Blizzard Ready to Blast Holiday Travelers

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 26, 2010

Our Christmas snow is a day late and, as I write this, all is calm. However that is all going to change as Delaware and much of the North East are going to be blasted with a blizzard on Sunday and Monday. So, batten down the hatches and enjoy this time with family and friends.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (28)

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  1. nemski says:

    The News Journal is reporting that the storm as hit Sussex and will be hitting New Castle County around noon.

  2. I am hoping that I can get home before the worst of it hits. I am at the Nashville airport right now.

  3. nemski says:

    Good luck UI. If you don’t, just blame the Canadian sitting next to you. 😉

  4. Free Radical says:

    I’m like Pigpen in Peanuts, except I bring a cloud of snow with me instead of dirt.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahaha. When does your flight leave Nashville?

  6. jason330 says:

    It is all hyperbole.

  7. meatball says:

    We have about an inch of snow here 10 miles west of Lewes. It is coming down fast now, but no wind yet.

  8. nemski says:

    @ jason330 That’s because you have an army of minions ready to plow and shovel your vast estate. The rest of us have teenagers who are going muck it up forcing us outside to do the job properly.

  9. pandora says:

    I’m planning on withholding XBox Kinects until the shoveling is done to my standards!

    (Has anyone else tried this new Kinect magic? I feel like I’m on the Starship Enterprise.)

  10. nemski says:

    From DelDOT:

    All hands on deck for DelDOT

    The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) is fully mobilized this morning, preparing for a potentially long day and night of plowing into Monday morning. Throughout the state, plow operators, mechanics, dispatchers and administrators are on the job.

    Crews have been pre-treating with salt before the snow began.

    Right now, DelDOT crews are focusing their efforts on primary and multi-laned roads.   Road temperatures in Delaware are below freezing, which means snow will likely accumulate on some of the minor roadways.

    Weather forecasts also call for high winds later today, creating the possibility of drifting snow as well as reduced visibility.

    “We hope that most people heard news about this storm and did their travelling yesterday,” said Jim Westhoff, DelDOT spokesman. “Staying off the roads as much as possible today will make it easier for DelDOT’s crews to clear the roads, and lessen the possibility of traffic mishaps.”

    For detailed traffic information, please consult the interactive traffic map on that is continuously updated by the state’s Traffic Management Center.

                   DelDOT Snow Facts
    Statewide, there are 446 pieces of equipment available for snow operations.
    •       Heavy-duty snow plows of various types and sizes attached to six and 10-wheeled dump trucks.
    •       Other equipment includes snow blowers, road graders and front-end loaders

    DelDOT primarily uses salt, along with salt/brine and salt/sand mixtures.
    •       Approximately 65,000 tons of salt are stockpiled in more than 20 locations throughout the state.
    •       Due to constant replenishment, the stockpiles are currently full.

    Up to 500 employees are available for snow removal operations:
    * Equipment operators
    * Mechanics
    * Dispatchers
    *Administrators and other office personnel

    DelDOT maintains approximately 12,900 total lane miles, or 89 percent of the roads in Delaware.

  11. Capt.Willard says:

    I must be weird.
    I enjoy a blanket of snow, no matter the depth, covering the world around me.
    Whatever wounds suffered by the earth are camouflaged until the thaw.
    And the wounds on my heart ease as I enjoy the illusion.

  12. cassandra m says:

    Sending good thoughts to you guys, as we spend this sunny California day wandering around wineries…..

  13. anononthisone says:

    any word on state of emergency yet?

  14. We made it home! We even managed to pick up the cat and go to the grocery store. The snow is just starting to stick right now. If it keeps snowing like this, it could be a real mess tomorrow.

  15. nemski says:

    Could be? COULD BE? The saving grace is that there is NO school tomorrow which will curtail much of the traffic.

    @ Unstable Isotope, Welcome home and much thanks for bringing back the snow with you.

  16. I blame Free Radical. I’m already seeing via Twitter that a lot of people are stuck until Wednesday.

  17. I guess the Eagles game is postponed until Tuesday.

  18. meatball says:

    About 10 inches now and the wind has picked up. I can’t see my mailbox that is only 100 feet away. My neighbor plowed the road, but drifting snow has already recovered it. I can’t believe I’m off tonight, I guess G_D must not have looked at my schedule.

    Time to go walk the dog, I’ll report back later. Should be pretty neat.

  19. Dirty Girl says:

    @meatball – we’re right down the road from ya – with a really big snowblower….a 2 4-wheel-drives – ya need something reach out!!

  20. Mark H says:

    “Has anyone else tried this new Kinect magic”

    Pandora, at the risk of sounding ridiculous 🙂 I’ll go on record that within the next 5 years (3 if you want to get the Kinect to play well with Linux, which has kind of happened already) something like Kinect is how you are going to interact with your computer, TV etc. For a 1.0 version of the product (which to me is still more of a proof of concept device), Microsoft knocked this one out of the park. Imagine what you could do with better cameras and hardware. Retinal Scans before your TV turns on? You’ve been naughty so your parents lock you out of TV watching?

  21. I think Kinect sounds really exciting. I hope pandora will let me come over to play with it. 😉

  22. anon says:

    something like Kinect is how you are going to interact with your computer, TV etc

    Not me… not unless the code is open-sourced and scrubbed of unwanted data collection and phone-home connections.

    Microsoft exec to a group of investors:

    And over time that will help us be more targeted about what content choices we present, what advertising we present, how we get better feedback. And data about how many people are in a room when an advertisement is shown, how many people are in a room when a game is being played, how are those people engaged with the game? How are they engaged with a sporting event? Are they standing up? Are they excited? Are they wearing Seahawks jerseys?

    If you liked the Upper Merion spying scandal, and you enjoy airport TSA inspections – you will LOVE Kinect.

  23. anon says:

    Lower Merion

    Just what I want – a Microsoft-connected camera in my living room.

  24. pandora says:

    Through the ages all new technology was called the devil’s tools by some. Can the technology with Kinect be abused? Yes. Can the internet be abused? Yes? Cellphones? Yes. DNA testing? Yes. Pharmaceuticals? Yes.

    We can’t stop progress. We can address the potential problems and try to deal with them.

    The technology with Kinect amazes me. I wasn’t exaggerating when I compared it to the Starship Enterprise.

    And yes, UI, you are invited over to play! It rocks!

  25. nemski says:

    Devil’s tools.

  26. pandora says:

    I can see you smiling, nemski!

  27. meatball says:

    Thanks dirty girl, thats so nice of you. I’ve already dug my bride’s car out and it is easy going so far. I’d have taken you up on that offer if it was as bad as last year’s snowpocalypse, though.

    Hard to say with the drifts, but it doesn’t look like much more than 10 inches.

  28. Joanne Christian says:

    You can’t see the mailbox, because my daughter knocked it down, on her way to “parking” between 2 trees. Great way to meet the neighbors moving in this week.