Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread

Welcome to your Tuesday open thread. Can you believe that the election is only one week away?!? Chris Coons has a link on his website where you can commit to vote for him on November 2.

I feel like my childhood has died. Sony has killed the Walkman.

Japan-based electronics manufacturer Sony says that after 31 years, the cassette Walkman no longer has legs.

As the world headed into the Reagan era, a Sony Walkman was the must-have gadget, not exactly cheap at an average price of $200. In the early 1980s, the super-portable stereo player was revolutionizing music listening. As the first mega-marketed portable personal stereo, the Walkman allowed us a private audio world anywhere, anytime, among friends or strangers who might have been wearing their own headphones, grooving to their own mixes.

The Walkman was its iPod of its day. In fact, I would argue that the Walkman is an iPod precursor.

Ugh, gross. And TMI. Racist Sherriff Joe Arpaio (Arizona) had a gift for Sarah Palin.

One of the things Arpaio is famous for (besides bad treatment of Latino immigrants) is for making his inmates live in tents and wear pink. To humiliate them.

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