Ross & Kovach vs. the Rest of the DE GOP ?

Filed in National by on December 19, 2010

Could the special election for New Castle County President be turning into yet another GOP proxy war between the sorta sane Republicans, and the out and out Republican lunatics? Tom Kovach is viewed as the product of “just another Delaware GOP backroom deal,” his candidacy, a creation of the discredited Tom Ross GOP. In the unlikely event of a Kovach’s win, the credit would accrue to Ross which is NOT the desired outcome for the GOP’s die hard nutbags.

But to say that there is an anti-Ross/Kovach faction flatters the mish-mash of dim witted grudge-aholics who oppose Ross. Probably the highest profile anti-Ross personality is Don Ayotte. The man who organized the SC GOP’s censure of Ross. If you would like to get a feel for the weak-mindedness that informs Ayotte’s opposition to Ross, check out his recent post on Red State which attempts to explain O’Donnell’s failure to Redstate reading nutbags.

As a republican conservative, I liked O’Donnell immensely but she was unelectable for several reasons. First the Delaware GOP failed to immediately endorse and support her and pundits like Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer abandoned her. Secondly, the moderate conservative republicans in New Castle County were angered and would not vote for her. Thirdly, she made so many gaffes in media interviews and talk radio shows, that she could not recover.

Sorry…I have to highlight this… “moderate conservative Republicans in New Castle County” ??? WTF? After concocting a new flavor of conservative, he continues….

Our party is in shambles and we must work hard to reorganize before any respectable candidate will think of running for statewide office. We must first get rid of Delaware GOP Chairman, Tom Ross and help everybody build the structure within their individual districts. This will be a difficult task.

As a committeeman, I introduced a resolution to the floor of the Sussex County Committee censuring GOP Chairman Tom Ross for his behavior during the election and it passed by a 95 percent verbal vote, and it stands.

The type of person that we need to fill the state chairman’s job will require these qualities to be successful. This person must be a hard-charger and a powerful self-starter, must possess exceptional interpersonal and communication skills and have strong leadership capabilities. It is not required that this person “walk on water,” but it might help.

I write this post not to point out Delaware’s political problems but to become the beginning of the answer and start the reorganization process.

A nation can only be disgraced by the failure of its citizenry to take action in the face of tyranny!

Don Ayotte Nov. 2010

I get the feeling that Ross is safe.

(1) A literal footnote to this story is the fact that a “Libertarian” (or as Ayotte might describe him, “a libertarian moderate conservative Republican”) is also running in this race.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (21)

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  1. Boy it sure would chap the butt of the conservative conservative Republicans if Ross got a victory in NCCo wouldn’t it? It would show that perhaps Ross was right.

    I love the revisionist history that O’Donnell could have won if only Mike Castle and Karl Rove had endorsed her.

  2. Geezer says:

    I have spent a lot of time reading and commenting at Delaware Politics in recent weeks. Don Ayotte is among a hard core of Christine supporters there, congregating behind David Anderson and a lawyer named Jonathan Moseley who claims to have worked with Christine for a number of years.

    Mr. Ayotte is a retired journalist who moved here from Arizona. Mr. Moseley is from Virginia, as is someone named Rick who is the most truculent regular there. This is significant, because it shows that the hardcore support for these rather extreme positions comes not from native Delawareans but a retiree segment from more conservative places. They simply do not understand that Delaware Republicans, especially those upstate, are not going to sign on for culture wars.

    The one native source of anti-Ross, anti-NCCo fervor is, of course, Mike Protack, both under his own name and his usual bevy of aliases. He has, as usual, already started in on Kovach under those aliases, while pretending to be neutral under his own name. He is the chief reason for the ongoing civil war in the Delaware GOP. It speaks to the party’s weakness that it hasn’t figured out a way to discredit that cretin once and for all.

  3. Dirty Girl says:

    Ahh Geezer – don;t your eyes BLEED when you wander into DP crazy land

    Don Ayotte was never a TRUE journalist – he wrote a little here and there in AZ but now at 65 (approx), he just got his degree from UD, He has a 22 year old son ho had left a trail of debt behind him all over DE but now lives with his daddy in Georgetown. Ayotte idolizes the military but his own son won’t serve nor can do a whole bunch of other things, like pay his bills, Ayotte is an angry, bitter, failed old man.

    Don Ayotte is also a rabid dog, dangerous and should be teated as such. There is no end to his lunacy and racism. Hs does the heavy lifting for the GOP crazies in Sussex. Folks like Vance PHillips and Sam Wilson. They dont go out into the public with their real nonsence – nope, they have straw man dummy without a brain Ayotte, to do it for them. This “self-sylized” journalist corrects the grammer and spelling in other posts yet cannot get his own name right on his “by-line”

    David Anderson coddels him and has now brought in Mosely, a disbarred and disgraced attorney from VA who hijacked every thread over there to persue his fantasy about COD – so Anderson gives him his own thread to corral him, He should have just banned him, but that blind
    allegience to COD is something to see. They want her back to run in 2012 and they will sell their souls to make it happen.

