiscal conservative, or even a taxpayer, herself. She doesn’t work for a living, she runs for office. She doesn’t attend church. She knows seriously nothing about the Constitution, America’s structure of government, or the Supreme Court. She also knows nothing about science. Because of these things she is completely unqualified to protect my freedoms, build my economy, or even contribute suggestions on the future of my country.

    I am a tax paying mother of 5, and a homeschooler. My 10 year old is considerably more educated that she is. And I’m convinced that Chris Coons is a more responsible choice for anyone concerned about this country.

  77. anon2 says:

    John why would anyone support Christine O’Donnell? She lied about having a college degree and sued her only employer in Delaware for $7 million because she had to withdraw from Princeton’s Master’s Degree Program-a program she was never accepted into because SHE DROPPED OUT OF COLLEGE WITHOUT FINISHING CLASSES until September 1, 2010. She’s a liar and a fraud.

    And how is she going to “preserve the Constitution” when she doesn’t know what the Constitution even says? She proved today on WDEL that her entire rap about “studying the Constitution for 10 years” is a lie.

    This isn’t “petty stuff” this is you wanting us to risk our future on a lazy, pig, liar, unemployed grifter who filed a fradulent lawsuit against her only Delaware employer.

    We can’t save this country by electing a liar and a fraud.

  78. Jason330 says:

    1). There are no school districts in Delaware clamoring to teach creationism in science class in spite of what COD claims. 2). Separation of Church and state is another one of the great things which make this country work that Republicans are trying to fuck up.

  79. del voter says:

    WDEL has posted links to the full audio at the lead story here:
    (three mp3 files)

  80. anonone says:

    “You’re telling me that there are science classes?”

  81. anon says:

    No video? Damn. I should have captured it from the feed. That video is a national treasure.

    WDEL please, please post the video!!

  82. anon says:

    Looks like the video might end up on CSPAN. Hope they post the whole thing:

  83. liberalgeek says:

    I’m concerned that if there is no separation of church and state that we will have Sharia law…. Oh… I see where she’s going now…

  84. anon says:

    Somebody already put up a piece of the video with her First Amendment answers:

    She doesn’t just say it once, she doubles and triples and quadruples down on it.

    At around 2:30 she says it the first time and gets a big laugh. It is genuinely stunned and derisive laughter. She has a grin like she thinks they are all laughing WITH her.

    Then she says it multiple times between about 5:30 and the end of the segment. She just can’t stop. UI is dead right about her using the wingnut-speak for this topic.

  85. Video should be going up on the WDEL website by mid-afternoon.

    Full audio is already up.

    Allan Loudell
    WDEL Radio &

  86. Jason330 says:

    This is a debacle for ODonnell. The CNN version kills her. That said, she survived a career ending interview with WGMD, so….

    BTW. It is so funny that she was egged into going whole hog by what she thought was supportive laughter.

  87. anon says:

    Thank you Allan! I know prepping the video is a time-consuming job, so thanks to whoever is doing it.

  88. MJ says:

    Is Rick Jensen really this much of a complete idiot? How can Chris Coons explaining that the separation of church & state and his belief in evolution is “playing to the hard left,” as he just said on his show!? Is he trying to get into COD’s panties by kissing her ass this much?

  89. Joe Cass says:

    Dick Jensen is a complete idiot.

  90. pandora says:

    Jensen is an idiot. He’s also a complete tool. He loves him some Christine… at least now he does, before the primary… not so much. Republicans go on and on about principles and values then, quite stunningly, display the have none.

  91. Jason330 says:

    Yeah. The hard left no includes everyone who doesn’t buy into Creationism as science. The mighty, the invincible hard left. Now 300 million strong!

  92. anon says:

    I think O’Donnell’s First Amendment comments will be some kind of watershed for the whole teabag movement.

    Until now, the press has not challenged the teabagz claim to be the True Keepers Of The Constitution. But now, O’Donnell has become a national spokesman for the tea party movement.

    What she was doing was trying to get Coons in a nit-picky argument about whether the words “separation of church and state” appear in the Constitution. It is a little bit of sophistry that works in a far right audience, but not in a roomful of lawyers.

    It didn’t work, and it was exposed for the bullshit it is. Exposed undeniably to a national audience. As one dKos commenter put it, the argument reminds her of her child’s hyperliteral argument:

    “Put away your toys.”

    “These aren’t toys; they are books and puzzles.”

