Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 26, 2010

Welcome to your Tuesday open thread. Can you believe that the election is only one week away?!? Chris Coons has a link on his website where you can commit to vote for him on November 2.

I feel like my childhood has died. Sony has killed the Walkman.

Japan-based electronics manufacturer Sony says that after 31 years, the cassette Walkman no longer has legs.

As the world headed into the Reagan era, a Sony Walkman was the must-have gadget, not exactly cheap at an average price of $200. In the early 1980s, the super-portable stereo player was revolutionizing music listening. As the first mega-marketed portable personal stereo, the Walkman allowed us a private audio world anywhere, anytime, among friends or strangers who might have been wearing their own headphones, grooving to their own mixes.

The Walkman was its iPod of its day. In fact, I would argue that the Walkman is an iPod precursor.

Ugh, gross. And TMI. Racist Sherriff Joe Arpaio (Arizona) had a gift for Sarah Palin.

One of the things Arpaio is famous for (besides bad treatment of Latino immigrants) is for making his inmates live in tents and wear pink. To humiliate them.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (73)

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  1. meatball says:

    I still have a working WM-F41 that I use when cutting the grass. I got it for xmas around ’86.

  2. a. price says:

    is that one in the picture yours? is so, im more impressed with your musical choice.
    gotta love europe.

  3. meatball says:

    Naw, I really don’t listen to music anymore. I just use the FM to monitor talk NPR. Back in the day….AC/DC, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley….you get the picture.

  4. heragain says:

    Did I miss where we discussed this?


    I know we’re just the lower 48, Sarah, but you DID aspire to govern us. BUY A MAP.

  5. a. price says:

    you dont listen to music anymore?
    As a child of musicians and someone who needs it to live, i must say that is kind of tragic.
    meatball, treat yourself to a nice evening of jsut listening to some good ol classic rock. it does the soul good.

  6. a. price says:

    heragain, that is pretty funny. saddly, palin doing something teatarted is no longer news.

  7. meatball says:

    Dude, I just can’t relate to classic rock anymore. Mahler maybe, but G&R or Aerosmith? Meh.

    I don’t even own an IPod.

  8. a. price says:

    Mahler is great. I like #5 the best. also, get you some Shostakovich 2, 5 and 10. never stop listening to music.

  9. pandora says:

    I bought an iPod classic about a year ago, downloaded all my CDs onto my iTunes account (then packed them away), made up a bunch of playlists and hooked the iPod into my stereo receiver. Presto! New technology in a traditional format.

    (BTW, I went with the iPod classic so as not to tempt the children from removing it from it’s docking station! The iTouch was far too tempting.)

  10. Pa-7th says:

    Hey DL’ers… I’ve only recently started posting on here but I’ve loved a lot of what you have to say. I wanted to invite you all up to Radnor, PA for a Rally with Joe Biden and Bryan Lentz tomorrow morning. I know it’s out of district for everyone and I know it’s last minute… but if you caught the clip I posted yesterday on how our opponent and COD have been endorsed by the same party–you’ll understand how every Dem whether from PA or DE should be behind Chris Coons, John Carney and Bryan Lentz. We’d like to prove to the media and the republican machine that runs Delaware County, that there is no enthusiasm gap and that Dems from everywhere, support other dems, regardless of state– here’s a link to the website with more info.

    If you RSVP via email let them know you’re coming up from Delaware and if you call, let them know the same thing.


    Thanks for the shameless plug for my candidate!!!

  11. MJ says:

    O’Whack-a-Mole is going to be on Jensen’s show in the next hour. Call in and ask her questions – he said he wasn’t going to screen them.

  12. pandora says:

    Welcome, Pa-7th!

  13. MJ says:

    She is babbling psycho-talk.

  14. The Straight Scoop says:

    Holy crap, Jensen actually asked her a real question about what she would have done if she were county executive to close the budget gap, and he’s calling her out on lies as she recites them from her memorized talking points.

    It’s reminiscent of the Gaffney interview, where she thinks she’s on friendly turf and the moment the host pushes back to get answers to legitimate questions, she gets defensive, flustered and evades the question.

  15. mediawatch says:

    Rick’s actually trying to ask a tough question or two. She can’t respond without going back to her talking points. No specifics.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    I’m listening to O’Whackamole. Jensen is not giving her a pass. He has already called her out on her BS. She is getting beaten on the “Well, what would you have done to balance the county budget?” Her answer? I’m not running for county executive.

