
Filed in International by on December 19, 2010

It was bound to happen and it’s kind of poetic, but the 68-page police report detailing the charges against Julian Assange were leaked to the New York Times. The police report details Assange’s crimes against women which a man who likes to have unprotected sex regardless of the wishes of the women. Are the charges trumped up and Assange a martyr? Are the charges true and Assange a sexual predator?


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    I reads like being a complete douche bag is illegal in Sweden.

  2. Capt.Willard says:

    What jason330 said.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    i call bull.
    yes, If the other partner asks for a condom, i think it is rape until ya slip one on.
    BUt these women stayed friends with Assange. It is any surprise at all that magical criminal charges were brought against the man who can bring down so many powerful d-bags? What’s is it it something that may not even hold up in US court.

    I just hope he is going to tell everyone about The Event soon.

  4. nemski says:

    Sex and relationships are a confusing thing. However, rape isn’t. So is socialistic ben saying that because the women remained friends with Assange that it wasn’t rape? I’m not going to pretend to know anything about rape and women, but I will say this, how a woman acts after a rape does not make it not a rape.

  5. delacrat says:


    I know this is all real juicy and everything, but what does it have to do with your effort to revive the Delaware GOP ??

  6. Geezer says:

    Another ad hominem attack on a DL contributor. What does this have to do with anything except your doctrinal purity, delacrat?

  7. socialistic ben says:

    that isnt what i said nemski.
    I said that fact, among others… including Assange has turned himself into a target…. add to my suspicion that it is drummed up to discredit Assange and end the shitstorm he is raining down on some of the world’s most powerful people.
    If it is completely true, then yes, he is a rapist and should be punished…. and all the secrets he has should still be released. I just think it was obvious some charge would be brought against him…. or he would be killed.

  8. nemski says:

    socialistic ben wrote yes, If the other partner asks for a condom, i think it is rape until ya slip one on. BUt these women stayed friends with Assange.

    i wrote So is socialistic ben saying that because the women remained friends with Assange that it wasn’t rape?

    socialistic ben wrote that isnt what i said nemski.

    You decide.

  9. anon says:

    The whole thing sounds like a honeytrap.

  10. nemski says:

    anon, a honey trap, really? I mean honey traps, the use of sex to blackmail spies, is done on the sly, not in a court of law.

  11. pandora says:

    I’m not liking the way this debate is heading. Perhaps we can agree that Wikileaks deserves to be defended, while admitting the jury is still out on the man behind the site. Whether, or not, Assange is guilty of rape has little to do with the information revealed by Wikileaks.

    I am ready to defend Wikileaks. I am not ready to defend or condemn Assange. But that’s just the way I roll.

  12. I’m with you pandora. Wikileaks is separate from Assange and his charges. I don’t know the facts of the rape cases so I’ll let Sweden’s justice system deal with that.

  13. anon says:

    Your discomfort is a form of bias, and is an obstacle to a reality-based view of the situation. There is absolutely no reason to accept the official version uncritically. Remember the Duke rape case.

    The intelligence agencies of several nations were frustrated because Wikileaks has not broken any laws, so they had a strong motivation to find or create some legal problems for Assange. The sudden emergence of rape allegations in August is suspicious, as is the dismissal and subsequent restoration of the charges.

    Speaking as a guy I would say the chances of a rigged honeytrap are somewhat greater than the chance Assange picked up and bedded two Swedish girls in the same month and had the exact same thing happen both times and then reported independently by both – at the exact same time authorities were looking for a way to bring Wikileaks down. As Assange’s lawyer says, it is an “improbable coincidence.”

    Note that even if it was a setup, any man is still responsible for stopping when she says No – if that is in fact what actually happened.

  14. pandora says:

    Some might consider the term honeytrap biased. Speaking for myself, I haven’t accepted any version, official or otherwise.

  15. Geezer says:

    “Some might consider the term honeytrap biased.”

    I didn’t realize there was a preferred term. What is it?

  16. Capt.Willard says:

    Biden was on MTP this morning wondering if Assange “conspired” with the “source”, clearly illegal or just had the info dumped on him like the N.Y. Times with the Pentagon Papers.
    He should be lecturing his namesake for conspiring to keep public info out local legitimate reporter’s hands to avoid well deserved public humiliation.
    Wiki-leaks- KEEP IT UP!!!
    Keep turning over those rocks.
    Keep exposing the malfeasance and total ineptitude of U.S.foreign policy.
    Fuck the agents exposed.
    They knew the DRILL when they signed on.
    Get them out.
    Get them home, along with all our treasure.
    Get them DESK jobs.

  17. anonone says:

    More Orwellian America:

    Government spying on citizens = no prosecution

    Citizens spying on the government = prosecution

  18. nemski says:

    I know I’m going to regret this but how does an Australian arrested in England on charges levied in Sweden have anything to do with the U.S.

  19. Dirty Girl says:

    “I am ready to defend Wikileaks. I am not ready to defend or condemn Assange. But that’s just the way I roll.”

    the smell of baking cookies leads me to roll with you on this one –
    and you are right – what DOES what may or may not have happened in Sweden have to do with Wiki-leaks?

    I love these idiots calling this treason and Assange a traitor – they don’t seem to understand he is not American therefore not a traitor of any sort LOL.

  20. nemski says: is funny as always.

  21. Ordinary Joe says:

    A martyr? No, just a run-of-the-mill sex criminal with powerful friends — sort of like Roman Polanski, Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

  22. socialistic ben says:

    nem that was very fox newsian of you. quote just enough of what i said to make your point.

  23. nemski says:

    And the best part socialistic ben is that your quote isn’t even out of context.

  24. socialistic ben says:

    i said that their behavior adds to the suspicion that this is all BS. not that every woman who stays in contact with their attacker is a liar.
    There is a very bad habit in this country in the case of sexual assault where the accused is considered guilty…. even after proven innocent. Since rape is such a horrible thing… and as far as im concerned is not punished severely enough, simply being accused is enough to destroy someone. It is hard to prove so we, out of good intentions, side with the accuser. You seem very quick to assume he did something wrong, even with the fact that Assange is probably target number one for all the powerful interests in the world.
    I guess it is good blogging however to cry “rape apologist”, so you cant be blamed for doing your job.

  25. socialistic ben says:

    you can (realatively) easily prove murder or extortion or battery. Rape… particularly what his alleged victims are alleging is going to be impossible to prove. What it CAN do is totally discredit Assange and since we live in a world where everything a person says or does hinges on their personal credibility… it can destroy his work. News reports will say “the rapist has leaked more information that could cause millions of deaths” and no one will pay attention to the truths being told about the evils Bank of America is guilty of. People who destroyed lives will go free because the messenger might be a creep. You’re doing it here by attacking someone who is reminding you that he should be considered innocent until proven guilty.

  26. anon says:

    It is yet another improbable coincidence that these incidents occurred in the one jurisdiction where they were prosecutable. A US prosecutor would probably decline to pursue charges based on the evidence (for a regular Joe, that is).