Vance Phillips Says Joan Deaver is Safe.

Filed in Delaware by on November 15, 2010

Just as the Republican Party was destroyed statewide two weeks ago, so too was the Democratic Party in Sussex County. There is just one officeholder left for the Democrats in Sussex: Councilwoman Joan Deaver. And it is widely expected in the political world that she will be soon out of a job as the conventional wisdom holds that she will be redistricted out of her council seat (she lives just 400 feet from the boundary line, so no great feet of gerrymandering will be required to move her into another district).

However, surprisingly, Glenn Urquhart’s favorite employee, Vance Phillips, was in the paper today saying:

“We’re not going to redistrict anyone out of a seat,” [Phillips] said. “Our goal is to keep the districts as consistent as possible, but obviously configuring them to take into account population shifts.”

Why, that almost sounds like a guarantee that Joan Deaver will not be placed into George Cole’s seat. Call me skeptical, but I will believe it when I see it. But I am skeptical for a reason. First, Republicans lie. All the time. It is as easy as breathing to them, especially when it leads to getting what they want. If what they want is Joan Deaver’s thorn out of their sides, then they will redistrict her out of a seat, no matter what they say today. Second, whenever there is an opportunity to screw Democrats over, Republicans take it, every single time. I almost admire their consistent vindictiveness and ruthlessness, and I wish my party would stick it to Republicans as often as they stick it to us.

So we will see. Is Vance Phillips a man of his word? It is doubtful, since he is a Republican.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    wait… is the quote within a quote back to DD’s commentary?

    Either way, I fear that Joan Deaver will be a negotiating tool to use with Pete to ensure that no R’s (or perhaps fewer R’s) get redistricted out for house seats.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Whoops, editing snafu.

  3. jpconnorjr says:

    The sun rises in the east and pases to the west just as does power in Sussex County. Joan meet George:) sad but true.

  4. Brian Shields says:

    I was going to say what Liberalgeek said. The GOP’s only leverage in the whole state is Deaver’s seat, and they’ll use it to try to ensure minimal seat loss.

    That.. and Deaver has made quite a name for herself down here, and she gets alot of independent support. I moved into her district and she’ll get my vote if I’m not moved when the lines are drawn. I wish there were 4 more Deavers on the council.

    The best way to rally support for Democrats, women, and, well, everyone Non-GOP is to start messing with her, and the unintended consequences far outweigh the one, lone voice she has in the chamber.

  5. Republican David says:

    You can’t get greedy. You can solidify the other 4 by dumping Dems in her district. Plus, I think they would rather have her than Jud.

  6. anon says:

    Vance Phillips is a well known weasle in the GOP, if he’ll stab his own party in the back (Jud Bennett, Joe Booth, Jan Ting), he’ll have no problem stabbing Deaver in the back.

  7. Republican David says:

    Jud Bennett? You mean he should have supported a vocal opponent in the primary over an ally. Joe Booth–rumor, If Vance were really a M. O. booster, hew ould have gotten more votes.