Delaware Liberal

The Cure For Back Pain

Tim Profitt, the Rand Paul Bourbon County Coordinator (former) and woman-stomper has an explanation for his behavior:

The former Rand Paul volunteer who stomped on the head of a prone MoveOn activist tells a local CBS affiliate he would’ve never put his foot on the victim at all if it wasn’t for his bad back.

According to WKYT, “[Tim] Profitt explained that he used his foot to try and keep her down because he can’t bend over because of back problems. He also says police were alerted to watch her before Paul arrived because people in the crown recognized her as someone who may try and pull a stunt.”

I’m sure you’ve already heard Profitt’s “apology:”

Tim Profitt, a volunteer with the Republican’s U.S. Senate campaign, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the camera angle made the scuffle Monday night appear worse that it was. He criticized police for not stepping in and says other supporters warned authorities about the activist.

He’s sorry he had to step on her head, the police weren’t suppressing her free speech fast enough! He’s also sorry the camera angle was all wrong. He was just giving her a love stomp.

His actual statement:

“I’m sorry that it came to that, and I apologize if it appeared overly forceful, but I was concerned about Rand’s safety,” Tim Profitt told The Associated Press.

After almost 24 hours, Rand Paul finally condemned the incident and tried to distance himself from his won volunteer (whose endorsement the campaign had just announced in a newspaper ad).

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