Tornoe’s Toon: Christine O’Donnell Dancing With the Stars

Filed in National by on December 2, 2010

Cross-posted on Punchline.

PopEater says that Sarah Palin has been lobbying Dancing with the Stars’ producers to cast Christine O’Donnell in next season’s dance competition.

From an ABC executive: “Christine is not a bad idea at all. After Kate Gosselin and Cloris Leachman, O’Donnell would fit right in. She certainly would be so controversial that the amount of press attention and buzz the show would get would be huge. Plus, you know they would make her dance in a witch’s hat with a broomstick.”

Christine Odonnell Dancing with the Stars Palin Letterman Leno

More Christine O’Donnell only means more opportunity for funny cartoons, and should keep her busy until 2011 when she’ll try to run against Delaware’s Democratic Senate incumbent Tom Carper (unless he decides not to run, and we have an O’Donnell vs Beau Biden match-up).

And let’s face it – shows like Dancing with the Stars are where she truly belongs. I can’t imagine a conversation about the Constitution taking place during a sensual salsa dance with The Situation.


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About the Author ()

Rob Tornoe is a local cartoonist and columnist, and can be seen in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Press of Atlantic City, The News Journal, and the Dover Post chain of newspapers. He's also a contributor to Media Matters and WHYY. Web site: Twitter: @RobTornoe

Comments (7)

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  1. pandora says:

    Too, too perfect!

  2. Matt says:

    As a staunch Republican, I don’t think I could stand another O’Donnell campaign…

  3. Geezer says:

    The name I’m hearing floated is Todd Palin, who was their first choice in the first place. They had to settle for Bristol — or, given the family’s prickliness, perhaps that should be spelled “Bristle.”

  4. Polemical says:

    She can do her best ‘Elaine Benes’ impersonation and dance to Witchy Woman.

  5. Anvil says:

    If the Gawker article was correct, put COD in a tutu and they’ll think it’s Chewbacca.

  6. delacrat says:

    Why can’t we allow this person the obscurity they deserve?