Georgetown Blues

Filed in National by on December 18, 2010

The News Journal reports today that the Georgetown Police Department is apparent disarray with secret meetings that evade the chain of command, safety concerns, charges of favoritism, suspensions, falsified time cards and lawsuits. On the heels of the death of patrolman Chad Spicer, has the Georgetown police chief lost the squad room?

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    Being a cop is a tough job, tougher still if you need to contend with a dysfunctional office atmosphere. But does a bullet proof vests really “expire?” Does the performance drop off a cliff after 5 years? I’m not scientist, but I doubt it.

  2. jason330 says:

    More proof that I am not a scientist.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    That is exactly why we have your people make quilts and not kevlar.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    And I’ll guarantee you the quilts are holding up better–I have bedfulls, and trunkfulls of ’em.

  5. Miscreant says:

    Soft Body Armor does indeed have an expiration date. It’s very expensive (typically, $600- $900 per vest, depending on materials and manufacturer) and, ideally, is more effective if it is custom measured/made to fit each officer. Most small departments with limited budgets have to stagger the purchases so replacement costs don’t come due all at once. Replacement schedules are usually a part of any union contract, should a department be represented, under the ‘Officer Health and Safety’ clause.

    That being said, unless they have been done away with the State Assistance to Local Law Enforcement(SALLE) funds were to be used for this type of recurring costs, such as vests, technology upgrades, vehicles, etc. Back in the day vests were a priority. Expired vests are a tremendous liability for any department.

    While, I have limited current knowledge of the inner workings of Georgetown PD, I do know Topping is a strict disciplinarian (would be described as a prick by some), but I would never question his dedication to the safety of his officers.

  6. nemski says:

    +1 to Miscreant.

  7. Dirty Girl says:

    OK – so no money for vests but an upgraded super police chief mobile AND and SWAT training and gear and an armored personnel carrier and Exactly HOW much in Federal Homeland Security Grants money for the last 8 years??????

    Million!s – but the basics, like kevlar vests – something used every day to protect the life of an officer is left to expire??

    Basics, people, basics, are what is necessary – not glitz and glory and Topping is trying to be Chief in Smyrna…LOL! good luck with that