Tea Party Talks of Primarying Scott Brown

Filed in National by on December 27, 2010

As crazed as the fringe left are for talking about primarying President Obama, the Tea Baggers show a bit more crazy as they are thinking about mounting a primary challenge against Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA). Remember that Brown was the Tea Party’s first poster boy back in 2009 and 2010. Ah, but when you show an independent streak that doesn’t toe the company line, then you are out of favor.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Melissa says:

    Ah, the irony. They gloated about electing an independent thinker, now they’re upset that he thinks independently on occasion.

  2. Al Pearis says:

    This shows that they have no coherant message. Just knee jerk reactions. If they choose a candidate like Crazy Christine, what they will end up with is a Democratic Senator. So Primary please.

  3. Bill Humphrey says:

    I did a bunch of analysis on this, as a recent ex-constituent, here: http://www.starboardbroadside.com/2010/12/it-is-massachusetts-after-all.html

    It’s especially ironic considering how he went from potential presidential contender to pariah in the minds of the non-Mass Tea Partiers in under a year. The actual Massachusetts Tea Parties are mostly resigned to the fact that he’ll vote against them sometimes if he hopes to get elected.

    I’m most frustrated by his continuing popularity among Independents and even some Dems, which is totally unwarranted. He’s actually more popular than John Kerry now (which I guess might not be that hard, but Kerry’s actually still pretty popular too).