Teabagger Terrorists Send Toxic Nazi Mail to Democratic Congressman

Filed in National by on October 22, 2010

From MSNBC :

White powder delivered in an swastika-covered envelope to the Tucson, Ariz., office of Rep. Raul Grijalva is a toxic substance, the Democratic congressman said the FBI told him Thursday afternoon…

An envelope arrived with swastikas drawn on the outside and a white powdery substance on the inside, Adam Sarvana, Grijalva’s spokesman, told the Arizona Daily Star newspaper. It’s not the first time his office has been the target of threats, the Daily Star said. Grijalva received death threats in April, shortly after SB1070, the anti-illegal-immigrant law, was signed. He called for a boycott in response. He closed his Tucson and Yuma offices as a result of the threats, the Daily Star said.

In July, after he called off the boycott, staffers found a bullet and a shattered window inside his Yuma office, the Daily Star said. Grijalva appeared on a national news talk show this week complaining about racist tactics being used during his campaign for re-election…

Radical conservatives are a violent bigoted people. They believe fear and intimidation are not only ways you achieve power, but also ways you voice your opposition. There is no difference between this incident and the Anthrax attacks. When the Teabagger terrorist is caught, and he will be since conservatives are unintelligent, he must be punished as any other terrorist.

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  1. Joe Cass says:

    They believe fear and intimidation are not only ways you achieve power,but also ways you voice your opposition.
    They covet power to assuage their fears and shield themselves from the intimidation that overwhelms them from people/thoughts that are different from their own.

  2. skippertee says:

    This in NO WAY compares to the bio-degradable and highly enriched protein I’ve been sending to her campaign office in a sealed container.

  3. pandora says:

    These things really frighten me. It’s only a matter of time. Not if, but when…

  4. delacrat says:


    For once, you and I are in agreement.

    The Bank CEO Who Washed Up In A Michigan Lake Was Shot “Execution Style”

  5. Here’s another Republican candidate threatening violence:

    In Texas’ 30th congressional district, Republican candidate Stephen Broden was asked to explain comments he made regarding launching a “revolution” against the United States government. His response wasn’t compelling.

    “If the government is not producing the results or has become destructive to the ends of our liberties, we have a right to get rid of that government and to get rid of it by any means necessary,” Broden said, adding the nation was founded on a violent revolt against Britain’s King George III.

    Watson asked if violence would be in option in 2010, under the current government.

    “The option is on the table. I don’t think that we should remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms,” Broden said, without elaborating. “However, it is not the first option.”

    How gracious of him. He hasn’t ruled out a violent overthrow of our government, but he’s not ready to take up arms against the United States as a “first option.”

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    I pray that Teabaggers attempt an illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous overthrow of the government. They will be wiped out if they do.

  7. anon says:

    I don’t think armed teabaggers will show up en masse at a government site. I think law enforcement will know about it well in advance, and it will end up looking more like Waco or Ruby Ridge. The danger is if they haven’t actually done anything yet, they will become martyrs.

  8. Don says:

    How many seconds after this news broke did the first teabagger claim the substance was sent by a liberal as part of a conspiracy to make the baggers look bad?

  9. anon says:

    My local and national teabag barometers (DP and RedState) are mum.

  10. a. price says:

    “I pray that Teabaggers attempt an illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous overthrow of the government. They will be wiped out if they do.”

    but how many innocent people will die when they decide to “take their country back”? the best outcome for what you are suggesting is that they go out like the Weather Underground. Blow themselves up and snuff out their movement.

  11. Joe C says:

    a.price, one could argue that countless innocent lives have already been destroyed by the far right, in large part due to the apathy of your innocents

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    A. Price, if innocents die, they will die at the hands of the Teabagger terrorists. Because terrorism is the route they will go. They will blow up Federal buildings or take hostages.