  17. mediawatch says:

    “He’s going to be a rubber stamp.”
    She’s going to be a rubber stamp for DeMint.

  18. mediawatch says:

    Wow, she promises a two-term limit.
    Ask me what I admire most about her — it has to be her mindless optimism.

  19. Joe Cass says:


  20. Ask me what I admire most about her — it has to be her mindless optimism.

    Mediawatch wins the thread.

    So, it didn’t go well for O’Donnell? It sounds like it was short, did she leave early or was it scheduled to be short?

  21. Yes, Joe, I would love to know where she’s getting this talking point about her experience in Washington.

  22. MJ says:

    It appears that the have identified the man who stomped on the head of the MoveOn.org volunteer last night – http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/10/kentucky-stomper-identified-as-pauls-now-former-bourbon-county-coordinator.php?ref=fpa.

    Note how he apologizes to the Associated Press, but not the victim. Big man.

  23. fightingbluehen says:

    Patty Hobbs, founder of “Citizens For Responsible Growth” will be hosting a “meet and greet” and fancy get together tonight in Greenville for US Senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell.
    She’s won the hearts (and wallets) of the Greenville elite now. This time she won’t even have to sneak in.

  24. anonone says:

    And isn’t it lovely, MJ, when the perp tells the victim that it wasn’t as bad as it looked on the video.

  25. liberalgeek says:

    Carly Fiorina hospitalized for an infection.

    I hope she gets well soon. The infection is apparently related to reconstructive surgery after her bout with breast cancer.

  26. anon says:

    Listening to O’Donnell on Jensen… Ow, my head. So many lies, so little time.

  27. Auntie Dem says:

    I’ll believe COD has won the Greenville wallets when I see her year-end financial report. Those people are rich and they got that way by making smart investments.

    More likely this is a practice run for the NCC Council President race. Ms. Hobbs is probably gathering the faithful to talk about a possible candidate and support. COD is just the curiosity factor to draw people in.

  28. fightingbluehen says:

    Actually I believe it’s payback for the Stoltz development fiasco.

  29. MJ says:

    A1, that’s what they all say.

  30. Belinsky says:

    Trooper Lawson [R candidate for Cook seat] delivers his Manifesto to the Delaware State News:

    David G. Lawson

    How do you politically define yourself? Conservative with strong constitutional values

    Why are you running for office? I am very concerned with the direction that the current administrations are taking our state and country. The lack of jobs, and the ever increasing spending. The government fails to realize that it cannot tax the citizens, born and unborn, when the citizens have reduced or no incomes. I do not believe that the bad spending habits of the state should never be put on the backs of the state employees. Why is it that the state spends and then generates state income by raising fees and taxes. This spending, taxing attitude is unsustainable.

    Jobs — Keep Delawareans employed first. Every job opening in this state should go to, if possible, to a Delaware current resident.

    Economy — Keep the tax credits in place and reduce the fees and taxes on businesses. This alone with get the economy turned around.

    Taxes and fees — See above

    Government spending — Government spending must be reduced. There are some hard decisions to be made but that is the only way begin to reduce government and it’s spending.

    Casinos — Three casinos are enough.

  31. anon says:

    To his credit, Jensen has been fair to Chris Coons over the years-remember, no repub challenged him in ’08 and the party remained silent during the county’s fiscal woes. To give her a platform to attack him without her having ever made an executive decision in her life would have been ridiculous. Good for him. I did not hear the whole interview, but can imagine she stuck mostly to the crazy talking points. You can already tell the frenzy around her is beginning to wane thankfully–I can’t wait to hear the gold that will come out of her concession speech…..

  32. Auntie Dem says:

    I’m still upset over that poor little woman who got curbstomped last night in Lexington, KY. The image just won’t go away. I’m usually pretty good at “compartmentalizing” this crap but this one is bothering me a lot. UGH!

  33. pandora says:

    I’m with you, Auntie Dem. It makes me sick to my stomach.

  34. Auntie Dem says:

    Thanks pandora,
    At this point in the election cycle we’re all down to our last nerve and I was thinking perhaps I was over-reacting. But this was simply too barbaric for me. It doesn’t make it better, but at least I’m not alone.

  35. anonone says:

    Me, too. And you know that Paul privately condones it.

  36. Geezer says:

    Thanks, Belinsky. Shows that, for all her faults, Nancy Cook is the only grown-up in that race.

