Delaware Liberal

The News Journal States The Obvious

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the News Journal endorsed Chris Coons for U.S. Senate.

We believe that choice should be a simple one, both for Delaware’s future and the country’s.

Republican Christine O’Donnell and other tea party candidates around the country are offering voters a simple wish list: Cut taxes and everything will be fine. Accept their interpretation of the Constitution and our problems will disappear.

Ms. O’Donnell offers no blueprint and acknowledges no hazards to her plan. She says nothing about paying for Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid.

She wants to honor veterans but is quiet about the military budget or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Just once, wouldn’t it be nice if someone endorsed Chris Coons without listing all the problems with Christine O’Donnell? At least they had some nice things to say about Chris Coons:

Her opponent, Chris Coons, knows it doesn’t work like that. He actually has executive experience. He has balanced budgets.

He has had to make unpopular, but necessary decisions. He knows what it is like to face hostile crowds and what it’s like to tell supporters that government spending has limits.

He also has a history of finding solutions to real problems, making bureaucracies more innovative and, most important, making those hard choices.

Yesterday the NJ also featured dueling op-ed by Glen Urquhart and John Carney regarding renewable energy. John Carney’s essay was a rah rah alternative energy, much of what we’ve seen before from Carney. Urquhart’s was a typical defense of the status quo (with even more deregulation!) and new stuff is too hard op-ed from a Republican candidate. Someone explain this to me:

Can your family afford $1,769 a year just to make some people billions for doing nothing but trading paper and good feelings?

Can America afford a net loss of 2.3 million jobs? Can small businesses afford to have their utility rates doubled? Do you want $7-a-gallon gas, like Europe has?

Do you want to make these sacrifices for no tangible gain?

If the answer to all of these questions is yes, career politician John Carney is your man. He is on the side of Jeffery Emmelt, Goldman Sachs and Al Gore, who stand to make hundreds of billions from cap and trade.

First, way to pull numbers out of your ass. Second, why is it bad for Al Gore to make money? Is money only for conservatives? As far as expensive gas goes, we’re all going to have that if nothing at all is done.

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