New Year’s Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 1, 2011

Happy New Years’ Day! Welcome to your open thread. This year is turned up to 11! Yeehaw! It’s going to be a year of 1s. Today is 1/1/11, then we have 1/11/11 and 11/11/11.

Whenever the year changes, there are a lot of best-of and worst-of lists. TPM has their “Golden Dukes” awards and our gal Christine lost out to Ginny Thomas in the “Meritorious Achievement in the Crazy.” Another amusing category was for “Most Over-The-Top Campaign Ad.” Carly Fiorina’s “Demon Sheep” ad won by a landslide. Interesting factoid, the same guy who made this commercial made Christine O’Donnell’s “I’m not a witch” commercial.

Barbara Morrill at Daily Kos also had a post on the year’s goofiest political ads. It features some of our favorites – John McCain’s “Build the Danged Fence,” and the guy talking to the founders in his basement – Rick Barber “Gather Your Armies.”

Chris Christie is an ass. He doesn’t like being criticized for his indifferent response to the snowstorm. It’s not his fault according to him.

Yesterday morning, Christie made it back home. Aware of the criticism, the governor started blaming everyone else upon his return. (via Atrios)

When asked about the hundreds of people trapped in their homes for days, Christie said unless they lived on state roads, it’s not something his administration would have been able to change.

“If someone is snowed into their house, that’s not our responsibility,” Christie said.

When asked about mayors who said they were forced to divert their resources to unplowed state roads instead of clearing local roads Christie said, “I know who these mayors are and they should buck up and take responsibility for the fact that they didn’t do their job.”

One wonders if Christie thinks he did his job.

Asked about the timing of his trip, the governor added, “My first and most important responsibility, in my view, is as a husband and a father.”

What about all those public workers who think their families are there most important priority? Were they allowed to not come to work during the emergency?

Here’s a good read from a Star Ledger columnist “Chris Christie commits political suicide.”


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. 2011 is a prime year. 2011 is a prime number which is the sum of 11 consecutive prime numbers. 2011 = 157 + 163 + 167 + 173 + 179 + 181 + 191 + 193 + 197 + 199 + 211

  2. Auntie Dem says:

    The definition of eternity is three people and a ham. So there’s ham salad, ham & split pea soup, and some ham slices to have with eggs tomorrow. Eventually it will all go away. But I fear we will be very tired of eating ham before that happens.

    Happy New Year Everyone!

  3. jpconnorjr says:

    Here is particularly crude excerpt from curley’s posting:
    “The only reason (liberals) denounce child molestation cases in churches is to destroy faith. Otherwise the lefties, you can surely bet, approve of the sordid behavior. The day will come when they insist we aren’t to be “judgmental” about bestiality and polygamy and the raping of children.”

  4. Joe Cass says:

    The only reason liberals keep an eye on Colley is because he is most likely a pedophile and a partner of Bradley. Its a sad state of affairs when radio hosts who speak so un-Christ like and prefer to not associate with Catholics find solidarity with child raping preists. Its only a matter of time, Bill from Buffalo!

  5. anon says:

    Obama will deliver the SOTU on Groundhog Day. Perfect.