    And diving even deeper..The teabag movement has been trying to portray itself as plain ol’ fiscal conservatives who aren’t really judgmental about social conservative issues. Like they aren’t the same old bigots and haters who elected Republicans throughout the 80s and 90s. O’Donnell herself has been trying to distance herself from her social conservative issues, saying “It’s not about my beliefs; it’s about what’s Constitutional.”

    Well she just destroyed that piece of fiction. And because she is now inextricably a teabagger, perhaps the Alpha Teabagger, her stupidity now clings to all teabaggers everywhere. Perhaps the press will now take a closer look at their Constitutional whimsy.

  93. MJ says:

    I don’t know who is worse – Jensen or Colley. Maybe they were separated at birth.

  94. Joe Cass says:

    It loks like Colley ate Jensen!
    I had to go to the website COD mentioned, here’s a copy of the pertinent:
    Here is the proof, from his family business website, that shows how blatantly he lied about Cap and Trade:
    Read more: Gore, Dunn-Edwards get piece of stimulus pie – Phoenix Business Journal
    Award(s): 2 totaling $814,000 from DOE / Treasury, Clean Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit (48C)
    Location: Elkton, MD
    W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., Elkton, MD ‐ $604,000
    W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., in Elkton received $604,000 to re‐equip two manufacturing facilities in New York and Maryland to produce the Gore Turbine Filter. The filter is used in natural gas turbines that deliver high fuel efficiency and low greenhouse gas emissions.
    W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., Elkton, MD ‐ $210,000
    W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., in Elkton received $210,000 to retool a manufacturing facility to produce a key component of fuel cell systems used to improve fuel efficiency in vehicles.

    In both examples I read “efficiency”. I make purchases to improve my vehicles and home, it tends to save me money.

  95. anon says:

    dKos is chewing over the O’Donnell debacle pretty well. Somebody pointed out that O’Donnell might be helping Sestak somewhat, since O’Donnell’s batshit crazy is being piped into the Philly media market.

    By the way, Sestak is the guy we should be helping with GOTV, right over the state line. If I can find a spare day or two I’ll call up and see how I can help.

  96. kavips says:

    meanwhile, I’m currently considering who is the more dangerous? A tea bagger? or a Republican?…

    Watching the corporate takeover of American media, and seeing it’s manipulating and filtering of what messages we are exposed to, I’m siding with the teabaggers on this one.. Yes, there are intellectual issues, but they are far closer to the reality of day to day life, than is any neocon, Copeland,or Dick Cheney.

    At least they still believe in our Constitution, and that is a party I can work with.

    Hopefully they will surge in popularity, and destroy that Mike Castle, Bonini, Ross, Copeland contingent who through their lack of Constitutional principal,..their lack of moral fortitude,..their ironclad imposition of who can run, and who can’t… . has forced upon this state, no choice but to vote the Democrats in as a one state party. Those four uncompromisers, need to be run out of town by every former republican who still loves America.

    Instead, this state needs to get back to developing a working inter-party relationships, one in which corporations are completely powerless and left outside the doorstep of government, and one where it doesn’t matter if a person is a Tea Bagger or a Democrat, as long as they are a human being, and not a corporate spokesperson, representing their constituents. Every corporate connection created by the beaten up Republican party, needs to go away, and allow Tea Baggers and Democrats need to sit down, work together in peace, and just run things…

    Life could be so much better if Americans on the right and left, say no to the 5 million dollars pouring into this state from both sides, and dis the republicans altogether who ruined our country.

    The Tea Baggers are all right… The real enemy of the state is the Republican Party who dissed Christine until she totally blew them out of the water… Christine has done this state a huge favor. I’m sorry, i can’t hate her for what she’s done. She’s taken over the Republican Party, and that… can only be seen as a good thing….

  97. kavips says:

    Meanwhile, perhaps we are all considering who is the more dangerous? A tea bagger? or a Republican?…

    Watching the corporate takeover of American media, and seeing it’s manipulating and filtering of what messages we are exposed to, I’m siding with the teabaggers on this one.. Yes, there are intellectual issues, but they are far closer to the reality of day to day life, than is any neocon, Copeland,or Dick Cheney.

    At least they still believe in our Constitution, and that is a party I can work with.

    Hopefully they will surge in popularity, and destroy that Mike Castle, Bonini, Ross, Copeland contingent who through their lack of Constitutional principal,..their lack of moral fortitude,..their ironclad imposition of who can run, and who can’t… . has forced upon this state, no choice but to vote the Democrats in as a one state party. Those four uncompromisers, need to be run out of town by every former republican who still loves America.

