Delaware Liberal


Occasionally, I pop over to Delaware Politics.  There’s nothing like a big dose of crazy to keep a person focused, and FVoshell’s latest piece, aptly titled Us and Them, brings on a whole new level of crazy.  It’s not just that she’s wrong – she is – it’s that she’s based her entire post on an conservative writer’s editorial that’s based on interpreting a poll.  She’s also, as usual, linkless – other than the conservative editorial, she offers no other proof that what she claims is fact.

Which brings us back to her latest post.  Us and Them.  Needless to say, Conservatives and Liberals.

Her first point is that there are more conservatives than liberals – which is obviously very, very good news.  As most of you know, I have more than my fair share of Republican friends and I have yet to hear any of them describe being “conservative” exactly the same way.  There are shades of conservativism, just as there are shades of liberalism.  But why deal with shades of gray when black and white is so much simpler to make your point?  Even the article she dead links to offers up this line:  Gloomy conservatives who comment on my articles propose reason to doubt this fabulous news. People, some conservatives seem to believe, really do not know what “conservative” means.

Love the use of the word gloomy.

She then goes on to point out how persecuted conservatives are due to liberal name-calling.

Republicans and other ordinary conservatives–those who have the temerity to want smaller government, lower taxes, states’ rights, traditional morality, among other things–could add to the list of names they are routinely given by liberals. Many conservatives have become almost used to the invective, and from what they see and hear on television, often believes themselves to be in the minority, sometimes feeling intimidated by the harassment they receive by the Left “majority.”

Lazy, lazy, lazy blogging, but it is much simpler to paint each side as good vs evil.  Conservatives are for truth, justice and the American Way, while liberals are against these things and resort to name-calling.  Love the traditional morality phrase tossed in at the end.  In my opinion, she should have led with this phrase, spelled out in all caps.  But the main problem with her assertion is that it doesn’t acknowledge the incidents that have led to a lot of the name calling.  Surely acknowledging, and denouncing, the bad apples that have tarnished the conservative armor would have given the statement more… umph?  But I understand that the closest conservatives get to criticizing their own ranks is the “both sides do it” argument.  I’ve always hated this argument.  It’s a childish cop-out, a way to avoid personal responsibility.

Once she moves past her non-point she offers her readers hope:

The truth of the matter is that conservatives outnumber liberals in every single state of the union, which means that even if a state like Delaware is called “Blue,” it really isn’t. Delaware, like all the rest of the states, is red. It’s just that the levers of control in the areas Walker mentions have been held by the blues.

What does this even mean?  Delaware elects Democrats because it’s really Red?  Have at it, because it makes no sense to me.

Of course, I’ve saved the best for last…

The above facts should be inspiring to those who are running as conservative Republicans and Libertarians, for if the conservative base in Delaware remains fired up during the next few days, candidates such as Urquhart and O’Donnell (among others) will indeed win.

That’s a pretty heady but realistic prospect.

Following the wins, the political complexion of Delaware inevitably will change to reflect the true conservative nature of the majority of voters in our little state.

Ignore, for a moment, the lack of facts, and focus on what she is predicting.  Urquhart and O’Donnell win and the “true conservative nature of the majority of voters” will be revealed.  And… Delaware will be the Red state it always was, even when it was Blue, but not really?

Actually, I lied.  The quote above isn’t the last.  It gets even better in the comment section.  It also gets a little creepy.

I guess I would say America has always suffered from polarization–”Them” vs. “Us.”

But I don’t think the present sharp divide has seen its equal since the division before the Civil War. The divide is so strong, so across the board on so many issues, it’s as if we have two separate nations.

“…two political ideologies that when mixed together form an explosive charge that threatens to destroy both.”

I don’t think both will be destroyed. One will prevail over the other. If the Left in this nation prevails, we are looking at the destruction of the USA. If the Right prevails, we have the opportunity for restoration and renewal.

I don’t think both will be destroyed. One will prevail over the other.

One might first have to separate itself from the other.


Maybe secession is the next step. But that would eliminate any chance for reform and would mean destruction of the USA.

But I think we’ve danced these steps before. 😉

The Civil War?  Destruction of the USA?  And a happy little discussion of secession – which I’m starting to believe conservatives really want.  It’s sorta like… we either take over this country, or start our own.  And it’s sad that talk of secession use to upset me and now only generates a shrug.

Wonder what happens if all their dreams don’t come true next Tuesday?  I’m really not seeing them taking the losses very well. In fact, given all the talk of 2nd Amendment remedies, violent overthrow of the government, and secession combined with incidents that are forming a frightening pattern, I have no reason to hope for the best – actually, I’m hoping no one gets shot. Because, not only have they convinced themselves that they are absolutely right (and let’s be honest, we’re all guilty of that) but they truly believe that there is no other outcome other than their winning…

…since Delaware only looks Blue, but it’s really Red.

And that, dear reader, is dangerous delusion.

UPDATE: Yes, there’s already an update.  This comment is worth it.


Maybe secession is the next step. But that would eliminate any chance for reform and would mean destruction of the USA.

The U.S. is already being destroyed. The left, using their facilitators in Hollywood and the media, are teaching young girls to dress like whores at age twelve. Explicit sex-ed is being taught to 8-year-olds. Gay marriage and homosexuality is being promoted as ‘normal.’ Christianity is bashed and Islam is promoted as ‘a religion of peace.’ Patriotism is a vice and incivility is a virtue- soft porn and vulgarity are the norm on late-night television. Our children, especially in our colleges and universities, are being taught that American exceptionalism is a myth and that Marxism/Socialism is a superior political system. The left has made a religion of environmental extremism as a means of destroying the private energy sector.

These are cultural rather than purely political issues- hence, elections cannot significantly alter the status quo– the left will still control academia, media, Hollywood, music, ‘art,’ and thus, the culture.

The cultural schism is, I think, permanent. Conservative, traditional states should secede, and then wait for the old, corrupt, socialist states to fail- as they ultimately will.

Remember, the Left wants to make you a slave of the state.

“Creation Out of Destruction”

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