Archive for December, 2010

The GOP Horserace for 2012

Filed in National by on December 21, 2010 28 Comments
The GOP Horserace for 2012

It seems we’ve got a case of Republican Musical Chairs. Who will be left sitting, so to speak, in 2012?

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State Budge Cuts Looming

Filed in National by on December 21, 2010 8 Comments
State Budge Cuts Looming

Delaware’s budget process begins in earnest as forecast numbers were released yesterday.

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“Conservative” Jesus

Filed in National by on December 21, 2010 10 Comments
“Conservative” Jesus

I’m not surprised by this article, since many conservatives politicize Jesus.  Instead of modeling their lives after Jesus, they model Jesus after their lives.   Very convenient.  They’ve reduced their religion to taking sides at a sporting event. He helped the poor without one government program. He healed the sick without a government health care system. […]

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Virginia is for Haters – UPDATED

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010 3 Comments

Ardent homophobe, Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall (Neanderthal-Manassas) is so pissed off about the repeal of DADT that he is planning to introduce his a ban on any “active homosexuals” from serving in the Virginia National Guard. Delegate Robert G. Marshall said the Constitution reserves states with the authority to do so and that he’ll introduce […]

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New Republican Theme Song: Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Filed in International, National by on December 20, 2010 29 Comments
New Republican Theme Song:  Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Since this bill had nothing to do with abortion let’s just call it what it is:  Republicans are okay with young girls being forced into marriage.  Sorry, if that sounds harsh, but that’s what their vote says. Via Steve Benen: FAILING TO PROTECT GIRLS FROM CHILD MARRIAGE…. As Jodi Jacobson explained the other day, “An […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010 40 Comments

The Monday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Markell Gives Insurance Deal Lowmarks

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010 4 Comments
Markell Gives Insurance Deal Lowmarks

The world is obviously coming to an end as I find myself in agreement with Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart.

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Call The Wahmbulance

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010 3 Comments
Call The Wahmbulance

Lindsey Graham said the Democrats are using the lame duck session to make Republicans look bad.

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Biden Interviewed on Meet the Press

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010 2 Comments
Biden Interviewed on Meet the Press

Vice President Joe Biden goes on “Meet the Press” to talk about the last few weeks in politics.

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Up The River

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010 4 Comments

The dredging of the Delaware River will go forward. What is Delaware going to do?

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McCainology: From Hero to Zero

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010 10 Comments
McCainology: From Hero to Zero

Watch how John McCain goes from the American hero of the Hanoi Hilton to a Rip Torn caricature who stands in his bath robe on his front lawn waving a shotgun at passerbys as he rants incoherently.

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Broken Clocks and Dumb Luck

Filed in National by on December 19, 2010 9 Comments
Broken Clocks and Dumb Luck

The world has turned upside down as I find myself agreeing with Sarah Palin.

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Nuthin’ But a Slavery Thang

Filed in National by on December 19, 2010 22 Comments
Nuthin’ But a Slavery Thang

I’ve got 99 problems, but arguing about the cause of the Civil War ain’t one.

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