Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 16, 2010

Welcome to the Tuesday edition of your open thread. How are things in your neck of the woods? What’s on your mind?

Ugh, will she ever go away?

The New Oxford American Dictionary has named ‘refudiate’ its 2010 Word of the Year, defining it as:

refudiate: verb used loosely to mean “reject”: she called on them to refudiate the proposal to build a mosque. 
[origin — blend of refute and repudiate]

In addition to winning the title, “refudiate” will be added to the New Oxford American Dictionary.

I guess she won’t go away, her Sarah Palin for President, sponsored by TLC show got huge ratings. If you can stomach it, Gawker put together a compilation of the top five most ridiculous moments from the first episode. Another thing revealed from her show is that Palin is a pretend outdoorswoman – she has no clue how to hunt and fish.

I guess Ginni Thomas cashed in enough from her husband’s ruling. She’s stepping down from her Tea Party group:

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, is stepping down from the leadership of the conservative activism group she founded, Liberty Central.

The Washington Post reports she’s stepping down because she didn’t want her celebrity to distract from the group’s mission.

I guess we can thank Ginni Thomas for one thing. Her classless call to Anita Hill allowed everyone to know for sure that Anita Hill was telling the truth and Clarence Thomas was lying.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (33)

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  1. anon says:

    Over at DP some commenter produced an awkward silence by pointing out that downstate farms are sucking up millions in socialist ag subsidies.

  2. anonone says:

    I am sure that certain authoritarian-loving commenters here will get a warm and fuzzy feeling of security knowing that body scans of travelers that supposedly can’t be stored or saved are being leaked by the government.


    TSA = Total Sexual Assault

  3. Republican David says:

    The only problem I have with it is that the TSA requires the person to be of the same sex. I want freedom of choice.

  4. a.price says:

    are you kidding me? there is more definition in an Ipod commercial. pixilated humanoid shapes are what you are wearing you tinfoil hat over?

  5. jpconnorjr says:

    Do they have DADT at TSA???? Just sayin:)

  6. anonone says:

    Did you even bother to read the article, a.price?

    “While the fidelity of the scans from this machine are of surprisingly low resolution, especially compared to the higher resolution “n*ked scanners” using the potentially harmful x-ray backscatter technology, the TSA and other government agencies have repeatedly touted the quality of “Advanced Imaging Technology” while simultaneously assuring customers that operators “cannot store, print, transmit or save the image, and the image.”

    More here

    “Reassurances that airport screeners won’t be abe to save the images will provide little comfort to parents who know that the crystal clear image of their n*ked son or daughter being ogled by a TSA thug can merely be snapped with a handheld camera for their enjoyment later.”


    Of course, an authoritarian-lover like you, a.price, believes anything that the government says or does is okay.

    TSA = Total Sexual Assault

    change “*” to “a” for the link to work. DL spam filters stop anything with the word “n*ked” in it. LOL

  7. a.price says:

    much better argument *1. If you’re going to make your grand presentation, always have full frontal nudity as your opening shot.

    So it seems there was a problem that needs to be addressed and fixed,a nd hopefully some people will get fired.

    or we can use your solution, which is what exactly?
    angry bumpersticker?

  8. a.price says:


    obomba’s police state continues their assult on what we choose to do with out bodies.

    Obomba 2010 = hitler 1936

  9. anonone says:

    “TSA Screener Accosts 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint”

    I especially like the part in the video where the TSA Supervisor talks about how TSA should make it more of a game so a child isn’t so reluctant to be groped by a stranger.


    TSA = Total Sexual Assault

  10. delacrat says:

    Comment by a.price on 16 November 2010 at 1:52 pm:
    much better argument *1. If you’re going to make your grand presentation, always have full frontal nudity as your opening shot.

    So it seems there was a problem that needs to be addressed and fixed,a nd hopefully some people will get fired.

    or we can use your solution, which is what exactly?
    angry bumpersticker?

    Our solution, to be exact, is to primary Obomba in 2012. What’s your’s?

  11. a.price says:

    with who? someone who you will project your false hopes and dreams on to who will ultimately let you down because they cant be a dictator?

    wake up. have a 4loko. you wont be able to for much longer.

  12. anonone says:

    How about this for a solution:

    “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

    That used to be taken seriously.

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    Just a dumb question to the legal community out there—when you pay a fine–not a simple speeding ticket fine–but a bigger one, that’s thousand(s), where does that money go? And I’m not talking about “settlements”. Thanks.