  13. anon says:

    Not to wish anything, but I am amazed that all those people are moving peacefully out of their foreclosed homes.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    U.S.C. Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, Section 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government:

    “Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

    Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

    Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.”

    It seems to me that any Teabagger who has even spoken of violent overthrow if they don’t get their way is already guilty of violating this statute, and it seems to me that large numbers of Teabaggers should be spending the next two decades in prison, and it seems to me that those same traitorous Teabaggers are now disqualified from ever holding any governmental office in the United States of America.

  15. Jason330 says:

    I wonder if this terror attack means that we can now bomb the shit out of some random country.

  16. MJ says:

    DD – now to find a US Attorney with some balls to bring these teabaggers before a grand jury.

  17. a. price says:

    “A. Price, if innocents die, they will die at the hands of the Teabagger terrorists. Because terrorism is the route they will go. They will blow up Federal buildings or take hostages”

    and that’s what you are praying for? you’ve always struck me as a little less extreme. They are also all morons. I see the would-ne right wing terrorists as the underpants bomber, or like i said.. the Weathermen.
    I do hope everyone has to confront who these people really are, but i will never say i want people to die.

    … yes delcrat, i know because i support obama, i want all the arabs to die.

  18. a. price says:

    “DD – now to find a US Attorney with some balls to bring these teabaggers before a grand jury.”

    just what we need. reverse mcarthyism.

  19. Delaware Dem says:

    A. Price, I am not praying for innocents to be killed. I am praying for the comeuppance for the teabaggers. I do not believe they should get to threaten, encourage and commit violence and terrorism under the rubic of free expression and speech. I believe such acts are criminal and should be punished as treason. That is what I am praying for.

  20. a. price says:

    i didnt think so. just checking.

  21. Aoine says:

    U.S.C. Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, Section 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government:

    so umm when will the DSP and the Joint terrorism task force be picking up Russ Murphy, Alex Garcia, Theresa Garcia, Angel Clark, Bodie, Charles Agan and the rest of the 9/12ers and Bill Colley????

    I can;t wait to see the perp walk!! – I will provide the popcorn

  22. Aoine says:

    MJ – US Attorney Weiss – for the District of Delaware

    Nemours Bldg, Orange St, Wilmington

    Want the office or cell number??

  23. Ordianary Joe says:

    Are you sure that this is someone affiliated with the Tea party movement? Have you conducted and completed an investigation even before the FBI has gotten done with theirs? Would you care to share your evidence that this is not a hoax conducted by the candidate and his supporters as he sags in the polls? Or are you simply talking out your ass?

  24. Thomas Jefferson says:

    I regularly advocate overthrowing the government — “[W]henever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

  25. Aoine says:

    Delaware 9/12 Patriots = the American Taliban

  26. Aoine says:

    let’s have a revolution – just for the hell of it???

  27. Joe Cass says:

    you say you want a revolution well you know we all want to change the world
    The Beatles say it better than I

  28. G. Washington says:

    I led a violent revolution against a legitimate government — they made me the first President of the US and put me on the quarter and dollar bill.

  29. Ceasar Rodney says:

    I rode through the night to sign papers in support of the overthrow of the legitimate government — Delaware picked me to be placed on a US coin for having done so.

  30. Bill Ayers says:

    I led a violent bombing campaign in the hopes of overthrowing the US government — I got to be a tenured professor at a major university AND launch Barack Obama’s political career!

  31. Ordinary Joe says:

    You guys might want to make yourself aware of this important free speech case before you continue your advocacy of rounding people up for the exercise of their First Amendment rights — http://www.oyez.org/cases/1950-1959/1956/1956_6

  32. Joe Cass says:

    how dimwitted can you get? you want to equate the Revolution against the crown to the right wing terrorist threat? Come knock on my door to ask me to gear up. You’d get put down. Does that clarify things for you?

