Kucinich: GOP Might Give Life to Public Option

Filed in National by on January 2, 2011

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) said on Fox News that if the Republicans try to dismantle the healthcare legislation passed in the last Congress they may “paradoxically be creating the opening to push single-payer forward again”.

If you demolish the new bill and we go back to square one, you still have 50 million who don’t have any coverage, then what’s the option if you can’t have the government, say, by private insurance, which — believe me, as someone would has fought that system I understand that — then the only other option is to say what other industrialized democracies say, healthcare is a basic right, we’ve got to provide for everyone, we’ll have a single-payer system.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. John H Kennedy says:

    Dennis Kucinich must run for President.
    As Kucinich is a reliable Liberal Democrat, the contrast on issues between he and Obama would be stark.

    The Democratic Party MUST HAVE a national debate as to what it really stands for (if anything).

    Rank and file Democrats need to hear our next Presidential Candidates PLEDGE to defend our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Rule of Law, AND pledge to fight for the issues in our State Democratic Party Platforms.

    WHY would we work to elect a candidate who Ignores us but caters to Corporations and the rich.