Delaware Liberal

Ron Williams Wants Our Attention

Ron Williams is obviously trying to get our attention by providing blog bait in yesterday’s column. He is passing along some gossip about the continuing woes of the Delaware GOP. First he passes on a tidbit that is no surprise – Republicans are not happy with Tom Ross.

There’s already serious talk about replacing state party chairman Tom Ross with former state senator Charlie Copeland, a move that I see as yet more divisive to the party.

Ross has done a good job, given the hand he was dealt.

So who besides Williams thinks Ross did a good job? No matter what Delaware Republicans were shellacked in November. They only control one statewide office and lost seats in the House. He’s the head guy when the party fell apart. I think it’s logical that someone take the fall. I kind of think Copeland is an inspired choice. He can unite the crazy wing with the money wing.

Now the word is out that a fervent Christine O’Donnell supporter from out of state is preparing to file a lawsuit against Ross and the party because they didn’t follow the national party rules that call for state parties not to endorse candidates.

Really? That should be entertaining. I wonder who the rabid out-of-state supporter is. Any guesses? Williams also gets some more shots in at O’Donnell. He holds her personally responsible for the Republican bloodbath.

Somebody in the Delaware Republican Party needs to “man up” and tell Christine O’Donnell to take a hike, go back to New Jersey or move to Alaska and play TV reality show hostess with Palin.

I was thinking about the O’Donnell factor this past election recently and concluded that no single politician has ever had more personal effect on other candidates in Delaware than did she.

She personally ended the career of one of the most respected and successful politicians ever, Mike Castle, with her band of cripple-minded supporters, who after 40 years suddenly discovered Castle was a moderate, not some kooky tea partier. He would have been U.S. senator now.

Williams also blames O’Donnell for Urquhart’s loss which seems strange because Urquhart didn’t have any ideas that didn’t come out of the 1980s and didn’t over perform O’Donell by much – only a couple of thousand votes. Why wouldn’t Williams discuss Wagner’s or Bonini’s close call? I agree O’Donnell hurt Republicans this year but the Delaware GOP’s problems are mostly of their own making. Even Mike Castle has admitted that he didn’t do enough to keep and attract moderate voters.

I think Williams hasn’t accepted the new reality of the Delaware Republican party. It’s no longer the Mike Castle party and it’s been moving away from that for years. 2010 was the year thar made the transformation complete.

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