  37. TellTheTruth says:

    Wikileaks: DemocracyNow. at 7:00 on Comcast! I havent seen any mention on this blog about the greatest dump of military documents in the history of the country? Aren’t you all interested? If McConnel and the baggers win, they will A) shut down the guvmint,B) hold hearing after hearing to impeach Obama. Shouldnt the truth about Iraq and Afganistan be known by the american people. Why do you think the republicans will do and say anything right now, they can not afford to have the Wikileaks documents front and center or have the war crimes of Bush “pinochet” adminstration known to the majority of americans. If they gain power there will never be an investigation into the 8 years of rape, torture, and war crimes on a level most of us havent heard of since Germany.

  38. anonone says:

    Well, TTT, since they pretty much show that Obomba is behaving in the same way the Bush was, the Wikileaks dump won’t be blogged about here. The hope of human rights advocates is that Obomba and Bush are someday prosecuted by the world court for their respective war crimes.

    But the dear leader Obomba is not to be criticized here.

  39. Miscreant says:

    “Trooper Lawson [R candidate for Cook seat] delivers his Manifesto to the Delaware State News:”

    I know Dave, and have met Cook, and was subjected to much of her fuckery. Lawson is worth five of her, on a bad day. If I lived in their district, I’d vote for him. Hell, I may take a tip from the Democrats, and vote for him anyway.

  40. Geezer says:

    “Lawson is worth five of her, on a bad day.”

    Nice to see you bulletheads stick together. Do you share his garbled belief that we need to curtail spending on everything except your own salaries and pensions? I love the way you “conservatives” will do everything to keep taxes down except disengage your lips from the public tit.

  41. Miscreant says:

    “Do you share his garbled belief that we need to curtail spending on everything except your own salaries and pensions?”

    Yes I do, dick head.

    “I love the way you “conservatives” will do everything to keep taxes down except disengage your lips from the public tit.”

    Although, I found the tit to be rather dry, and less than satisfying for my taste, and the nipple a bit crusty at times, I earned my salary, Bitch. I’ve been retired for over 3 years… no increases yet, and no complaints.

    If you recall, because he didn’t have the balls to make a real decision and cut the fat, your Governor actually decreased the salaries of state employees.


  42. Rusty Dils says:

    I am sorry if this is a duplicate, when I tried to hit the return key, it cleared out.
    My Name is Rusty Dils, I am a resident in the State of New Mexico, (In the United States). I have voted mostly republican over the course of my life, probably 75% of the time, and independent and democrat 25%.
    I hope Christine Odonnel wins the race in Delaware. If she wins, She will immediatly start helping downsize the government.
    What that means for everyone is the following,
    A. If you are a productive hardworking individual, your taxes will start to go down, and over the long term you will be able to build wealth, wealth that you own, not the government.
    B. If you are someone who does not work hard, and receives help, money, from the government, then your times are rapidly running out. But this is not all bad, as your government assistance gradually subsides, you are going to have to become a productive hardworking member of society, and will most likely live a happier healthier life because of it.
    Even if Christine Odonnel does not win this time, make no mistake that in the very near future she will be governing us somewhere, this lady is a real gem.
    Rusty Dils, concerned citizen, New Mexico
    P.S. Only information on what she is going to do in office is pertinent, the rest of all this discusssion is a waste of everyones time and money

  43. Miscreant says:

    Although, it’s not my place, let me be the first to welcome you. I sincerely appreciate your views, input, and fresh perspective. I am certain you’ll hear the same from everyone here.

  44. Yes, please tell us about the no-tax paradise we’ll all live in if Christine O’Donnell becomes U.S. Senator. Will we all ride unicorns?

  45. pandora says:

    Welcome, Rusty.

    Your last line is interesting: Only information on what she is going to do in office is pertinent, the rest of all this discusssion is a waste of everyones time and money

    Could you please outline, specifically, what she will do in office. Thanks.

  46. Miscreant says:

    I’ll never ride another unicorn as long as I live:


  47. Rusty Dils says:

    Response to Pandora, what specifically will she do in office.
    Reminding everyone I am in New Mexico.
    I have only seen Christine O’Donnell one time in my life. I watched the cnn debate with her and Chris Coones the other night. I only saw about 3/4 of the debate, but what she is going to do if she gets elected is so obvious, a blind man could see it in an instant. She is going to govern according to the Constitution. THE Constitution, THE only Constitution, Chris Coones referred to several Constitituions, what does that mean. We have to get away from this believe that the Government is supposed to improve the economy, and create jobs. This is not the role of government. We have to downsize the government, and that is what Christine is going to do if she gets elected. It is really not as complicated as everyone is trying to make it. What that specifically means is that she will vote to repeal many existing government programs and that she will help continue a movement that is in it’s early stages to cut government size by staggering numbers.