  14. delacrat says:

    Comment by a.price on 16 November 2010 at 2:43 pm:

    with who? someone who you will project your false hopes and dreams on to who will ultimately let you down because they cant be a dictator?

    Who are you to lecture anyone about “project[ing] your false hopes and dreams” after you got hoaxed by and still live in denial of Obomba?

  15. delacrat says:


    I’m not a lawyer, but presumably to whomever the check made payable.

  16. a.price says:

    actually, i fully expected Obama to send more troops to Afghanistan, and use unmanned strikes….. just like he said he would in the campaign.
    I also expected any recovery to take more than a 24 hour news cycle. What i didn’t expect was for the republicans to try and sacrifice the country in order to win back power… i also didn’t expect that i was politically aligned with so many weak willed fair weather fans.

    BUt hey, im SURE ralph nader could have MUCH more luck with the GOP.

  17. Delaware Dem says:


    It depends on what government level or organization is imposing the fine. Some departments and agencies collect fees and impose fines themselves so as to support their own budget. Generally speaking though, if a county, city or state imposes a fine, the fine money, once received, goes directly into the county, city or state treasury

  18. Another Mike says:

    Ginni Thomas is a celebrity? What’s below D list?

  19. delacrat says:

    Comment by a.price on 16 November 2010 at 3:11 pm:
    “actually, i fully expected Obama to send more troops to Afghanistan, and use unmanned strikes….. just like he said he would in the campaign.”

    I expected him to do that too. But more dead people is what makes you happy, not me. So I voted for Cynthia McKinney.

    “I also expected any recovery to take more than a 24 hour news cycle. “

    I would have expected any recovery to take less than the 2 years he’s squandered on bankster bailouts.

    “What i didn’t expect was for the republicans to try and sacrifice the country in order to win back power…”

    Then you’re a fool.

    “i also didn’t expect that i was politically aligned with so many weak willed fair weather fans.”

    “Weak willed fair weather fan” is a good description of Obomba.

    I saw through Obomba from the start. Why didn’t/don’t you?

    “BUt hey, im SURE ralph nader could have MUCH more luck with the GOP.”

    I’m sure Nader would’nt have caved to the opposition at every opportunity.

    Like Ralph, said of Obomba: “His choice, basically, is whether he’s going to be Uncle Sam for the people of this country or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations.”

    It’s obvious after 2 years what choice Obomba’s made.

  20. Joanne Christian says:

    Thanks DelDem and delacrat–so essentially poaching fines might go to Fish and Wildlife, and handicapped parking fines might go to Assistive Service agencies? How about DUI’s–I saw a billboard that said $3400!!

  21. anonone says:

    Caught poaching again, Joanne? 🙂

  22. anonone says:

    Just for background as we watch the Obomba Circus of Incompetence, Injustice, and Lies bring tax cuts for the middle class only into the legislative center ring, the original Bush tax cuts were passed via reconciliation. 51 votes is enough.

  23. anon says:

    dkos comment rescue on Obama, explaining why Obama should woo progressives and stop trying to to the triangulation tango with Republicans:

    9% of the country thinks he’s too far right, and 37% thinks he’s too far left.

    Now, that 37% that thinks he’s too far left? They supported Bush until late 2007…

    The 9% that think he’s too far right?

    Well, so far, I’m not seeing any attempt to win them and I’m seeing ongoing concerted attempts to insult and alienate them.

    Obama is not going to win that 37% no matter how far right he leans. But if he wins over that 9% he wins in 2012.

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    You wouldn’t call it poaching if it were a penguin now would you? 🙂 !!!

  25. Miscreant says:

    “Just a dumb question to the legal community out there—when you pay a fine–not a simple speeding ticket fine–but a bigger one, that’s thousand(s), where does that money go? And I’m not talking about “settlements”.

    Not a dumb question at all, and the answer is somewhat complex. Both Delaware Dem and Delacrat were accurate… sort of.

    Sometimes the fines for specific offenses are coded to different different funds, depending on the agency and under which ‘Title’ the fine was written (Title 21-Motor Vehicle, Title 11-Criminal, Title 16-Drugs, Title 7-Conservation/Fishing/Hunting/Environmental, etc.).
    Example: Each specific Title, under which a enforcement agency gets its authority, has a penalty section that delineates the disposition of the fines/penalties. For example, the disposition of fines for Title 21-Motor Vehicle can be found here:

    Look under § 706. Disposition of fines and costs.

    Another example: You cited Fish & Wildlife. If I recall, the fines for poaching was coded to come back to the agency to fund a specific program such as Operation Game Theft. The majority of the rest of their fines go to the state’s general fund. Typically, if it is a state agency, and unless otherwise coded to fund a specific program, the majority of fines go to the general fund.

