Glen Urquhart, Coalition Builder

Filed in National by on October 23, 2010

In at least one of the debates with John Carney, Glen Urquhart claimed that he was a coalition builder. He’s been trying to distance himself from his comments: “Ask your liberal friends why they are Nazis.” Urquhart is running in a blue state and he can’t win by only appealing to the right – he has to win over independents and Democrats. That’s why his decision to do this is baffling:

This is something that is being pushed from the far right Jim DeMint. Many voters are listeners of NPR. Urquhart also tweeted this many times. He’s mad about NPR’s decision, so he wants to censor NPR.

On Twitter, a lot of people were responding to Urquhart’s proposal negatively. I retweeted one of these responses (basically BOOOOO!) and got this tweet in response:

Yes, that’s Glen Urquhart attacking a Delaware voter and calling me an extremist because I don’t want to defund NPR. Thanks Glen! I guess we now know that Glen Urquhart is still this guy:

The funny thing is, I don’t really agree with NPR’s decision. I do think NPR has the right to hire and fire the people that they want but I think the handled this case very poorly. It’s been obvious for a long time that NPR has been uncomfortable with Juan Williams’s dual roles at Fox and NPR. Also, he did violate the ethics clause. In my opinion, NPR should’ve publicly reprimanded Williams and then gradually taper off his contract. I doubt anyone would have even noticed and Fox wouldn’t have a $2M NPR basher.

Truly, Glen Urquhart, you have earned your nickname Jerkhart (h/t skippertee).

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    If this country actually had a real left wing press, I’m not sure wingnuts like Urq would be able to get through a day without falling into apoplectic seizure.

  2. MJ says:

    Jerkhart has no man-pants

  3. jason330 says:

    I love how O’Donnell is dragging down all the other DE Republicans with her.

  4. anonone says:

    They can’t be called “left wing” as long as they employ Mara Liasson (Fox news) and Cokie Roberts (ABC news) as both are right wing beltway cocktail weenie villagers.