Biden as the Fireman on the Hill

Filed in National by on December 19, 2010

The News Journal has a long piece this morning about Joe Biden as the White House’s point man on Capitol Hill. The article looks at Biden’s recent work with the new START treaty and the middle-class tax cut bill. The article also looks at Biden’s history with his ability to work with even the most despicable senators, senators like Jesse Helms. Senator Tom Carper talked about Biden and the work he did on the recent tax-cut bill:

“In a situation like that — a lot of folks were very unhappy, I was unhappy — I think you get credit for showing up. … You get credit for hearing people out. People know it’s a difficult position, and there’s a great affection for Joe in our caucus.”


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. anonone says:

    Hey Joe, you’re a “big fuckin’ deal” now, aren’t you? Thanks for starting to defund Social Security and borrowing money from the poor and middle class to give to your millionaire buddies.

    I am so happy that Carper says that there is “great affection” for you among your millionaire buddies in the Senate. I hope they give you an extra share of cocktail weenies at the White House party for all your good work.

    Thanks for selling out the working middle class, again, Joe. You’re a bum.

  2. anon says:

    What is so difficult about working with despicable Senators by giving them the despicable things they want?

    I take more note of Joe’s absence in the fight for the public option and the House middle class tax bill. Joe’s experience in the Senate should have been used for those fights, and even if they didn’t win, Joe should be taking names and kicking ass.

  3. Boxwood says:

    Joe Biden should be rotated to either Sec. of Defense or State and a younger more vibrant sucesssor to Obama be allowed to step forward. Thats a change I’m hoping for.

  4. Belinsky says:

    A1 pines for Winona LaDuke.