    To further complicate matters:
    -The majority of fines for municipal offenses go back to the town or city. (Except speeding fines generated by radar operated outside a town/city corporate limits. (Remember the Frederica Rt. 1 speed trap?) This goes to the General Fund.)
    -Certain programs add a surcharge to all fines to fund specific programs, such as the Victim’s Compensation Fund (a percentage of the total fine), and the Video Arraignment Fund.
    -In recent years, the state has decriminalized many minor violations into ‘Civil Penalties’. This applies to certain traffic and regulatory offenses.

    Hope this helps. It confuses the hell out of me.

  26. Paratrooper18 says:

    Dewey Beach has a nice scam going for fines. They are only one of two places in the state with an aldermans court, which means no JP.. So they get to keep the money. But only if the case stays in their jurisdiction.

    The state law says you cannot appeal any ticket under 100.00. So guess what, Dewey is famous for the 100.00 fine.

    It is a running joke. From public drunkeness to manslaughter, it is all the same 100.00 fine.

    I lived in Dewey for a few years and after the first time I got hit by this scam for a traffic ticket I decided to fight it.

    Next time I got stopped was during the seat belt law. It was my last PA tagged car and the registration ran out, and I was going 60 in a 35 mile zone with no seat belt.

    The cop would not write me a ticket for over 100.00.. I argued with him to write me up for everything, and he refused.

  27. skippertee says:

    Dewey life, a way of beach.

  28. Aoine says:

    @ Paratrooper18

    actually there are more than two: beside Dewey Beach there is:

    •Bethany Beach Alderman’s Court 31
    •Newark Alderman’s Court 40
    •Bridgeville Alderman’s Court 32
    •Delmar Alderman’s Court 33
    •Newport Alderman’s Court 42
    •Fenwick Island Alderman’s Court 34
    •Laurel Alderman’s Court 35
    •Ocean View Alderman’s Court 43
    •City of Rehoboth Beach Alderman’s Court #37

    so be careful and remember: you can have your case moved to CCP at your request if you wish to have it moved

  29. anon says:

    I read DP so you don’t have to:

    David Anderson points out that the US Catholic bishops have elected a conservative leader. This has implications for Dems, because of the possibility that the US Bishops may deny Communion to Catholic pro-choice politicians, or even to voters. This outcome was narrowly avoided in 2004, but there will be new pressure from the pulpit. Despite the highly visible conservative Catholics, Catholics tend to be liberal or at least independent and split their vote.

    So watch for the US bishops to issue a new Communion rule, which might peel off more Catholics to the Republican side. It doesn’t take much to tip an election. Remember, GWB went to Rome in 2004 and asked the Vatican for help getting the bishops on his side. Looks like Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope, finally is delivering.

    Also – For perhaps the first time, a person(s) with actual Constitutional knowledge shows up on DP. Hilarity ensues. Follow the comments by ‘nitpicker’ and ‘Pragma’ as he cuts through birther bullshit like a hot knife through butter, using the Constitution. David A. runs out of arguments and concedes defeat.

  30. Joanne Christian says:

    Miscreant–thanks for your very thorough answer. I was wondering this because I saw a murder conviction where the guy was sentenced AND FINED 10k. I didn’t understand it, unless maybe that state has a mandatory victim compensation fund on charges—-but who the heck would have 10k lying around after defending a murder charge–I dunno. But thanks. Gee this is a great blog!!

  31. Aoine says:

    Thanks Anon for your self sacrifice!! I want to vomit when I go there -so I don’t

    I can not abide that site- especially with the IP peeking and bullying

    Hope “nitpicker” lasts – they need to proxy and hide the IP address or one of the bullys will eventually “out” them, or make it personal.

    Altho, watching them rip each other apart has been fun lately….

  32. anon says:

    I urge you to check out: Brasscheck.com. “TSA out of control”! A 10minute tape of the outrageous groping of passengers by TSA. They forced an elderly man in a wheelchair to drop his pants to the floor in public. A young woman had a bottle of eye drops and ended up being attacked and brutally beaten by TSA. Its outrageous, the media is not covering the radiation effects. Columbia says the radiation is 20 times higher than an exray at your doctors office. John Hopkins says, “young children should not go through because it can effect DNA”. Pilots/Stews are filing a class action lawsuit to prevent them from going through too many times a day.

  33. anonone says:

    Awesome link, Anon. And people wonder why I call America a police state. Just watch.
