Ron Williams Wants Our Attention

Filed in Delaware by on December 2, 2010

Ron Williams is obviously trying to get our attention by providing blog bait in yesterday’s column. He is passing along some gossip about the continuing woes of the Delaware GOP. First he passes on a tidbit that is no surprise – Republicans are not happy with Tom Ross.

There’s already serious talk about replacing state party chairman Tom Ross with former state senator Charlie Copeland, a move that I see as yet more divisive to the party.

Ross has done a good job, given the hand he was dealt.

So who besides Williams thinks Ross did a good job? No matter what Delaware Republicans were shellacked in November. They only control one statewide office and lost seats in the House. He’s the head guy when the party fell apart. I think it’s logical that someone take the fall. I kind of think Copeland is an inspired choice. He can unite the crazy wing with the money wing.

Now the word is out that a fervent Christine O’Donnell supporter from out of state is preparing to file a lawsuit against Ross and the party because they didn’t follow the national party rules that call for state parties not to endorse candidates.

Really? That should be entertaining. I wonder who the rabid out-of-state supporter is. Any guesses? Williams also gets some more shots in at O’Donnell. He holds her personally responsible for the Republican bloodbath.

Somebody in the Delaware Republican Party needs to “man up” and tell Christine O’Donnell to take a hike, go back to New Jersey or move to Alaska and play TV reality show hostess with Palin.

I was thinking about the O’Donnell factor this past election recently and concluded that no single politician has ever had more personal effect on other candidates in Delaware than did she.

She personally ended the career of one of the most respected and successful politicians ever, Mike Castle, with her band of cripple-minded supporters, who after 40 years suddenly discovered Castle was a moderate, not some kooky tea partier. He would have been U.S. senator now.

Williams also blames O’Donnell for Urquhart’s loss which seems strange because Urquhart didn’t have any ideas that didn’t come out of the 1980s and didn’t over perform O’Donell by much – only a couple of thousand votes. Why wouldn’t Williams discuss Wagner’s or Bonini’s close call? I agree O’Donnell hurt Republicans this year but the Delaware GOP’s problems are mostly of their own making. Even Mike Castle has admitted that he didn’t do enough to keep and attract moderate voters.

I think Williams hasn’t accepted the new reality of the Delaware Republican party. It’s no longer the Mike Castle party and it’s been moving away from that for years. 2010 was the year thar made the transformation complete.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (15)

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  1. pandora says:

    I think the out-of-stater is Jonathon Moseley.

  2. Jason330 says:

    The De GOP could no more dump O’Donnell than a spiky bra could dump lady Gaga

  3. kavips says:

    Uhhh, first I need his definition of “a good job.”

    One could argue Wade Phillips and Brad Childress did a good job. In fact these two coaches led their teams to Division championships in the previous season,

    University of Miami and Indiana have coaching positions open today. Both of those coaches have their detractors saying each coach “did a good job”..

    Question is: did they do what they were hired to do? Were they hire to build character, or were they hired to win? To Win? Did they? No?


    In a season of Republican resurgence everywhere across the globe, only Delaware bucked the trend. We went the wrong way, in a big way! You have to blame such incompetence upon someone. Of course, anytime you traipse around the state trying to impose an 1870’s economic model upon a smart group of people, you are doomed to go down in flames.

    What’s wrong with you Republicans? Get off your asses and fire them both! What’s taking you so long, Haven’t any guts, do you?

  4. kavips says:

    Ha, ha Jason330… Before you give any Republican a spikey bra, better make sure they know the spikes are supposed to be turned …. out… lol.

  5. pandora says:

    Agreed, Jason. They are stuck with her… unless Sussex secedes and makes her their queen. šŸ˜‰

    Seriously, from here on out, Sussex and Kent approved candidates will win primaries and lose elections. This phenomenon is also why Sarah Palin has a good chance of becoming their Presidential nominee.

  6. pandora says:

    You’re on a roll today, kavips!

  7. kavips says:

    If Republicans want Sarah Palin as their nominee, she should be. If she closely represents what they want, they should have that right..

    But, then we’ll tear her apart, cause face it. No one but Republicans .. want what Republican want.

    We want jobs. And raising taxes on the rich to create jobs, is the unarguably the fastest way to make that happen.

  8. Dr. Starngevote says:

    “He can unite the crazy wing with the money wing.”

    Perhaps, though I think you underestimate how big a turn off the crazy wing really is. Also, the real problem is the loss of “the normal wing” and this will do nothing to solve that.

    “Somebody in the Delaware Republican Party needs to ā€œman upā€ and tell Christine Oā€™Donnell to take a hike…”

    Ken Grant already did this.

    “Now the word is out that a fervent Christine Oā€™Donnell supporter from out of state is preparing to file a lawsuit against Ross…”

    Just another thuggish tactic designed to intimidate opponents and stifle any expressions of dissent.

  9. Geezer says:

    Telling Christine O’Donnell to “take a hike” is about as effective as telling the mosquitoes on a summer night to “take a hike.”

  10. kavips says:

    I think someone should file a lawsuit against Ross, one that will be dropped as soon as his resignation hits the desk.

    Vance Phillips should take over the party.

    Often people get mentally overwhelmed upon losing and try to justify their incompetence by hanging on tighter to the few tattered shreds they have left. We’ve done it. We’ve see others do it. Those people have to be kicked out.

    The whole problem with Delaware’s Republican party is that it is run out of Greenville. It needs to be run out of Sussex County where Republicans can actually win occasionally… lol .(well, they actually win a lot down there.)

    Delaware’s Republican Party is out of touch with Delaware’s Republicans. Had Mike Castle been a Sussex Countian, there would never have been a Christine O’Donnell and quite possibly, (although I’d still argue otherwise) Mike Castle would still be riding Amtrack daily.

    But he isn’t. Delaware’s Republicans need to ditch Delaware’s most obstinate man.. support Vance Phillips bid to run the party, and move headquarters to a farm in Sussex County.

    Only then will we see some competitive races statewide.

  11. anon says:

    Vance Phillips was the brain behind O’Donnell’s 2006 write in campaign, Mark Baker’s last minute primary challenge against Jud Bennett that cost the GOP a County Council sweep in 2008, Matt Opaliski and Eric Bodenweiser running against Joe Booth, and this years House and Senate failures that cost the party State House seats.

    Phillips is a two bit scheister money whore who takes tens of thousands of dollars in federal farm subsidy money but would deny an illegal immigrant child healthcare, sat as County Council President while getting a paycheck from a developer/candidate, and tried to screw his own family member out of inheriting property.

    If you want to pinpoint the reason why the GOP has been a failure for the past few years that pin would be sticking out of Phillip’s forehead.

    He’d be perfect as the leader of the new and dumbed down Delaware Republican Party.

  12. reis says:

    The whole point of William’s editorial was to send an Olive Branch to Jason.

  13. MJ says:

    Go over to – there’s an entire thread with about 150+ comments on the ambulance chaser’s “lawsuit.” I think Moseley is shtuping COD.

  14. reis says:

    I certainly hope for Mr. Moseley’s sake she has discovered wax.

  15. Geezer says:

    @kavips: Why don’t you type that last comment on some pink postcards?