Thursday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 21, 2010

Ah, another day, another teabagger being named Asshat of the Day.

Today, we bring you Keith Rothfus, who’s running for Congress against Democratic incumbent Jason Altmire in Pennsylvania’s 4th District.

Rothfus has a solution to deal with Supreme Court decisions he doesn’t like. If elected, he’ll defund the Court.

However, Rothfus took his defund-mantra a step further. When asked by a constituent whether or not Congress can override the Supreme Court, Rothfus argued that Congress could simply strip funding from the Supreme Court if it makes a decision he disagrees with. Said Rothfus, “if the Supreme Court rules you have to do something, we’ll just take away funding for it”:

CONSTITUENT: Keith, I have a question concerning the courts. It seems that the courts are having the final say on these matters, the Supreme Court. But isn’t it the Congress that can ultimately override the Supreme Court, the checks and balances?

ROTHFUS: Yeah, there are different checks and balances you can do. Congress’s ultimate weapon is funding. If the Supreme Court rules you have to do something, we’ll just take away funding for it. You can always pass a constitutional amendment. I myself have several amendments I’m thinking of. One is to tell the Supreme Court that when you consider American constitutional principles, American constitutional rights, you cannot rely on foreign law to adjudicate those. We have certain members of the Court who want to draw from Europe, and draw from Europe, Europe, and Europe. They’ll never want to draw from Saudi Arabia or something. They talk about these international evolving standards of decency, and they’re always talking about western Europe, which is dying. They want to incorporate really socialist principles into our constitutional regime.

He obviously doesn’t see a problem with interjecting politics into Court decisions. He’ll try to hold the Court hostage unless it issues rulings he wants. So much for respecting the Constitution and the separation of powers.

Honorable mention asshat today is Ken “buyer’s remorse” Buck for finally admitting that he doesn’t believe in global warming.

Colorado Republican Senate candidate Ken Buck, like his endorser Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), believes “global warming is the greatest hoax that has been perpetrated.” Buck is part of the Tea Party army storming the U.S. Congress this November that believes the overwhelming scientific consensus about the threat of fossil fuel pollution is a conspiracy. On Wednesday, Buck toured the state with Inhofe, whom he celebrated as “the most conservative senator in the U.S. Senate.” Meeting with supporters, Buck said the “evidence just keeps supporting” Inhofe’s senseless conspiracy theory:

Sen. Inhofe was the first person to stand up and say this global warming is the greatest hoax that has been perpetrated. The evidence just keeps supporting his view, and more and more people’s view, of what’s going on.

Oh, how I fear for our Nation.

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A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Whenever a teabag Republican talks about the Constitution I picture this guy in my mind:

    Cloud William, Speaker of the Holy. Skip to 6 minutes in. The only thing missing is the big furry Sonny Bono vest.

  2. MJ says:

    One of my favorite episodes, if it was a bit corny.