An Interesting Poll

Filed in National by on December 15, 2010

Steve Benen breaks it down, but here is what stands out to me:

Elsewhere in the poll, Americans said they are concerned about the deficit, but when asked about nine different ideas for deficit reduction, the public opposed all nine. Try not to be surprised.  [emphasis mine]

Seriously, we’re all talk.

About that GOP mandate…

Republicans may have made major gains in the November elections, but they have yet to win the hearts and minds of the American people, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The midterm elections — in which Republicans gained 63 seats to take control of the House and added six seats to their Senate minority — were widely seen as a rebuke to President Obama. Still, the public trusts Obama marginally more than they do congressional Republicans to deal with the country’s main problems in the coming years, 43 percent to 38 percent.

The poll suggests that the election, while perhaps a vote against the status quo, was not a broad mandate for Republicans and their plans. The survey also underscores the degree to which Americans are conflicted about who they think is setting the agenda in Washington.

Finally, you can make of this what you will:

As for heightened progressive criticism of the White House, polls like these continue to defy expectations. The president’s approval rating among liberals remains steady at 87%, and only 11% of the country thinks Obama is negotiating too much with Republicans.

Interesting stuff.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. anon says:

    And 54% think Republicans are doing too little to compromise with Obama. Also note the poll concluded on 12/12. The full Democrat cave-in has not yet registered.

    When it comes to tax cuts and benefits, Americans are like the lab rats who keep pushing the cocaine lever until they die.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    There is alot that is interesting abut this poll — not the least of which is the continued evidence that the GOP has no mandate after this election. Which not only means that the so-called liberal media could feel alot safer in being alot more skeptical when talking with GOPers (as if). but also means that there is a pretty target-rich environment for Dems to make a few stands here (as if).

    A while back, I wrote that I hoped that President Obama would basically throw the anvil to the House, introduce Boehner to Harry Reid and tell them all that he’ll talk about whatever gets 60 votes. He should stop being negotiator in chief and start being Holding Them Accountable In Chief. Just be everywhere and have good surrogates (I know) everywhere wondering why they can’t get the people’s business done. Because making them accountable for getting the 60 votes would be great theater and be pretty good at demonstrating (again) that these people do not have the interests of the country in mind.

    I doubt that they’ll do this, but they could and leave intact the President’s Mr. Reasonable persona.

  3. anon says:

    A while back, I wrote that I hoped that President Obama would basically throw the anvil to the House, introduce Boehner to Harry Reid and tell them all that he’ll talk about whatever gets 60 votes.

    Seriously – I don’t understand what you mean. They just got 80 votes. Asking only for bills that can get 60 votes without Presidential pressure is a recipe for passing the GOP agenda we have been fighting for 30 years.

  4. anonone says:

    To some, keeping “the President’s Mr. Reasonable persona” is more important than actually fighting the GOP agenda. Clearly, it is what is most important to Mr. Obama himself.

  5. delacrat says:

    More people would rather

    increase the full SS benefits age 48 %

    than reduce defense spending 44 %

    Americans would rather kill brown foreigners than retire.