Thank You 9/12 Teabagz!! Thank You Very Much!!

Filed in National by on November 2, 2010

just look at the smoldering pile of wreckage that the DE GOP is now thanks to the dipshits who voted for Christine O’Donnell in the GOP primary.

1) The top of the ticket became a national laughing stock who went on to LOSE in 30 of 41 RD’s

2) The DE GOP came within 3,000 votes of not holding a single statewide office.

3) In a Republican year, they managed to pick up only 1 Senate seat – while LOSING 2 house seats.

But wait…O’Donnell is not finished making DE Republicans unelectable. She just told the Philadelphia ABC news affiliate that she is ready to go to war with the DE GOP for denying her support. Although, judging from Tom Ross and Pete DuPont’s obsequious reaction to Christine’s primary win – I don’t think there is going to be much of a war.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. Hahahahaha. O’Donnell is so humble.

  2. paratrooper18 says:

    Well at least the anti-abortion activists made their point. If they don’t win, then they will make sure the party does not win. That is their goal. It is not about taxes or anything else, it is the anti-abortion wing demanding abortion be the main issue.

  3. anonone says:

    Uh, Jason, before you continue down this path of celebrating the demise of the GOP in Delaware, you might want to reflect on the celebration of the “demise of the GOP” nationally exactly two years ago.

    Things can change pretty quickly with lousy political leadership. Markell seems to get that pretty well in Delaware, but nationally the Dems are in big trouble. Unless Obama and the national leadership develop a spine and a dedication to fighting for the citizens and not the corporations, we’re in deeper mud than ever. I don’t see that happening, though.

    Christine got 40% of the vote and huge name recognition. That will give her a huge credibility boost with short memory voters. Couple that with a few million more dollars, and she (or someone like her) might win next time.

    As Jackson Browne wrote, “Don’t think it can’t happen just because it hasn’t happened yet.”

  4. paratrooper18 says:

    She had tons of money, and you will find out how much she has leftover for herself soon. That is the joke. She whines about not having support, yet she had more money than most candidates.

    She have very little money from DE, but tons from out of state.

    And 40%? seriously. Okay so she did better than the 36% showing against Biden, who did not even campaign.

    I agree she is positioned to be the spoiler for the next 5 or 6 Senate elections.

    Carper and Coons will both have very long careers in the Senate, thanks to COD.

  5. jason330 says:

    I don’t think anybody thought that Obama would snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like he did. You can’t assume DE Democrats will be the same thing, but you are right. You can’t rule that out.

  6. paratrooper18 says:

    COD actually got less votes this time then she did in 2008. Against Biden she broke 150,000 votes.

  7. paratrooper18 says:

    I mean 140,000 votes.

  8. Polemical says:

    Newsflash to myopic DL posters:

    the GOP crushed nationally. Obama will now be on the hottest of hot seats. He will have to put up or shut up. Thus, he’ll have to show his poker hand: is he the so-called ‘Pragmatist’ that the media has said he is, or the so-called ‘Ideologue’ he has thus far proven he is?

    I mean…Obama visited Ohio and Illinois COUNTLESS times in the last few months and STILL lost major seats – even his own, former Senate seat…Ouch!

    Therefore: COD may have lost but yours was a Pyrrhic Victory indeed!

  9. GeorgeC says:

    I love the Obama lost seats argument, this happens every midterm election for a first term president. Reagan got creamed in 1982, the story of tonight is how little ground us Repubs made up compared to what was available. NV, DE and WV are 3 glaring examples of idiot Tea Baggers hijacking the party from rational people who win those elections in a walk. What wasted opportunity. Makes me sick.

    Oh well, I am a firm believer that Congress works better when it is closely diveded. Supermajorities are not good for anybody.

  10. Neil Sagan says:

    The untold story of the Tea Party movement. It’s fueled by highly dedicated, close-knit, true belief-ers

    She will continue to suck up all the oxygen in the room unless we insist our media cover elected officials as opposed to a three-time loser. Regarding coverage, you will not find a copy of Coons acceptance speech on youtube but you will find two of more copies of O’Donnell concession demands. Also, MSNBC covered COD and not Chris tonight.

    To that end, it might help to remind local media of the tenor of her relationship with them during the campaign.

    A tracker might be a good idea for Christine. It’d be great to have video when she claims to have won Kent and Sussex again.

    Congratulations to Chris, his fantastic campaign, all of his volunteers and everyone who voted for him. My feeling is that Chris worked hard to meet as many Delawareans as possible from Jan through Sep and that people had a sense of him before the attacks began in the general election campaign. Smear and fear is alive and well and if O’Donnell had more to bring to the table than that, I’d think more highly of her. I am particularly disgusted with her and her supporters wrapping themselves in the piety of religion. The words and actions don’t match up. I’ll take my queue from Chris: Respect is number one. I’ll work on it.

  11. Jason330 says:

    Commenters like Polemical need to get out in the fresh air once in a while. There is no upside for Obama to work with Congress. I’m not saying that he will not try it. he seems stubborn that way. But he gains nothing by pretending that any member of the GOP is an honest actor.

  12. Jason330 says:

    I dare say it is time for the reveal.

  13. Prog-Del says:

    Since this is called “Delaware Liberal” We should be celebrating Delaware victories. We did our part by beating both nutbars O’Donnell and Urkle. In the process we also elected the first African American statewide in the states history.

    Our “job” if you want to call it that was to elect D’s. We can only do that in this state. And by these election results, the Democratic agenda still resonates with voters here.

    Its not our fault that Obama is till waiting for the unicorn of bipartisanship or that D’s on the hill couldn’t negotiate a good deal to save their lives.

    So break out the popcorn and get ready for the fireworks. Watching the GOP try to work with its own nutty fringe in Washington will be something to behold.

  14. Joe Cass says:

    There is historical precedent that the baggers handed Obama his second term, and it IS our job to disabuse him of the unicorns. For starters, we better get something done these next two months.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    I think we have been, all night long, Prog-Del.

    Nationally, the script has been written at least four times before: loss of Congress in the first midterm usually provides a convenient foil for the battered President, propelling them to easy reelection.

    Truman. Eisenhower. Reagan. Clinton.

    We all know how the next two years will play out. The GOP will fantastically overreach, to their detriment. It is what they do.

  16. anon says:

    For starters, we better get something done these next two months.

    Get ready for Democrats to pass the Bush tax cuts.

  17. heragain says:

    Prog-Del, agreed. I can’t win every race. But if we select, run, and work for good candidates, here, we can improve things.

  18. MJ says:

    Two good friends of mine down here, both Republicans, voted for Democrats for the Senate and House for the first time ever, and also supported Pete Schwartzkopf. When I saw them at the polls yesterday, they both said “we’ll be glad when she (COD) loses so we can vote for common-sense Republicans once again.”