  33. heragain says:

    Gotta love those Federalists, and their concern for free-speech. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_Party

  34. Joe Cass says:

    Hey G.W., whats your definition of legitimate, and who was paying the taxes, you or the serfs?
    Ceasar, wasn’t it nice to limp back home to southern Delaware and be tossed out of seat holder by the loyalists?
    Mr.Ayers, didn’t you do your time? Too bad you’re not an Ollie North or a G.G.Liddy, we forgave those traitors.
    Truth be told, I’m not the forgiving type. Another fact, I have been accused of being a union thug. Not convicted, just indicted. So youse who wanna mouth off, call me out and I’ll be there. Just make it near New Castle because my ass falls asleep on the bus.

  35. Aoine says:

    Well Timothy McVeigh was the first wave of this anti-governtment sentiment

    so he conspired with like-minded fools, made a bomb and murdered 168 fellow American in the Murragh Bldg April 1995, including 19 children

    and you want to say maybe we should put him on our paper money and some shiny coin??

    He got EXACTLY what he deserved, a shiny needle in his arm – and if anyone else is considering taking his lead, I got a whole long list of folks with shiny needles ,ready and willing and able to do the same thing to those of you that would either try it, or advocate it.

    Good luck with that revolution thing – don’t call for bail money!

  36. Joe Cass says:

    Eric Rudolph, the Olympic bomber who also targeted OB/GYNs and victimized what some would consider innocent AND was hidden by religious zealots.
    Death or Glory – The Clash
    “Gonna march a long way
    Fight a long time
    Get to travel over mountains
    Got to travel over seas
    We’re gonna fight your brother
    We’re gonna fight til you lose
    We’re gonna raise trouble
    We’re gonna raise hell
    We’re gonna fight your brother
    We’re gonna raise hell
    Death or glory becomes just another story”
    And the funny thing is I have law enforcement on my side, well, here in the NE

  37. BABS says:

    why don’t you stuff a muslims head up your progressive ass?
    nobody was caught for the crime, usually when the criminal is found, it’s one of you .

  38. Liberal Elite says:

    @Ordinary Joe “You guys might want to make yourself aware of this important free speech case before you continue your advocacy of rounding people up for the exercise of their First Amendment rights”

    I think that it’s hilarious that the very people advocating a violent overthrow of our Constitution are trying to hide behind it’s 1st Amendment.

    You cannot hide behind that which you are trying to destroy.

  39. C says:

    one of who, BABS? A Christian like Rudolph or McVeigh or the other ones you can’t name? tickey tockey tickey tockey

  40. C says:

    as for shoving things into the anus, you’re the pro
    and does Christine know you self impale?

  41. Joe Cass says:

    Babs….babs….what are you inserting where, BABS? Christine is correct, you haven’t evolved.

  42. C says:

    scotus separation of church and stae

  43. skippertee says:

    Please, people?
    Let’s leave the anal insertions to the professionals.
    The TOPIC is VIOLENT, BIGOTED TEA-BAGGERS, the small but dangerous sub-culture embraced by the movement as their “SHOCK TROOPS”.

    We don’t have an equivalent “sub-culture” over here or, if we do, I’m unaware……..


  44. serious ind says:

    Interesting yet ironic name calling. However, this federal level of socialism will only serve the established status quo. Granting excessive executive power to any puppet, totalitarian, “elected”, government is a false security at best. At worse, it will pit the citizen spies versus average people tired of having their liberties surrendered over chicken little or intentional act. These decisions have national implications, not that the Del. citizen is trying to force share-the-road with the horse-and-buggy campaigns or nascar appreciation days. But some of the rest of us don’t like cap-and-trade, want to start carbon taxes, believe the Federal Reserve is the only burger joint in town, or want to blindly give and follow more executive power. Stop it or we will untie that anchor holding you on and let you drift down to Venezuela.

  45. pandora says:

    Stop it or we will untie that anchor holding you on and let you drift down to Venezuela.

    What does this even mean?

