O’Donnell Spent $49.60 per Gullible Dumbass

Filed in National by on December 4, 2010

Her record $6.1 million spent netted her a mere 123,000 votes.

Maybe next time she could just cut a bunch of checks to the gullible fools who like her? Being broke ass dumbfucks, that money would go directly into the local economy.

There is no reason that WDEL and WGMD should be the sole Delaware recipients of the wingnut stimulus package. Amiright?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (21)

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  1. She still has $1M leftover, for her legal fund.

  2. jason330 says:

    Oh yeah. That’s only $41.50 spent per vote. No wonder she lost.

  3. No you’re right the first time. She spent $6.1M. She raised $7.3M.

  4. Link for above comment

    I wonder how much she paid for the “I’m not a witch” ad?

  5. jason330 says:

    When you illegally claim that EVERYTHING is a campaign expense (rent, food, clothes, oil changes, lottery tickets), I guess there is no upper limit on what you could spend.

  6. pandora says:

    I’m still aghast at the “I’m not a witch” ad. Sheesh, it’s like starting an ad with: I’m not a murderer, adulterer, pedophile.

    Still, Christine is on the Sarah Palin path to riches.

  7. jason330 says:

    Yep, she was running for “Wingnut Darling” and she won that title by a landslide.

  8. jason330 says:

    To give some insight into how unpopular the threadbare wingnut bullshit O’Donnell was peddling is in Delaware, Chip Flowers got 153,000 votes and spent only about fifty bucks.

    Takeaway Note to Republicans – O’Donnell lost because she was not conservative enough. That is always the answer, right?

  9. Auntie Dem says:

    $41.50 per vote. And the people who voted for her believed that she was a fiscal conservative who would curtail gov’t spending. Welcome to the land of OZ.

  10. delacrat says:

    Can’t we all just move on for the good of the country…and let her name neither pass our lips, flow from our pens, nor send from our keyboards ?

  11. anon says:

    Amen Delcrat. Saying anything about this twit, is like keeping Palin going. Stop talking and maybe they will go away. Sick and tired of it.

  12. jason330 says:

    You guys don’t have a great grasp on cause and effect do you?

  13. O’Donnell lost because she was not conservative enough. That is always the answer, right?

    Exactly. She said some nice things about Hillary Clinton.

  14. Republican David says:

    Oddly enough there is truth to that. Christine tried to play cute and dance around the social issues that she was identified with. She blew an opportunity to educate voters. She should have used Chris Coons crew’s mouse criticism where she left one word out “cells” and made the issue cloning and human animal genetic manipulation. Engage the battle. She didn’t. She failed by buying into the fiscal conservative myth.

  15. MJ says:

    Nice try, David. But that is one huge failure of an excuse for you running a defective candidate.

  16. Dirty Girl says:

    or course Delisional David is defective as well – so he would naturally gravitate toward that which reflects his…..desires

    he simply cannot control those….urges

    the little head thinks for the big head where he is concerned….

  17. jason330 says:

    Oh boy. Christmas already?

    Oddly enough there is truth to (the assertion that O’Donnell lost because she was not conservative enough).

    Awesome. I love this wing-chestnut. This comment promises to be a classic example of how simple minded you need to be in order to be a modern Republican.

    Christine tried to play cute and dance around the social issues that she was identified with.

    Yeah…Why didn’t she bomb an abortion clinic during the campaign or anything? Where was the COMMITMENT?

    She blew an opportunity to educate voters. She should have used Chris Coons crew’s mouse criticism where she left one word out “cells” and made the issue cloning and human animal genetic manipulation.

    I have to agree with David here. Turning the debate back towards mice with human brains probably would have been a good move. It would have at least distracted liberal bloggers from harping on the witchcraft stuff.

    Engage the battle. She didn’t. She failed by buying into the fiscal conservative myth.

    So…? Next time go BIBLE 24/7. Don’t go around pretending to be a fiscal conservative, because we all know that fiscal conservatism is a myth. Got it.

  18. anon says:

    She blew an opportunity to educate voters.

    Except that, as it turns out, the voters are smarter than her. More precisely, she is blowing the opportunity to be educated by the voters.

    Like when she educated us that separation of church and state isn’t in the Constitution.

  19. reis says:

    She self-admittedly claims to have failed to blow anything.

  20. Geezer says:

    “She should have used Chris Coons crew’s mouse criticism where she left one word out “cells” and made the issue cloning and human animal genetic manipulation. Engage the battle.”

    Yes, by all means. Let the voters know that you stand athwart the road to all sorts of possible life-improving therapies because of your religion.

    But that wasn’t the only example, David. She refused to state her position on evolution, too. She should have proudly proclaimed her religion-based ignorance for the voters to see.

    I believe that, had she followed David’s advice, she would have lost by 25% instead of 17%.

  21. jason330 says:

    The bottom line, for David, is that conservative orthodoxy and ideological purity are what Delaware voters are looking for. When the Republicans finally pick a person who appeals to no more than 5% of Delaware voters, they will win in a landslide.