  48. Reminding everyone I am in New Mexico.
    I have only seen Christine O’Donnell one time in my life. I watched the cnn debate with her and Chris Coones the other night. I only saw about 3/4 of the debate

    Yeah, thanks for sharing your vast understanding of the state of Delaware and the candidates.

    THE Constitution, THE only Constitution

    Are you referring to the original Constitution where African-Americans counted as 3/5 of a person and women didn’t have the right to vote?

    Yes, I feel very confident that O’Donnell’s 8-day study of the Constitution at a wingnut welfare institute in California makes her an expert.

  49. anon says:

    Mr, Dills, Ms. O’Donnell has failed to provide any real substance as to how she would downsize government or put forth any plans-only rhetoric and attacking her opponent who has actually had to make many unpopular but necessary decisions during his tenure in govt. Please also remember that senators are one of a hundred, and building consensus is the only way to get things done. She or any candidate can promise the world, but if you don’t have 50 other like minds with you, your agenda will go nowhere. I strongly believe Chris will make an effort to work with senators to move this country forward, not his own agenda to feed his ego like Ms. O’Donnell. Thanks for dropping in.

  50. MJ says:

    And Mr. Dils (pickle), it’s COONS, not Coones. Oh, and unlike some of your flat-earth friends, we know that New Mexico is in the US. You must live near White Sands – the lingering nuclear fallout appears to have affected your cognitive reasoning.

  51. Rusty Dils says:

    Your Welcome, I am hoping that at least a few Delaware voters will enjoy a fresh point of view.

    How many Constitutions do you think we have?

    I am reading and re reading my post, But somehow I can’t find the part that you found where I say she is an expert on the Constitution

  52. aprice says:

    actually pickle, we have heard your point of view on Fox for the past 2 years.

    “P.S. Only information on what she is going to do in office is pertinent, the rest of all this discusssion is a waste of everyones time and money”

    so i assume you think past quotes and associations are irrelevant when choosing an elected offcial…. tell me, what does the name Bill Ayers mean to you?

  53. OpenMinded says:

    Rich, I mean “Rusty”, get off the internets. Unless of course, you intend to show your true liberal and ex-pat Delaware status!!!


  54. heragain says:

    Hello, Mr. Dils. I like New Mexico.

    However, I like Delaware, too. My family has been here a long time. Ms. ODonnell is no stranger to us. And she’s not a nice person. This still counts for something in a state where we know, personally, our elected officials. I love and trust my country’s Constitution. My ancestors have fought in every war our country has had, creating, protecting, and extending the reach of the rights so wisely safeguarded by it.

    And I do not trust Ms. O’Donnell with it. She’s not very bright, she’s not well informed, and she’s not nice. Whatever view you’ve gotten of her doesn’t square with my knowledge of her.

    I write this as a citizen, a voter, a tax-payer, a homeowner, a mother, and a proud Delawarean.

  55. Geezer says:

    Yes, Miscreant, please do tell us about the wonders of downsized government. I’m sure you’ll agree that the important first step is to increase the number of years state cops must put in to get full pension benefits. Full payout after 20 years is a rip-off of the public, don’t you agree? I think they should put in 30 before quitting high on the hog. I’m sure you also agree the force should be cut, because after all, the No. 1 expense in government is payroll. Why should the state police be so overstaffed?

    Wipe your chin, pig. I’m pretty sure that’s milk from the public tit on it, but who knows? You’re so clever you’ve probably found a way to suck your own dick.

  56. Geezer says:

    As part of my continuing effort to bring Obama criticism to DL, I once again direct your attention to someone who puts it more powerfully than I could — in this case, Scarecrow of Firedoglake:


  57. Miscreant says:

    Actually, I was commenting about Dave Lawson, the person and candidate, not about the retired state trooper. And, again, I was speaking from actual experience with both him and Cook. Are you? Or is this just your usual, trademark, bitter flatulence?

    Since public servants (particularly “first responders”) are one of your obsessions…

    “Full payout after 20 years is a rip-off of the public, don’t you agree?”

    Yes, I do agree. Actually, I think 25 years would be more reasonable. That way, they put in a respectable amount of time, and would still have a few good years to run for office.