    Rick is a failurre too. Former aw lerk to disgraces Judge Bork he lives in Sussex and well has substance abuse issues let just say, one drink will never be ebough for him – he is a sad parody of maybe his former self, but has serious issues and you are right, very truculent

    they are also deeply tied into the 9/12 patriots, Russ Murphy et al and the are responsible for the Right nut wings down here taking over the row offices, people with ties to the KKK etc. – then there is the Sheriff elect – who is now going to act like a Law Enforcement Officer because he thinks the DE Constitution gives him that right- be prepared for a major fight with the AG over this battle that is brewing, Jane Brady had to fight it, now Beau Biden will have to as well – they also want to run a militia, and are armed in general. also Sussex County secession from DE has been floated – ought to be interesting.

    the Sussex GOP is not the GOP at all – and the NCC GOP is struggleing to figure out how to tame the MONSTER they have created in the right wing, These folks in Sussex are not GOP or even T-Party, they are dangerous extremeists, they do not recognize centerism and even have a “purity” test – its getting bad folks…keep a close eye on it.

  4. Geezer says:

    “don;t your eyes BLEED when you wander into DP crazy land”

    Metaphorically, yes, they do.

    I don’t know any of these folks outside of their posts and comments at DP. I’m not going to throw stones at anyone based on their kids or their substance issues. Sussex has always been a separate duchy within Delaware, and I consider anyplace that will elect John Atkins no matter what party he represents a place where lunacy has taken hold too deeply to be displaced.

    I actually support the move to take jurisdiction for routine policing in Sussex out of the hands of the State Police.

  5. Boxwood says:

    I love the revisionist history that O’Donnell could have won if only Mike Castle and Karl Rove had endorsed her.

    For the complete authoritative revisionist history of the 2010 Delaware Senate campaign, wait for COD’s political memoir which should be hitting the discount rack at Walmart this summer.

  6. Dirty Girl says:

    I thrwo stones at those nut jobs as they are not credible but hold themselves up as some how morally superior, and are more than willing to tear down others to avoid looking at the dispair in their own lives – frankly, they have no credibility and nothing positive to contribute, except their threats of violence and intimidation tactics – they are thugs, plain and simple.

    geezer REALLY?? on the police issue – do you live in Sussex and do you have an inkling of exactly HOW much that will cost us?? Sussex currently pays about 100k per officer for that DSP protection – Highly trained, and highly professional police force with deep resources.

    to outfit a new officer and an entire police dept and infastructure to support that will cost MILLIONS – Sussex cannot afford that quite simply, nor will they any time soon.

    on top of that, what local police chiefs are going to give up their fifedoms to a Sussex county Police dept??

    Pipe dream that was floated before and went nowhere – and until the economy changes and something is radically different , it wont

  7. Geezer says:

    No, I don’t live in Sussex, which is why I don’t want to pay state police to do your local policing.

  8. Dirty Girl says:

    Oh you don’t pay them – we in Sussex cut a VERY nice size check to DSP (about 1 million, gie or taake) anually to provide their services and we get a good deal too.

    However, with population and response times growing we do not get the level of services as timely as we may sometimes like or wish for – but it better than footing the start up costs Sussex would face if we had to do it anothr way.

    as you can see from the links this is an old battle:

  9. Geezer says:

    I know what the terms are. Doesn’t matter. All those officers are supported by lots of brass, too. Shrinking the DSP is my goal, and it won’t be achieved by having you folks paying Cadillac prices for Chevy police duties.

    New Castle County bit the bullet on this years ago. If it hadn’t we would have a state police force with more than 1,000 employees. Now it’s your turn. No reason all taxpayers should be on the hook for those expensive salaries and pensions. Heck, you folks should be especially pissed about it — you’re essentially paying for them twice.

  10. Dirty Girl says:

    I might agree with you there BUT – I’m not willing to pay for Mickey Mouse when I can get something better

    If Sussex County Council can come up with a phase-in plan and a realistic goal – Im ok with that

    but in general that group can not find their collective way out of a wet paper bag – with both hands

  11. Geezer says:

    I understand your position. If I lived in Sussex I would feel the same way.

  12. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the background Dirty Girl.

  13. Republican David says:

    How does the fact that Don organized volunteers to help Rep. Kovach fit in? How about the fact that we both endorsed him?

    I think blasting Don’s son is low even for Dirty Girl. You folks have no shame behind your masks. If you knew more, you would find a rock to climb under, but I am going to let you keep digging this hole.

    Yes, you are right, I gave Moseley his own thread so the blog would not become O’Donnell 24/7. It was getting old even for me.

  14. jason330 says:

    “just another Delaware GOP backroom deal,” Do you recognize that line?