  46. Geezer says:

    It’s not just the tough-talking anonymos anymore. A GOP candidate for the House from Texas ramps up the “change or die at our hands” rhetoric:


  47. skippertee says:

    Just imagine if that cat was a BLACK PANTHER instead of a BLACK REPUBLICAN ?
    Can you hear the APOCALYPTIC reaction from right-wing radio announcers were it true ?
    They would be ranting, raving and foaming at the mouth around the clock, seven days a week, demanding something be DONE ,SOMEONE be arrested for their TREASONOUS beliefs and utterances.

  48. skippertee says:

    The right-wing would rant, rave and be foaming at the mouth 24 hours a day, seven days a week DEMANDING something be DONE and SOMEONE be ARRESTED for their obviously TREASONOUS comments and utterances.

    Sorry, I screwed up somewhere.

  49. heragain says:

    Ooh, ooh, pandora, I can answer the Venezuela reference! Apparently, Beck & his blackboard (and those people) are all excited about Chavez, and some remark he made about Obama being left of him.


    However, they don’t spend much time noting it when Chavez says (and you got to give the guy credit for his willingness to turn a phrase) that Obama “has the same stench as Bush”. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/18/AR2009011802325.html


  50. Liberal Elite says:

    @serious ind “Granting excessive executive power to any puppet, totalitarian, “elected”, government is a false security at best.”

    And granting that same power to a wholly UNELECTED group is even worse… much worse. That’s the deal the Tea Party is offering us. We say no thanks!

    If you fail to grasp my meaning, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JdhyI8mmqY

  51. Liberal Elite says:

    @serious ind

    As for pollution and climate change…. Wouldn’t it be a real shame if we saved the atmosphere, the ocean, and our climate…

    Even if you don’t believe in man made climate change, you must appreciate the potential for such and understand that there is yet some correlation between atmospheric CO2 and warming.

    You don’t need a Ph.D. to get it that EVEN IF THERE HAS BEEN NO MAN MADE WARMING (which of course there has been… in fact all recent warming is likely caused by man.), there is not good reason to not act aggressively to save what we can.

  52. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, I like how the teabagger puts quotation marks around elected. Apparently the only fair democratic election is one in which the Republican wins. And he has no complaints about elections that are actually stolen, like in 2000, so long as the Republican wins.

    Hey “Serious Ind” teabagger, you had your ass handed to you in 2008 fair and square. We liberals beat the shit out of you and your fellow bigots. Take that like a man.

  53. C says:

    wingnut tree

  54. Liberal Elite says:

    This one is for serious ind. Enjoy!

    It’s a nice day at the beach. The beach isn’t too crowded. A conservative and a liberal meet at the shoreline. After a few words, they each have the other pegged. The liberal thinks “Isn’t it great that we can all get along and share this beach”. The conservative thinks “What crap. How can we keep those damn liberals off the beach”.

    Suddenly the water starts to disappear. It just runs out.

    Conservative: “What’s happening?”

    Liberal: “Science says that when the water runs out a tsunami is approaching. Run!! Run!!”

    Conservative: “Whoa there! I’m not sure I trust science. Is this a man made tsunami or a natural one?”

    Liberal: “Who cares. Just run!!”

    Conservative: “Nah. We need to study this some more. I’m not doing anything unless it’s really necessary.”

    Liberal runs to high ground. Conservative wallows on the wet sand muttering nonsense.

    Big big wave comes in.

    Liberal thinks “What an idiot. Why didn’t he have any common sense?”

    Conservative thinks: “Is this the rapture?”

  55. Frank Smith says:

    And after the terrorist is caught, what if all his Tea Party friends want to build a community center 2 blocks from where he sent the poison letter. You know, to commemeorate understanding between the Tea Party and the Liberals.

    I just know you all will give them all the support they need to accomplish this peace seeking task. After all, the people that sent the poison letter are just a few radicals in the Tea Party. The community center is for the moderate Tea Party members.

    LMFAO!!!! Libtards.