    “… Why should the state police be so overstaffed?”

    Good question. Again, we’re not that far apart on this issue. But, realistically, there are numerous DSP civilian support positions that could be pared down without compromising public safety at all. Conversely, there are also several functions performed by uniformed officers that could be more efficiently, and effectively, performed by civilian specialists.

    “Wipe your chin, pig. I’m pretty sure that’s milk from the public tit on it, but who knows? You’re so clever you’ve probably…”

    Whoa there, cowboy! Here’s where we begin to part ways. That’s some kinky imagination you have there. I’m guessing you had to visualize that before you wrote it down. I’ll leave it up to your fellow Socialists to consider and analyze your homo-erotic fantasies.

    Sorry if I struck a nerve. The magnitude of your resentment of law enforcement is usually associated with those who applied numerous times, and didn’t quite make the cut. You’re not, by any chance, a volunteer fireman are you?

  58. Miscreant says:

    “As part of my continuing effort to bring Obama criticism to DL, …”

    Careful, you could end up in the back of the bus.

  59. MJ says:

    Geezer, you OK? 🙂

  60. MJ says:

    Woo-hoo. It seems that everyone is making O’Whack-a-Mole the bogeywoman – http://www.denverpost.com/politics/ci_16442769

  61. anon2 says:

    Rusty, seriously?

    Christine O’Donnell is a liar. When she ran for the US Senate in 2006 and 2008 she pretended to have a college degree. When the News Journal busted her for not graduating, she claimed it was because of “loans” and said her debts made her “more sympathetic.” The reality was that she dropped out of college without finishing classes. She finished the classes on September 1, 2010 and was handed her diploma. On September 2, 2010, she was on the radio still crying about not getting her diploma because of loans.

    She falsely claimed to have taken courses at Oxford. She falsely claimed to have taken courses at the Claremont Graduate Institute, she falsely claimed to have won 2 counties in 2008 against Joe Biden.

    In 2005, she tried to sue the only employer she ever had in Delaware, ISI, a conservative think tank, for $7 million dollars because she claimed the workload they gave her made her “withdraw from Princeton’s Masters Degree Program.” She was never accepted to Princeton, she dropped out of her undergraduate program without finishing.

    She spread the rumor that her primary opponent, Mike Castle, was cheating on his wife with a man, she falsely claimed he tried to take “Under G-d” out of the pledge…I could go on for days, but that should make the point.

    Rusty, she’s a con artist and a fraud. I want to thank you fucktards from other states for funding her campaign and jamming her down Delaware’s throat. I hope you end up in Hell right next to her.

  62. anon2 listed most of the reasons why Delaware doesn’t like her. I would also add a lot of people have trouble with her finances. She claims to be a fiscal conservative, but couldn’t even pay her own rent. She uses campaign donations to pay her rent, in violation of FEC rules. She hasn’t held a job for years, basically she’s a professional candidate. She may be a new shiny object for much of the U.S. but we’re already sick of her in Delaware. I’m hoping she’ll move to one of these other states (most of her supporters are out-of-state) and run for office there.

  63. How many Constitutions do you think we have?

    I think there’s one – the orginal document with the Bill of Rights and the subsequent amendments. O’Donnell talks about “originalism” which is confusing since many amendments weren’t added until the 20th Century. The meaning of the Constitution and its amendments come from 200+ years of court decisions as well.

    As far as interpretation, the Constitution is not specific on many issues. If she’s making decisions “Constitutionally” who is interpreting what the Constitution means in the case.

    O’Donnell for example mentions that she disagreed with SCOTUS decisions on pornography. The Constitution mentions nothing about pornography. So, how is she going to know how to vote?

  64. Geezer says:

    No, Miscreant, I’m not a wannabe, and it’s not resentment. It’s dislike and mistrust. Power corrupts, and that’s true of most cops. I dislike the power of the state police in Dover, and I saw quite close up the totalitarian attitudes of the Gordonberry machine. The only resentment is over the fact that the state police are one of the multiple “third rails” of Delaware politics.

    As for you personally, your smugness does strike a nerve. I find it all too common of conservative cops and ex-cops, particularly the ones who pat themselves on the back for knowing and liking some gay people. You’re quite capable of intelligent comments, but spend your time here on ad hominem attacks instead. Are you a bully normally, or just when you visit here? Bullying is another behavior I find all too commonly among cops and ex-cops.

