Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 9, 2010

Welcome to your Tuesday open thread. How are you enjoying the change in time. I actually got to drive in daylight yesterday and there was a beautiful sunset when I was driving home last evening. I know it won’t last but it was really nice for a change.

Rush Limbaugh sucks.

Rush Limbaugh: “Pre-Existing Condition Coverage is Not Insurance; It’s Welfare”

Yes, he really said that. He really, truly did, and it’s a BFD. digby writes:

Although it sounds ridiculous, Rush is in the process of making his followers believe that the pre-existing condition provision in the health care reforms is something bad and shameful. The reason he’s doing this, of course, is because this is the most popular piece of the bill and the one on which the rest of it hinges. If they can divide people on that, the repeal of the plan will be much easier.

Absolutely 100% on the money. The rest of the Affordable Care Act, along with any other proposal for reform like single payer or a public option hinges on one single provision: No exclusion for pre-existing conditions. So the Corpulent One knows that the only way to marshall support for complete repeal is to erode support for covering people with pre-existing conditions.

You know what sucks worse than Rush Limbaugh? The people who pay him an obscene amount of money to spew his bile.

Hell to the yeah:

Andrew Shirvell, the assistant attorney general under fire for his attacks on a University of Michigan student, has been fired.

Shirvell had been criticized for his blog in which he calls Chris Armstrong, the president of the Michigan Student Assembly, a radical homosexual, a Nazi and Satan’s representative on the assembly. Philip Thomas, Shirvell’s attorney, had said his client is expressing his free-speech rights.

The firing was confirmed in a statement this afternoon from AG Mike Cox, who said Shirvell was fired for conduct unbecoming a state employee, especially that of an assistant attorney general.

“To be clear, I refuse to fire anyone for exercising their First Amendment rights, regardless of how popular or unpopular their positions might be. However, Shirvell repeatedly violated office policies, engaged in borderline stalking behavior, and inappropriately used state resources, our investigation showed.”

Such a bizarre story. Somehow I don’t think we’ve heard the last of this story. I sincerely hope that Mr. Shirvell gets the help he so desperately needs.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (14)

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  1. a.price says:

    he sure will get help…. from Fox News and Saint Sarah and Rush…. he was trying to stop the gays afterall…. just like any good ‘merican

  2. anonone says:


    America’s Orwellian Police State: Laws apply to some but not to all.

  3. OpenMinded says:

    Awesome how someone can spew vile hatred and slander and exercise he free-speech rights. Somehow, I don’t think that’s what our founding fathers had in mind.

  4. a.price says:

    sure they did. Because we also all have the right to call him what he is.
    I think the founding fathers would puke at every singe suggestion of “what the founding fathers would think”….. my wild ass guesses included

  5. V says:

    Right to free speech doesn’t equal right to a job anyway. I can use my right to free speach to tell my boss to go fuck himself, that doesn’t mean I’m entitled keep working there.

  6. MJ says:

    Shirvell is a closet case, but we’re more than willing to give him back to the straights. We don’t need anymore self-loathing gay men.

  7. So maybe Glen Urquhart was right to call for missile defense – to protect us all from California? I figured all of Urquhart’s ideas began and ended with the Reagan administration but perhaps he knew California would fire the first shot.

  8. anonone says:

    Although the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble” in the current American Police State, the Executive and Federal Agents can prevent you from attending public events or shunt you to an invisible or obscure “Free Speech Zone” if they don’t like your opinion, the sign you are carrying, the writing on your shirt, or the bumper sticker on your car. Then they can torture you with electric shocks if you refuse to comply.

    Furthermore, they can have Federal law enforcement agents visit your home to intimidate you if you have been part of a peaceful assembly of people representing a viewpoint that they don’t like.

    And finally, Obomba can imprison you or kill you in secret without due process if he so wishes.

    Welcome to the Corporate Police State of America.

  9. Another Mike says:

    All policies, A1, brought to you by President Dick Cheney and his lap dog, George W. Bush.

  10. cassandra m says:

    More Food Fight! Spencer Bachus thinks Sarah Palin is to blame for the GOP not taking the Senate.

    Nice to see these guys have their own circular firing squad for a change.

  11. anon says:

    Newsmax: Palin tells Bernacke to cease and desist on 600M US Treasury buy? The republicans are trying to dump the baggers! Wall Street and Corporate America won the election dumping 4 billion into media markets nationwide. Free press?

  12. skippertee says:

    anonone- “Pray for all that have fallen befriend by no fate: for all who braved the hearing of torments all bearing past: for our poor mothers piteously breathing bitterness for widows and orphans: for those who in torture captivity and yourself: pray to behold your redemption at last.”-from the valedictory of Dr, Jose P. Rozal, my long time and constant inspiration.