Breaking: Delaware’s Abortion Voters Full of Shit as Usual

Filed in National by on October 25, 2010

The News Journal digs up this guy (Joe Hannas, 78, of Brandywine Hundred, an Irish Catholic and an independent voter) who says his vote will never turn on economic issues:

“Abortion is the most terrible thing there is – the scourge of this country,” he said, during a “40 Days For Life” vigil outside the Wilmington offices of Planned Parenthood of Delaware. “If you vote your pocketbook, I think that’s kind of selfish. You’ve got to vote for the truth. And the truth is that abortion is evil.”

What a crock. The Republicans like Joe don’t don’t hate abortion, they hate people having sex. THAT is the scourge. If these morons gave the least bit of serious thought to real strategies for reducing abortions, you’d have to start with science based age appropriate sex Ed, like they have in The Netherlands, where the teenage pregnancy rate is 5 per thousand. [FIVE per thousand]

Instead, we have dumbfucks like Joe Hannans and Christine O’Donnell who are perfectly happy with Delaware’s third world teenage pregnancy rate of 83 per thousand, because it lets them get their outrage on.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. Auntie Dem says:

    How much do you want to bet that Joe Hannan uses Viagra?

  2. jason330 says:

    What about this one? Nicole Theis of Seaford:

    “Wherever you see lack of virtue — those neighborhoods you would not want to visit — just think of the characteristics of those places, the places you definitely don’t want to be in after noon. They lack virtue,” she said. “You see a strong presence of government and wherever you see a strong presence of government, you have weak family units.”

    Lacking virtue? I’m sure she has healthy views about sex and sexuality. If she has a daughter, I’d say that there is a near 100% chance of a teenage pregnancy.

  3. AQC says:

    I think lack of virtue means lots of black people.

  4. I think the anti-sex is perfectly happy with teen pregnancy and forced teen marriages. Look how much money they’re paying Bristol Palin to talk about abstinence.

  5. Who is she? says:

    Nicole Theis has endorsed Gerry Brady. She is doing phone calls for him. We had one on my voicemail.

    Who is she and why is she supporting Brady?

  6. pandora says:

    It’s not just people having sex. It’s women having sex. Lord knows I’ve written about this enough, perhaps too much. Abortion laws only impact women. It’s all about control.

    Gone are the days when men had to marry the women they helped get pregnant. It’s simply a form of punishment, and an unmarried mother would be easy for wingmuts to identify as a fallen women. It’s today’s Scarlet Letter.

    Besides all their concern is for the fetus. Once that child arrives they could care less. The conservatives I know haven’t adopted two or three children – or those poor “snowflake” babies. When they start doing that, I’ll start paying attention.

  7. Jack says:

    I simply don’t believe that this guy doesn’t vote on economic issues. I bet in reality he is against Coons because he is against ObamaCare and Cap and Trade.

  8. anon says:

    “If I can’t have sex anymore, nobody else will either, dadgummit”

  9. Thank you Jack, mind reader.

  10. OpenMinded says:

    Pandora, as usual, you’ve hit it dead on. What really bothers me about this whole feminist backlash is that these are the very issues I wrote about in an article in a long defunct monthly called The First Stater. The article was called “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby….or Have You?” and I wrote it at the grand old age of 17, in 1972. If I could find a copy, I bet I’d be able to set it up on a blog with a new title: “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby…NOW GET BACK WHERE YOU BELONG.”

    If anyone thinks this teabag way of thinking is in the least progressive, they are dangerously mistaken. It is not only regressive, it’s oppressive.

  11. Delaware Lefty says:

    I guess that I am missimg something. Where was the news in the NJ article? Anti-choice republicans and the republican taliban flock to the Republican party… So tomorrows headline will be; Freedom loving, pro-choice democrats are flocking to support the Democratic party?? Slow news day for NJ.

  12. jim says:

    testing 123

  13. I just don’t like how the news media covers up the beliefs of the pro-life movement. They don’t support birth control, either. These are the same people who have a movement to deny morning-after pills to women who need them. So, yes, it’s a consistent belief – the belief that somewhere out there women are having unapproved-of sex and getting away with it.

  14. OpenMinded says:

    UI…it feels like it’s 1969. Civil rights, women’s rights…Outward racism towards the president based on race, women’s rights violated. We’re moving backwards at the speed of sound.

  15. delacrat says:

    A 78-year old man living in affluent BW-100, will never need an abortion.

    The fact that he does not want abortion available to you or your daughter or granddaughter indicates that he has none of his own, so it’s understandable why he does not care if you or yours will ever need an abortion.

    What I don’t understand is the woman laid off from WalMart for over a year, who encountering a candidate for Congress, pressed the candidate for their position on …..abortion. As if another woman’s pregnancy was more her concern than her own desperate economic circumstances.

  16. jordo says:

    “What I don’t understand is the woman laid off from WalMart”

    Delacrat, let me try to help you understand. If that woman is typical of most pro-life women I know, she beliefs that a fetus is a little living baby that deserves equal protection under the law. She is concerned about those little lives, and not just her own pocket book. I have to laugh at this thread because last I checked my pro-life friends had great sex lives!

  17. pandora says:

    It’s kinda creepy that you know (or think you know) about your friends sex lives. Just sayin’

  18. Geezer says:

    “she beliefs that a fetus is a little living baby that deserves equal protection under the law.”

    She also believes in angels, the efficacy of prayer and creationism, and is utterly incapable of understanding the possibly competing interests of the fetus and the woman. In short, she’s an idiot.

    And, as study after study has shown, the religious don’t differ from the rest of us in rates of premarital sex, adultery or divorce. They’re just more hypocritical about it.

  19. jordo says:

    Shockingly enough, Christians actually talk about sex! LOL

  20. Uh…yeah, whatever. Stay out of my bedroom, please.

  21. Delbert says:

    We have “third world” teen preg rates because they all know they can get on welfare in the good ol’ US.

  22. Huh, funny how those European countries with a more generous social welfare system have a lot lower teen pregnancy rate.

  23. pandora says:

    We have “third world” teen preg rates because they all know they can get on welfare in the good ol’ US.

    Like I said… they don’t care once the baby is born.

  24. We have “third world” teen preg rates because they all know they can get on welfare in the good ol’ US.

    Yep, because teens are always thinking about consequences when they have sex.

    Also, Bristol Palin?

  25. a. liberal says:

    actually, i hope my daughters get pregnant at 14 just so they can take delbert’s tax dollars to buy daddy more heroine!

  26. Von Cracker says:

    Ask any abortion provider and they’ll tell you that protesters and picketers have and always will continue to bring their daughters in for a “procedure”.

    Fits right into the invisible hand of hypocrisy which strokes conservatives so often:

    “Every (insert act here) is wrong, except for when I do it.”