    Finally, you should learn the difference between auto-erotic and homo-erotic. It might help you understand your gun fetish.

  65. fightingbluehen says:

    UI, it’s called SOS,(shiny object syndrome). It’s like ADD/ADHD .

  66. anonone says:

    Nice link, Geezer. Obomba’s attempt to model Lincoln and make friends with the GOP just as Lincoln reconciled with the South after the Civil War ignores the fact that the South was thoroughly and inexorably defeated. Obomba never tried to defeat the Republicans in policy and legislation; he only tried to work with them even after it was clear to all that they only wanted to see the Democrats fail.

    So, instead of cementing a victory for liberal causes, Obomba may have set them back for decades and allowed an even more virulent form of ultra-corporatism take the reins of power.

  67. Miscreant says:

    As much as I hate to admit it, we’re still in agreement on some things. Especially the power corrupts/Gordon-Freeberry debacle. I had some colleagues nearly eaten by that machine. They were dancing on the table at the news of their comeuppance. In general, even before they were publicly exposed, both were widely regarded as an embarrassment to law enforcement.

    As for the “smugness”, I think it’s more rudeness and self confidence. I suppose it could be misinterpreted by someone on the other end of it. And, actually, I don’t have any gay friends, but I have a few close friends who happen to be gay. I shouldn’t have to explain the difference to an enlightened progressive like you. Again, leave it to a cynical liberal to intentionally misinterpret something completely natural in a lame attempt to discredit.

    As for the “bullying”, another ill-perceived realignment of the facts (bullshit). I’ll concede, there are some cops who misuse their authority. But there’s those who dismiss all cops as “bullies”. In my experience, it’s usually a personality type that believes rules/laws are intended only for others, and resent any intrusion into their narcissistic bubble. I’ll admit to taking great pleasure in contributing to their education.
    Short answer: I only tend to fuck with arrogant assholes.

    “Ad hominum!?!? You’re the undisputed king. Case closed.

    “Finally”, I aced my ‘Deviant Sexual Practices’ class at the academy, but I don’t claim to have any real expertise, like you obviously do. To draw a crude analogy, ‘auto-erotic’ is what you were doing to yourself while you conceived that ‘homo-erotic’ fantasy about me. My interpretation…
    As usual, I could be wrong. Either way, I think we both just made it to the top of O’Donnell’s shit list.

    Yes, I like to shoot. So what? It was a hobby before it became part of my chosen profession. It’s part of self-reliance, and must be partly a Sussex County thing (you wouldn’t understand, city boy). Anyway, I’d sure hate to depend on some rude, self confident cop to ensure my safety.

  68. Rusty Dils says:

    My final thoughts for the day, It seems everyone is throwing up a smoke screen, instead of really saying what they want.
    What I mean is this, Instead of accusing Christine Odonnell of being a witch, or Chris Coons of being a marxist lenonist,
    Which any rational thinking human being knows that neither of the above statements is true. Just state the real reason you are supporting your candidate. Here is the challenge to anyone who responded to me.
    I contend that you are either for the size of our government getting A. smaller, or B. staying the same, or C. getting bigger.
    The challenge is this, anyone that responded to me just respond back one more time with one word only and no comment, either say bigger, same, or smaller,
    I am for smaller
    I don’t think you can bring yourself to honestly say it

  69. To Get My Vote says:

    Christine O’Donnell is not competent to cook fries at mcdonald’s. Why the hell would anyone in their right mind want her as a US senator???

    Really, is tis a joke???

  70. Geezer says:

    “I contend that you are either for the size of our government getting A. smaller, or B. staying the same, or C. getting bigger.”

    These are the wrong questions. If your understanding of governance goes no deeper than this, do serious people a favor and stay home Nov. 2.

  71. a.price says:

    “So, instead of cementing a victory for liberal causes, Obomba may have set them back for decades and allowed an even more virulent form of ultra-corporatism take the reins of power.”

    A1 is SO right. we would have gotten so much more done if the other team had won in ’08

  72. anonone says:

    No, a.price, we would have gotten so much more done if Obomba was not both dishonest and incompetent.

    Maybe you could read the article that Geezer linked to.

  73. anon2 says:

    SMALLER, but without a liar and a fraud representing Delaware as a US Senator. Christine O’Donnell is a proven liar, in fact, Rusty, I outlined her lies for you and you ignored it. Typical of an O’Donnell supporter.

    Sending another piece of shit liar to Washington DC is the most stupid thing voters could ever do.