    Instead, this state needs to get back to developing a working inter-party relationships, one in which corporations are completely powerless and left outside the doorstep of government, and one where it doesn’t matter if a person is a Tea Bagger or a Democrat, as long as they are a human being, and not a corporate spokesperson, representing their constituents. Every corporate connection created by the beaten up Republican party, needs to go away, and allow Tea Baggers and Democrats need to sit down, work together in peace, and just run things…

    Life could be so much better if Americans on the right and left, say no to the 5 million dollars pouring into this state from both sides, and dis the republicans altogether who ruined our country.

    The Tea Baggers are all right… The real enemy of the state is the Republican Party who dissed Christine until she totally blew them out of the water… Christine has done this state a huge favor. I’m sorry, i can’t hate her for what she’s done. She’s taken over the Republican Party, and that… can only be seen as a good thing….

  98. anon says:

    COD and her people are desperate. They played the marxist card that didn’t work, the taxman, “I’m you”, and now tying him to Gore receiving Govt. tax credits…He isn’t the CEO of the company or involved in day to day operations so what is he supposedly lying about?

  99. a. price says:

    “At least they still believe in our Constitution, and that is a party I can work with. ”


    they dont believe in the constitution…. they believe in what Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin has TOLD them the constitution says. Talk about corporate takeovers of the media…. the Teaparty is a genuine movement the same way the Sex Pistols were punk rock.
    They are a threat to the republican establishment, but they are in the same way (yes im about to go here) Al Queda is to the Saudi royal family. They are a more extreme, less educated purer form of the douche-bag conservative….. and they are entirely a creation so asshats like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity can get higher ratings.
    it is shame they have taken you too.

  100. Jason330 says:

    Oh man the NPR blog post is cringe inducing (if you are a teabagger).

  101. Jason330 says:

    She can’t claim that she said “You’re telling me that….” on a comedy show 10 years ago.

  102. kavips says:

    Anon.. it’s politics… they are doing what they do to win.. It’s like tackling in football, or throwing a pitch to make the batter duck in baseball.. it’s how it’s played, and why we watch from the sidelines..

    Bearded Marxist? Witchaholic? Taxpledgebreaker? Degreeless Doosey? Both sides are doing it… Actually it’s the only thing that makes politics interesting… 🙂

    And none of it, none of it, is important. What is important is who will fix the economy the fastest. And right now, it’s Coons. Don’t loose sight of what’s important. Who will fix the economy the fastest. Coons. That is all that matters.

    Now on to a price.

    I define punk rock by the Sex Pistols. Please post links if I am mistaken, as that is just a truth I have always accepted, without ever having it challenged. I will listen to your selections with an open mind…. (it’s the only one I have)…

    I think you are making a mistake about identifying the Tea Partiers with Beck (Glenn, lol) and Hannity…. those two are entertainers.. They, like Leno, Letterman, make jokes, exaggerate reality, and yes, do it for ratings. It seems to work.

    Most Tea Partiers are people who think this corporate takeover of our government has gone too far… Whether from the right, or left, that feeling of losing control of the country, is driving people to look for new ideas. And that is a good thing…

    Apathy is not… With Beck and Hannity, we seem to be getting less and less apathy… With that lack of apathy, ground is cleared for new ideas to spawn, and that, is why, the Tea Party is good for America…

    We need to get a wall built between corporate money, and our government. Both Tea Partiers and I, agree that Government is best left to “We, The People.”

  103. cassandra m says:

    Most Tea Partiers are people who think this corporate takeover of our government has gone too far

    Uh, no.

    If they thought that, they wouldn’t be so beholden to the corporate interests who fund them. This whole teajadi thing is just one more vector of the GOP and their particular corporate interests to buy the government they want. This is just a different face of the usual thing. Except this time, the corporate interests don’t have to hide their agendas.

  104. John says:

    Self-professed Marxist Democrat Chris Coons messed up today in his debate with Conservative Christine O’Donnell. Coons insisted that the First Amendment declared, Government shall make no establishment of religion. The First Amendment actually reads, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Christine O’Donnell correctly challenged Coons on his misinterpretation. In fact, O’Donnell was correct. The First Amendment does not prohibit the free exercise of religion or speech as Coons was suggesting. It certainly was not included in the First Amendment. The amendment only prohibits a state sponsored religion, such as the anglican church. The phrase seperation of church and state came about in the 1940’s and is not found in the Constitution. Christine is totally correct.

  105. anonone says:

    cassandra_m is right. kavips is doing his middle-of-the-road, car-dodging, squirrel dance again. The original acronym TEA stands for “Taxed Enough Already?” and one of their main complaints is that business taxes are too high and that there are too many regulations on businesses.