  15. Republican David says:

    Tom Ross is quite controversial right now. I have nothing against him. He did what he believed was best for the party. In the short run, he had a point on the O’Donnell/Castle battle. He knew that the national party would abandon us and millions would be pulled out and she would have a very difficult time winning votes in NCC? He had everything banked on Castle winning. The problem is that he left himself no backup and went too far with the first strategy. The lawsuit and attacks backfired badly. He didn’t foresee millions coming in from small donors. O’Donnell is good in the long run.

    The race could have been won, but like Don, I agree that the damage done in the primary was too great.

    The question is overall did Tom Ross line up afterward. Yes. Did he behave according to what he reasonably believed was his mandate from 70% of the people who elected him (delegates)? That is where the controversy is. Did he go to far or just do what he should have to protect the party?

    Personally, I am ready to look forward not backward (except for instructional purposes). I see 5 people who could be fine leaders including Mr. Ross. I will support any of them April 30th. My problem is that I think it is meaningless who chairs the party unless certain structural changes occur.

    I will let you all follow the horse race. You have a narrative. The crazies are taking over. Enjoy it. Misunderestimating us is a gift. I will focus on the goal.

  16. Republican David says:

    Personally, I am proud of Don going back to U of D in his 50’s and completing his education. In my mind, that is not a negative. Anyone who sees it as such is welcome to be laughed at. The rest of the tirade is riddled with enough inaccuracies to be slander. I don’t know where you get your information, but you had better dump your sources.

  17. jason330 says:

    “You have a narrative. The crazies are taking over. Enjoy it.” Very gracious, and very ironic coming from a guy who thinks O’Donnell lost (in part) because she was not conservative enough.

  18. Dirty Girl says:

    @jason – any time doll 🙂

    as for you Uncle David – I don’t give a shit what you think, frankly:

    “I think blasting Don’s son is low even for Dirty Girl. You folks have no shame behind your masks. If you knew more, you would find a rock to climb under, but I am going to let you keep digging this hole.

    Yes, you are right, I gave Moseley his own thread so the blog would not become O’Donnell 24/7. It was getting old even for me.”

    Ayotte is a mean, nasty, buck-toothed, balding, old failure of a man.(bald is sexy-but not in his case) who appeared on local TV to “Censure” Tom Ross?? Not the Sussex GOP chair – was it? nope Ayotte
    and the votes where not even there to do it and the procdure was improper. He feels free to BLAST others on his thread and spread lies and mis-information freely, now the shoe is on the other foot. How does it feel??

    Opposition research is what I do David – now you know I mean business.

    who screamed and yelled at the Sussex GOP meeting being viodetaped?? Who sat there and said nothing? Urquhart, Philips, Wilson – but who is quoted and seen – Ayotte, again

    Getting the picture yet David? if you want to see no shame – go look in the mirror Uncle Tom

    you even admit you do not have the stones to ban someone for hijacking your blog- nope instead you give a disgraced and disbarred attorney their own thread – what does THAT say about YOUR credibility??

    Oh and if Rick stayed out of bars locally and stopped hitting on women while staggering drunk maybe he would not have the reputation he has – after all this is a small state and news like that gets around.

    So David – all that being said – you have your own rock – its called Delaware Politics – go crawl back under it – as for the hole… – you dug it yourself – while the Sam Wilson’s (yes, your buddy) laughed behind your back and continues to use racial slurs to his white brethern – you know how I know?? – coz I have heard him do so, as have other posters in here – our race and position allows us to hear these things because the Sam Wilson’s of this world think that because we may have race or gender in common we feel the same – those poeple are the people you need to be unmasking – not people like me who call you and your ilk out for what you are.

  19. Dirty Girl says:

    oh and David – funny thing – you never critized Glen Beck for this stunt – nor did anyone on DP:

    start reading Sun Tzu’s the Art of War – you might learn something – and that college education Don got still didn’t teach him to seperate his first name from his last name, with a space.

    Basic dear, basics

  20. anon says:

    The censure of Tom Ross did not stand. To censure the state party chairman you need a quorum of RD chairs. There was not a quorum of RD chairs present, and every vote against the censure came from an RD chair.

    The Sussex County Republican Committee can’t censure the state chairman on the vote of a hysterical screaming mob, most of whom have never been seen at a Sussex County GOP meeting, ever.

    Don Ayotte’s censure looked like something written by an angry 4 year old. It wasn’t even accurate. Not one person has been able to give an example of one negative statement Ross made about O’Donnell after the primary. No surprise that the liars who lied through the entire campaign ended the year with more lies.

    This new Republican Party doesn’t care at all about the truth or honesty, which makes Don Ayotte, Republican David, Jon Moseley, and Christine O’Donnell the perfect people to lead it.

  21. Picayune says:

    I used to think that DP should get rid of Moseley but the more he talks the more COD loses credibility with even her most ardent supporters. Go Moseley!