    Most Tea Partiers are people who think that having a Democratic president with brown skin is what has gone too far.

  106. anon says:

    The original acronym TEA stands for “Taxed Enough Already?”

    No, first they appropriated the name of the (Boston) Tea Party, stupid as that may be (because they are protesting different issues).

    TEA is a “back-ronym” devised to maintain their reference to the Boston Tea Party.

  107. Aoine says:

    Some one please post jeffersons letter to the danbury batists written Jan 1 1802 ( I believe) so he. Can read the damn thing for himself and understand the “wall

    of seperation that Jefferson clearly explains

    (then…..ther is no fixing stupid…..

  108. Aoine says:

    John…you are an absolute idiot and obviously listened and believed urkie

    Are you really THAT DUMB….if so you are the COD. AND URLKIE SUPPORTER they are counting on

    Ignorant and ill-informed.

  109. V says:

    Beck (Glenn, lol) and Hannity…. those two are entertainers.. They, like Leno, Letterman, make jokes, exaggerate reality, and yes, do it for ratings. It seems to work.

    really? is Limbaugh a comedian too? is Ann Coulter? because they seem to be pretty damn serious (when Glenn is weeping about out country and the socialists etc., or is holding weird religious rallies on the mall) and only seem to backtrack on “I’m a comedian, i’m an entertainer, I don’t have anything to do with actual politics” when one of their listeners/viewers shoots up some place.

  110. cassandra m says:

    Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists

    It isn’t like any of them will actually read this, you know….

  111. V says:

    they didn’t take the time to read the 1 page Bearded Marxist letter either.

    Let’s just hope John, like most COD supporters, isn’t from Delaware and has no say in our lives.

    just because the WORDS “separtion of church and state” aren’t in there doesn’t mean the concept isn’t. just like there’s no enumerated “right to privacy” but courts have established there is one.

    Come to think of it, I don’t remember there being the phase “assholes are allowed to have assualt rifles” in all that milita language of the 2nd either. I don’t like it, but I won’t deny the courts have established the concept is there.

  112. V says:

    for the lazy (John), this is from Cassandra’s link:

    Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
    – Thomas motherfucking Jefferson

  113. a. price says:

    Kapvis the sex pistols, while they heavily influenced PunkRock were fundamentally NOT “punk rock”. Music and lyrics, yes. But they were essentially created by music/fashion promoter, Malcon McLaren. The band members were “punk” but the very fact the band was created to sell a style makes it the “astro-turf” of music.

    how this relates to the TEAparty is this..
    While many teaparty members are “true believers” their entire set of facts, and battle cries, and important days are dictated to them by snake oil salesmen like Beck…. who is NOT harmless by the way. He is telling his viewers….his FOLLOWERS that they are in danger and violence is coming from the left. he is telling ARMED people that their guns and families are in danger from….THEM!!!!! the democrats, the socialists, the immigrants, the terrorists… are all working together to END AMERICA..
    that is free speech (yay) it is also very dangerous and while it cannot and shouldn’t be forcibly stopped, it does have to be identified for what it is.

  114. anon says:

    WDEL video of today’s debate is up:

    Thank you Allan Loudell and WDEL!!

  115. Aoine says:

    Thanks guys…..also the moderator reminded COD that the 14th was about citizenship….actually there are three clauses and one or the most important clauses is:

    The equal protection clause… know John the clause that ensures that you ans I are treated equally under the law and the constitution

    The clause that is the basis for the repeal of prop 8 in CA

    The clause that GUARANTEES ALL under the jurisdiction of the US are entitled…constitutionally that they have the freeedoms and protections of the constitution….

    What these fools are relying on is the ignorant (willfully or not) un-informed voter that they have fear-mongered to vote for them.

    This is your country too….if you love it learns its laws…understand your rigyts and freedoms…and fight.(vote) to keep them…

  116. 1DelawareBiker says:

    Phew. Thanks, guys. Good read. I’m holding my breath for 14 more days until O’Donnell disappears into the noxious miasma of Fox News commentation.

  117. alyn pearis says:

    Obviously, during that 8 day course on the Constitution she was a no show.

  118. Aoine says:

    COD is a Sara palin egg that sadly got fertilized….

    Thank goodness for Roe v Wade

    Metaphorically speaking in the analogous way….

    However….that Being said…I think that bullys like her won’t go away…she is socially inept…did not clue in she lost the crowd..had made a gaffe and is so narsissitic that she thinks it is all about herself.

    It is the beginning of more insanity…..but she and Sara palin will diva duke it out and maybe they will cancel each other out

    One can hope.